I: Mandates, Mission and Vision, Mission, Vision and Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno(Chabacano Version) and List of officials
II: Annual Financial Reports
- FAR No. 1 – SAAOBDB (Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances as of December YEAR)
- Summary Report on Disbursement
- BAR NO. 1 – Quarterly Physical Report of Operations/Physical Plan
- FAR No. 5 – Quarterly Report of Revenue and Other Receipts
- Financial Plan (Detailed Statement of Current Year’s Obligations, Disbursements and Unpaid Obligations)
- BED No. 1 – Financial Plan
III: Agency Approved Budgets and Targets
IV: Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries and Status of Implementation for FY 2023 (Not Applicable)
V: Annual Procurement Plan
- 2024
- FY 2024 APP CSE
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- APP 2019 (Non-CSE)
- Indicative APP 2020 (Non-CSE)
- Indicative APP 2019
- Indicative APP 2019 CSE
- APP 2019 CSE
- APP 2020 CSE
- APCPI 2018
- Certificate of Compliance of Early Procurement Activities FY 2020
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
VI: ISO 9001:2015 – Aligned WMSU QMS
VII: System of Ranking Delivery Units
- System of Ranking Delivery Units 2019
- System of Ranking Delivery Units 2020
- System of Ranking Delivery Units 2021
- System of Ranking Delivery Units 2022
VIII: RCC Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statement and Financial Disclosure
- Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of SALN Part 1
- Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of SALN Part 2
- SALN Review and Compliance Committee
IX: WMSU Freedom of Information Manual
X: Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) COC
Bids and Awards Archives
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR 25-02-073 Procurement of Various Supplies and Equipment for the Office of the VP RESEL
- PR 25-02-087 Procurement of Garbage Truck Rental for the Administration of the University
- PR 25-01-011 Rebid Procurement of Professional Audio Amplifier for the Administration of the University (Rebid)
- PR 25-02-071 Procurement of Advocacy Shirt for the Gender Research & Resource Center
- PR 25-01-033 Rebid Procurement of Garden Hose Chemical Hose
- PR 25-02-070 Procurement of Portable Speaker
- PR 25-01-022 Rebid Procurement of Printing of Calendar year 2025
- PR 25-02-051 Procurement of Various Ammunition and Gun Belt with Holster for the Administration
- PR 25-01-031 Procurement of Various Chemical Products for the ESU-Diplahan Campus
- PR 25-01-045 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the Office of VP Resel
- PR 25-01-049 Procurement of Tires for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 25-02-061 Procurement of Various Battery for the University Vehicles for the general Services Office (GSO)
- PR 25-01-043 Procurement of Various Office Furniture for the University
- PR 25-01-018 Rebid Procurement of NIKON BATTERY EN-EL 14a
- PR 25-01-024 Rebid Procurement of Various Printing Supplies and Materials for the University Press
- PR 25-01-035 Procurement of Various IT Devices and Supplies
- PR 25-01-033 Procurement of Various Agricultural Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR 25-02-055 Procurement of Polo Shirt and Tarpaulin for the AREC (COE)
- PR 25-01-044 Procurement of Diploma Jacket and Various Medals for the ILS High School Department of the University
- PR 25-01-020 Procurement of Microsoft Office 365 License for the MISTO of the UNiversity
- PR 25-01-040 Procurement of Various Toners and Copier Kits for the Various Colleges of the University
- PR 25-02-053 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the AREC of the University
- PR 25-02-066 Rental of LED Wall (Indoor) and Sound System for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 25-01-021 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the Office of the President (OP)
- PR 25-01-038 Procurement of Various Equopment for the General Services Office (GSO)
- PR 25-01-028 Procurement Various Air-Conditioning Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR 25-01-027 Procurement of Monobloc Chairs for the College of Liberal Arts (CLA)
- PR 25-01-013 Rebid Procurement of Various Vehicle Parts for the Repair of the Mitsubishi Lancer with Plate No. SJF-301
- PR 25-01-026 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the WESMMAARRDEC
- PR 25-01-025 Procurement of Food and Venue for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 25-01-014 Procurement of Various Printing Supplies and Materials for the UPRESS
- PR 25-01-022 Procurement of Printing of Calendar year 2025
- PR 25-01-018 Procurement of NIKON BATTERY EN-EL 14a
- PR 25-01-023 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 25-01-016 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the General Services Office
- PR 25-01-024 Procurement of Various Printing Supplies and Materials for the University Press
- PR 25-01-005 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the Registrar's Office of the University
- PR 25-01-012 Procurement of Various Air Conditioning Materials for the Social Hall of College of Teacher Education (CTE)
- PR 25-01-041 Procurement of Catering Services for the DOST-PCAARD
- PR 25-01-013 Procurement of Various Vehicle Parts for the Repair of the Mitsubishi Lancer with Plate No. SJF-301
- PR 25-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for ESU-Alicia Campus of the University
- PR 25-01-011 Procurement of Professional Audio Amplifier for the Administration of the University
- PR 25-01-009 Procurement of Food and venue for the College of Law (CLAW) Testimonial Dinner of the University
- PR 25-01-006 Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the LDRC Office of the University
- None
Public Bidding
- PR 24-11-575 INF (Rebid) Construction of School Building Component for the Increase in Carrying Capacity of the College of Medicine (Rebid)
- Philippine Bidding Documents - PR 24-11-575 INF (Rebid) Construction of School Building Component for the Increase in Carrying Capacity of the College of Medicine (Rebid)
- Working Drawings - PR 24-11-575 INF (Rebid) Construction of School Building Component for the Increase in Carrying Capacity of the College of Medicine (Rebid)
- PR 25-01-047 Procurement of Various Medical and Laboratory Supplies and Instruments for the University
- PR 25-01-047 Procurement of Various Medical and Laboratory Supplies and Instruments for the University
- PR 25-01-046 Procurement of Various Medicines for the University Health Services
- PR 25-01-046 Procurement of Various Medicines for the University Health Services
- PR 25-01-019 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of 2 Circuit 200-250 mbps lease line with 50 Public IP Address
- Philippine Bidding Documents PR 25-01-019 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of 2 Circuit 200-250 mbps lease line with 50 Public IP Address
- Philippine Bidding Documents PR 25-01-043 Procurement of Various Office Furniture for the University
- PR 25-01-034 Procurement of Various Office Appliances for the University
- Philippine Bidding Documents PR 25-01-034 Procurement of Various Office Appliances for the University
- PR 25-01-035 Procurement of Various IT Devices and Supplies
- PR 25-01-017 Procurement of ID Sling with ID Protector for the UPRESS
- PR 25-01-017 Procurement of ID Sling with ID Protector for the UPRESS
- PR 25-01-002 Procurement of Medallion (Academic Awards) for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 25-01-008 Procurement of Fire Extinguisher for the Office of the President (UDRRMO)
- PR 25-01-001 Procurement of Diploma Jacket and Security Papers for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 25-01-003 Procurement of Various Office Equipment and Supplies for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 25-01-001 Procurement of Diploma Jacket and Security Papers for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 25-01-002 Procurement of Medallion (Academic Awards) for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 25-01-003 Procurement of Various Office Equipment and Supplies for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 25-01-008 Procurement of Fire Extinguisher for the Office of the President (UDRRMO)
Bid Bulletin:
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- None
Small Value Procurement
- PR 25-01-018 Rebid Procurement of NIKON BATTERY EN-EL 14a
- PR 25-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for ESU-Alicia Campus of the University
- PR 25-01-016 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the General Services Office
- PR 25-01-016 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the General Services Office
- PR 25-01-009 Procurement of Food and Venue for the College of Law
- None
Direct Contracting
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
- NTP & Contracts PR 24-08-382 Procurement of Various Office Equipment and Supplies for Various Office of the University
- NTP & Copntract PR 24-10-503 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Computing Studies of the University
- NTP & Contract PR 24-09-406 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Medicine
- NTP & Contract PR 24-10-516 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Indoor LED Wall Display
- NTP & Contracts PR 24-08-373 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Science and Mathematics
- NTP & PO PR 24-10-540 Procurement of LAPTOP for the University
- NTP & PO PR 24-05-262 Rebid Procurement of Dental Chair and Autoclave for the Dental Clinic of University Health Services
- PR 24-09-411 INF Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center (Rebid)
- PR 24-10-489 INF Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line (Rebid)
- NTP & Contract PR 24-06-284 Rebid Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR 24-12-581 Procurement of Various Supplies and Equipment for the RDEC/RPDU
- PR 24-12-582 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Research - RPDU
- PR 24-12-583 Procurement of Catering Services for the VPAF
- PR 24-11-571 Procruement of Food, Venue and Accomodation for the Research-RDEC of the University
- PR 24-11-566 Procurement of Various Laboraotry Supplies for the Department of Environmental Engineering
- PR 24-11-562 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Furnitures for the SERDAC
- PR 24-12-577 Procurement of IT Equipment (Network Attached Storage Enclosure)
- TWG Evaluation PR 24-09-407 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 24-11-561 Procurement of Laptop for the SERDAC
- PR 24-11-574 Procurement of Polo Shirt for the WESMMAARRDEC
- PR 24-11-564 Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the SERDAC
- PR 24-11-567 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the RESEL
- PR 24-11-568 Procurement of Tokens (Yakan Dolls)
- PR 24-11-563 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the SERDAC
- PR 24-10-530 Rebid Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and materials for the Water Refilling Station
- PR 24-08-396 Rebid Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the University
- PR 24-03-130 Procurement of LED Light Bulb and Incandescent Bulb for the Feed Fermentation Project
- PR 24-07-340 Rebid Procurement of Office Sala Set for the OCTA
- PR 24-10-535 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware and Construction Materials for the Research (BUCO-SRPPF)
- PR 24-11-558 Procurement of Distilled Water, Alcohol and paper Towel for the RDEC
- PR 24-11-576 Procurement of Food and Venue at Pagadian City
- PR 24-12-580 Procurement of AM Snacks for the RESEL-BATAS
- PR 24-11-570 Procurement of Hotel Accomodation for the QMS-ISO of the University
- PR 24-11-559 Procurement of Copper Wire for the LDRC of the University
- PR 24-10-501 Procurement of Air-conditioning Unit for the ILS-High School Department
- PR 24-11-560 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the College of Home Economics
- PR 24-12-579 Procurement of Audio & Lights Rental for the Office of the Student Affairs
- PR 24-09-469 Rebid Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies
- PR 24-03-089 Rebid Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-11-543 Procurement of Various Appliances for the for Various Office of the University
- PR 24-11-545 Procurement of Various Office and Janitorial Supplies for the Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR 24-10-527 Procurement of Plaque for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-11-575 INF Construction of School Building Component for the Increase in Carrying Capacity of the College of Medicine
- PR 24-10-509 Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-10-546 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials
- PR 24-10-538 Procurement of Tote Bag for the TEC
- PR 24-09-440 Rebid Procurement of Auido System Mixer for the Administration
- PR 24-11-554 Procurement of Catering Services for the RDEC
- PR 24-10-515 Procurement of TONER Cartridge BN-T3448
- PR 24-11-573 Procurement of Plaque and LEI for Awardees(Retirees)
- PR 24-11-548 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR 24-09-418 Procurement of Various Equipment for the RDEC-DESCD of the University
- PR 24-11-547 Procurement of Various Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- PR 24-11-555 Procurement of Sound System and led Wall Rental
- PR 24-09-402 Procurement of Various Laboratory Materials and Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics
- PR 24-08-391 Procurement of Various Photographic Equipment for the Mass Communication Department
- PR 24-11-551 Procurement of Various Supplies and Equipment for the Resel/Research of the University
- PR 24-11-557 Procurement of Hotel Accomodation for the Peace and Human Security Institute (PHSI)
- PR 24-11-549 Procurement of Various Dental Supplies and Equipment for the Dental Clinic
- PR 24-09-417 Procurement of Various Feeds for the RDEC
- PR 24-11-552 Procurement of Hydraulic Hose Assembly
- PR 24-09-433 Procurement of 4D battery with 30 bottles Solution for the GSO
- PR 24-10-523 Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-10-524 Procurement of Bamboo Poles and Bamboo Slats for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-07-340 Procurement of Office Sala Set for the OCTA
- PR 24-10-531 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Steel Roll-Up Door for the Water Refilling Station
- PR 24-10-534 Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies for the VPRG
- PR 24-10-542 Procurement of Various Books for Sibika Hub
- PR 24-08-396 Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the University
- PR 24-10-525 Procurement of LCD Projector and Voice Recorder
- PR 24-10-530 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the SPPO
- PR 24-10-526 Procurement of Various Medical Supplies and Materials for the Dental Clinic
- PR 24-10-520 Procurement Various Office Equipment for the Physical Platn and Engineering Services (PPES)
- PR 24-10-518 Procurement Various Medals for the Office of Student Affairs (OSA)
- PR 24-10-535 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware and Construction Materials for the Research (BUCO-SRPPF)
- PR 24-09-416 Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the College of Medicine
- PR 24-07-327 Procurement of Various IT Supplies for the MISTO
- PR 24-07-335 Procurement Various IT Devices for the Supply Office of the University
- PR 24-10-529 Procurement of Hotel Accomodation for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-11-550 Procurement of Audio & Lights Rental
- PR 24-10-532 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-10-533 Procurement of Hotel Accomodation
- PR 24-10-508 Procurement of Various Chemicals for the CSM
- PR 24-10-504 Procurement of Various Medical Supplies
- PR 24-10-517 Procurement of Various Furniture for the University
- PR 24-10-477 Procurement of LED Wall and Sound Rental (Outdoor) for Opening Program of WMSU Palaro
- PR 24-10-513 Procurement of Stage 20 x 20 ft for the WMSU Palaro
- PR 24-10-514 Procurement of Hotel Accomodation for the External Auditors of QMS ISO of the University
- PR 24-10-507 Procurement of Various Agricultural Feeds and Supplies for the College of Agriculture
- PR 24-10-512 Procurement of Network Attached Storage Hard Disk for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-10-510 Procurement of Various Modern Venetian Blinds including Delivery and Installation for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE)
- PR 24-10-506 Procurement of Folding Tables and Monobloc Chairs for the College of Nursing (CN)
- PR 24-10-480 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RPDU
- PR 24-10-481 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the ATBI Project of the University
- PR 24-10-491 Supply and Delivery of Molded Case Circuit Breaker for the PPES
- PR 24-10-492 Procurement of Long Sleeve Shirts for the RDEC of the University
- PR 24-10-493 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Institutional Research Projects of the University
- PR 24-10-497 Procurement of Microwave Oven for the WESMAARDEC of the University
- PR 24-10-496 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Research-RPDU of the UNiversity
- PR 24-10-484 Procurement of Plaque Gong and Mascota Dolls
- PR 24-10-494 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the University Press
- PR 24-09-399 Procurement of Hotel Accomcodation for the ZambaSulta Forum of the University
- PR 24-10-479 Procurement of Various IT Devices for the RPDU/CSM of the University
- PR 24-09-457 Procurement of Various IT Devices for the RESEL-EXTENSION of the University
- PR 24-08-368 Procurement of Various IT Supplies and Devices for the RESEL-REOC
- PR 24-10-498 Procurement of Various Medications for the University Health Services Center (UHSC)
- PR 24-10-473 Procurement of DSLR Camera and Printers for the CCE of the University
- PR 24-09-462 Procurement of Various Furniture and Equipment for the University Health Services
- PR 24-10-470 Procurement of Various Fire-Fighting Supplies for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services
- PR 24-10-472 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials
- PR 24-10-471 Procurement of One (1) Year Internet Subscription for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-10-478 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the WMSU palaro Secretariat
- PR 24-10-476 Procurement of Palaro Shirt for the CSSPE of the University
- PR 24-10-475 Procurement of Athletic Medal and Trophies for the CSSPE of the University
- PR 24-09-459 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the RPDU
- PR 24-09-440 Procurement of Auido System Mixer and XLR Connector
- PR 24-09-469 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PPES
- PR 24-10-490 Procurement of Various Tarpaulin for the WMSU Palaro
- PR 24-10-482 Procurement of Various Sports Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the WMSU Palaro of the University
- PR 24-09-456 Supply and Delivery of Emergency light abd Wall Mounted KED Emergency Exit Sign for the PPES
- PR 24-09-429 Procurement of Various Supplies and MAterials for the ATBI of the University
- PR 24-09-432 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken
- PR 24-08-398 Procurement of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Materials for the RPDU
- PR 24-09-445 Fabrication of Plasticizer Machine and Plastic Shredder for the RPDU of the University
- PR 24-07-349 Procurement of Wall Mounted Split Type Air Conditioner for the SERDAC
- PR 24-03-151 Rebid Procurement of Various Equipment for the RPDU of the University
- PR 24-09-413 Procurement of Speaker System for the RESEL
- PR 24-09-423 Procurement of Atuomotive Battery of the College of Agriculture
- PR 24-08-384 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the College of Home Economics
- PR 24-07-342 Rebid Procurement of Various Supplies for the Water Refilling Station
- PR 24-07-332 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the VP RESEL
- PR 24-09-409 Procurement of Subscription of Microsoft 365 Family for the Office of the Vice President for Research
- PR 24-09-437 Procurement of Venue Rental for the CCE
- PR 24-08-394 Procurement of LAPTOP for the College of Agriculture - AGRI BUSINESS HUB
- PR 24-08-390 Procurement of Desktop Computers and External Hard Drive for the College of Liberal Arts
- PR 24-09-400 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the Centro De Estudio (CDEM)
- PR 24-09-401 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Centro De Estudio Mindanao
- PR 24-09-430 Procurement of Hardware Supplies for the College of Home Economics (CHE)
- PR 24-09-438 Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the General Services Office(GSO)
- PR 24-09-414 Procurement of Siphoning/Cleaning of Septic Tank for ILS-High School New BUilding
- PR 24-09-404 Procurement of Hotel Accomodation in Manila for the University Board Secretary
- PR 24-09-434 Procurement of Audio and Lights Rental
- PR 24-09-428 Procurement of Van Rental for the RDEC - ATBI of the University
- PR 24-08-397 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RESEL-ITSO
- PR 24-08-376 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the RPDU of the University
- PR 24-06-266 Procurement of Various IT and Office Equipment for the RESEL of the University
- PR 24-07-333 Procurement of Various IT and Office Equipment for the RESEL of the University
- PR 24-07-354 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the RPDU of the University
- PR 24-08-366 Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the RPDU
- PR 24-08-367 Procurement of Various Electronic Materials for the RPDU of the University
- PR 24-08-358 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Combi Korean Blinds for the College of Law
- PR 24-09-403 Procurement of Tokens for the Office of the President
- PR 24-05-249 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the RPDU
- PR 24-08-380 Procurement of AC Auxilliary Fan for the Motorpool
- PR 24-03-088 Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-03-090 Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-08-379 Procurement of Led Wall, Audio and Lights Rental for the CSSPE of the University
- PR 24-08-377 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Doors and other Analok Accesories for the PPES of the Univesity
- PR 24-08-378 Procurement of Plaque of Recognition and Commendation for the Office of the President
- PR 24-08-363 Procurement of Subscription to High-Speed Internet for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-08-374 Procurment of Catering Services for the CCE of the University
- PR 24-08-360 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Glass and Aluminum Frame/Jamb of Doors and Windows for the College of Law
- PR 24-08-337 Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the CCJE
- PR 24-03-151 Procurement of Various Equipment for the RPDU of the University
- PR 24-08-372 Procurement of Tires for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-08-364 Procurement of Executive Office Tables and Chair for the CLA of the University
- PR 24-08-365 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the CLA of the University
- PR 24-08-359 Procurement of Various Office Furnitures for the College of Law of the University
- PR 24-08-371 Procurement of Acrylic Lighting Led Word Sign for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-08-369 Procurement of Polo Shirt and Tote Bag for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-08-370 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-07-352 Procurement of Jacket, Jogger, Shirt, Sando and Short for the MASTS Games of the University
- PR 24-08-361 Procurement of Blazer/Coat, Pants and Sublimation Shirt for the OCTA of the University
- PR 24-07-343 Procurement of Visitor's Chair and Emergency Light for the OCTA
- PR 24-03-140 Rebid Procurement of Various Equipment for the Agriculture Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 24-07-350 Procurement of Desktop Computer, Printer and Smart TV for the Office of the Student Affairs
- PR 24-07-345 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the TEC of the University
- PR 24-07-355 Procurement of Laptop for the SERDAC of the University
- PR 24-03-139 Procurement of Upraight Three Glass Door Chillers and Stainless Steel Upright Freezer for the Zampen Natice Chicken
- PR 24-04-166 Procurement of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the RDEC of the University
- PR 24-07-313 Rebid Procurement of Money Detector for the Cashier of the University
- PR 24-05-245 Procurement of Various Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics
- PR 24-07-346 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Testing and Evaluation Center of the University
- PR 24-07-344 Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the office of the President (SPPO)
- PR 24-07-351 Procurement of Van Rental for the MASTS 2024
- PR 24-07-339 Procurement of Printer for the RICME of the University
- PR 24-07-347 Procurement of Toner 85A for the University Board Secretary
- PR 24-08-362 Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the Rehabilitation of Canteen Drainage and Waste System
- PR 24-07-336 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Social Work and Community Development of this University
- PR 24-07-331 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Extension Services (Sibika Hub)
- PR 24-07-341 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the University Press
- PR 24-07-338 Procurement of Book Paper for the University Press
- PR 24-03-089 Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-07-321 Procurement of T-Shirt (Sublimation) for the PHSI
- PR 24-07-323 Procurement of Various Plumbing Supplies for the Re-piping of the CSM
- PR 24-07-342 Procurement of Various Supplies for the Water Refilling Station
- PR 24-07-334 Procurement of Push Cart and Hand Pallet Truck for the Supply Office
- PR 24-06-284 Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-03-141 Procurement of Various Agricultural Supplies and Equipment
- PR 24-01-050 Rebid Procurement of Various Drugs and Medicine for the University Health Services
- PR 24-06-318 Procurement of Plaque and Tokens for the Loyalty Award 2024
- PR 24-06-315 Procurement of Various Materials for the Relocation of airconditioning Units at Social Hall
- PR 24-06-293 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for RDMIS Database
- PR 24-07-329 Procurement of Various Common Supplies for the DESCD Financial Literacy Landbank Foundation Project
- PR 24-03-107 Rebid Procurement of Laptop for the University
- PR 24-07-314 Procurement of Chest Freezer
- PR 24-06-312 Procurement of 3 in 1 Printer for the University
- PR 24-07-313 Procurement of Money Detector for the Cashier of the University
- PR 24-07-319 Procurement of AC Auxilliary Fan for the Motorpool
- PR 24-07-325 Procurement of Starter for the Motorpool
- PR 24-07-320 Procurement of Catering Services for the RESEL-Research RICME
- PR 24-07-330 Procurement of Room Accomodation for the Training on Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence on July 26, 2024
- PR 24-07-306 Procurement of Van Rental for the RESEL-Research RICME
- PR 24-04-183 Procurement of Various Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- PR 24-06-286 Procurement of Laptop for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 24-04-180 Procurement of Various Appliances for the Auxilliary (Food Service Center)
- PR 24-03-140 Procurement of Various Equipment for the Agriculture Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 24-05-229 Procurement of Oxygen Tank for the Feed Fermentation Project of this University
- PR 24-06-296 Procurement of Various Costume for the OCTA of the University
- PR 24-06-299 Procurement of Automotive Battery for the PPES
- PR 24-06-308 Procurement of Various Subscription for Journals for the University Library
- PR 24-06-285 Procurement of External Hard Drive for the RPDU
- PR 24-05-228 Procurement of Assessment to ISO 9001:2015 for the QMS-ISO of the University
- PR 24-06-287 Rebid Procurement of Acrylic Medal for the University
- PR 24-06-292 Procurement of Book Paper for the UPRESS
- Procurement of Procurement of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the ZAMPEN Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-115 Rebid Procurement of Various Materials for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-06-281 Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies for the PPES of the University
- PR 24-06-280 Procurement of Hardware Supplies for the PPES of the UNiversity
- PR 24-06-278 Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the University Health Services
- PR 24-07-317 Procurement of Van Rental for the University
- PR 24-06-294 Procurement of One (1) set of Starter 4JJ1 Isuzu Alterra
- PR 24-06-291 Procurement of Various Tokens for the SUC Fair
- PR 24-06-301 Procurement of Various of Acrylic Plaque for the COLLEGE OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- PR 24-06-297 Procurement of Various Tote bags, Shirts and ID with Larnyard for the COLLEGE OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- PR 24-06-298 Procurement of Room Accomodation for the COLLEGE OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- PR 24-07-310 Procurement of LED Wall Rental for the COLLEGE OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- PR 24-06-303 Procurement of Catering Services & Food and Venue for COLLEGE OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- PR 24-06-302 Procurement of Various Tokens for COLLEGE OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- PR 24-06-307 Procurement of Various Tarpaulin for COLLEGE OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- PR 24-06-269 Procurement of Gate Pass Sticker for the Administration of the University
- PR 24-06-279 Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies for the PPES of the University
- PR 24-06-270 Procurement of Water Refilling Equipment for the Resource Generation of this University
- PR 24-06-277 Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-03-148 Rebid Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-06-263 Procurement of AC Auxiliary Fan for the Motorpool of this University
- PR 24-06-267 Procurement of Common Supplies for RESEL of this University
- PR 24-06-272 Procurement of Fine Sand for the PPES of this University
- PR 24-06-273 Procurement of Construction Materials for the Concrete Steps Office of the VPAA of this University
- PR 24-03-143 Rebid Procurement of Equipment for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of HALAL Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-04-201 Rebid Procurement of Office Equipment for Registrar of the University
- PR 24-06-271 Procurement of Table Top PH Meter for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 24-06-288 Procurement of Rental of High Quality Octanorm System Built Booth and Other Supplies for the SUC Fair 2024 of the University
- PR 24-06-289 Procurement of Foldable Wooden Artist Easel for the SUC Fair 2024 of the University
- PR 24-03-125 Rebid Procurement of Laptop and Network Attached Storage for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-05-233 Procurement of Agricultural Supplies for the College of Agriculture of this University
- PR 24-06-274 Procurement of Polo Shirt and Tote Bag for WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-06-287 Procurement of Acrylic Medal for WMSU Summer Recreational Program Recital of the University
- PR 24-06-290 Procurement of Sounds and Lights Rental for WMSU Summer Recreational Program Recital of the University
- PR 24-05-260 Procurement of Coarse Sand, Fine Sand and Gravel for the Renovation of Construction Materials Storage Facility
- PR 24-05-264 Procurement of Paper Shredder Machine for the for the College of Nursing for this University
- PR 24-05-268 Procurement of Construction and Electrical Materials for the Repair and Renovation of LDRC
- PR 24-05-240 Procurement of Medical Supplies for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-05-259 Procurement of Construction Materials for the Renovation of Construction Materials Storage Facility
- PR 24-01-050 Rebid Procurement of Various Medicines for the Health Services of the University
- PR 24-05-247 Procurement of Various Tokens for the ROTC of the University
- PR 24-05-247 Procurement of Various Tokens
- PR 24-05-265 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation in Zamboanga City for the conduct of ROTC Games 2024
- PR 24-05-256 Procurement of Various LED Wall Rental, Audio and Lights Rental, and Stage for the conduct of ROTC Games 2024
- PR 24-05-235 Procurement of Office Furniture for SERDAC of this University
- PR 24-05-254 Procurement of Tarpaulin Printing for the conduct of ROTC Games 2024
- PR 24-05-255 Procurement of Polo Shirts for the conduct of ROTC Games 2024
- PR 24-05-229 Procurement of Oxygen Tank for the Feed Fermentation Project of this University
- PR 24-05-230 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the Auxiliary (IGP) of this University
- PR 24-05-232 Procurement of Broiler Chicks for the College of Agriculture of this University
- PR 24-05-236 Procurement of IT Parts for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-03-142 Rebid Procurement of Equipment for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of HALAL Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-03-146 Rebid Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-04-185 Rebid Procurement of Office Furniture and Equipment for OCTA of the University
- PR 24-04-195 Procurement of Printer and UPS for the Records and Archives Office of the University
- PR 24-05-252 Procurement of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation in Zamboanga City for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-04-174 Rebid Procurement of Water Pump with Tank for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-091 Procurement of Various Ammunition for the Security Services of the University
- PR 24-04-195 Rebid Procurement of UPS for the Records and Archives Office of the University
- PR 24-03-108 Procurement of Construction Supplies for the Project Improvement of SERDAC for the University
- PR 24-05-246 Procurement of Vehicle Parts for the University
- PR 24-05-250 Procurement of Sound System for the conduct of the Workshop to Publishing for Free in ISI, Scopus – Indexed, and ACI Journals for this University
- PR 24-05-251 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the conduct of the Workshop to Publishing for Free in ISI, Scopus – Indexed, and ACI Journals for this University
- PR 24-03-097 Rebid Procurement of Cutter Plotter for the Office of the Vice President for Resource Generation of the University
- PR 24-04-169 Rebid Procurement of Fine Sand for the Office of the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-04-174 Rebid Procurement of Water Tank with Pump for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-104 Procurement of Conference Table for SERDAC of the University
- PR 24-04-167 Procurement of Laptop for RDEC of the University
- PR 24-05-215 Procurement of Various IT Supplies for the PAO of this University
- PR 24-05-222 Procurement of 3 in 1 Multifunction Printer for DOST PCAARRD RAISE 3 P3 Regional – ATBI of this University
- PR 24-04-173 Rebid Procurement of Digital and Non – Digital Weighing Scale for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-177 Rebid Procurement of Hollow Blocks for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-136 Procurement of Signage’s for the University
- PR 24-05-225 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the PHSI of the University
- PR 24-05-224 Procurement of Room Accommodation in Metro Manila for the conduct of 72nd Special Board Meeting on June 3, 2024 for the University Board Secretary
- PR 24-05-234 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the conduct of Joint MSVG & Roadshow of the PHSI of the University
- PR 24-02-061 Procurement of Drone with Remote Controller for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-148 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-03-142 Procurement of Equipment for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of HALAL Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-03-143 Procurement of Equipment for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of HALAL Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-01-026 Procurement of Office Equipment for General Service Office of the University
- PR 24-01-050 Procurement of Various Medicines for the Health Services of the University
- PR 24-04-189 The Western Mindanao State University, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), is inviting PhilGEPS registered suppliers to apply for eligibility and to submit bids for the item mentioned hereunder:
- PR 24-03-069 Procurement of Various Books for the ESU and Main Library of the University
- PR 24-04-201 Procurement of Office Equipment for Registrar of the University
- PR 24-04-164 Procurement of Various Office Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the RDEC Office of the University
- PR 24-02-062 Procurement of Smart TV for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-144 Procurement of Office Furniture for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of Halal Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-03-158 Procurement of Office Table and Testing Table for Guidance and Counseling Center Training and Office of the University
- PR 24-04-185 Procurement of Office Furniture and Equipment for OCTA of the University
- PR 24-04-188 Procurement of Office Equipment for OCTA of the University
- PR 24-04-200 Procurement of Tokens for the Participant of the Feasibility Survey on the Offering of Master of Arts in Education Program through WMSU Distance Education of the University
- PR 24-05-216 Procurement of Office Equipment for Research Innovation Center for Metals and Engineering of the University
- PR 24-05-217 Procurement of Air Conditioning Unit for Research Innovation Center for Metals and Engineering of the University
- PR 24-03-083 Procurement of Multi – Purpose UV DTF Printer for the University Press
- PR 24-03-083 Procurement of Multi – Purpose UV DTF Printer for the University Press
- PR 24-03-159 Procurement of Floor Mounted Aircondition Unit for the Museum of the University
- PR 24-03-125 Procurement of Laptop and Network Attached Storage for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-150 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the RPDU of the University
- PR 24-04-168 Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-04-169 Procurement of Fine Sand for the office of the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-03-149 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 24-04-184 Procurement of Office Blackout Curtain for the OCTA of the University
- PR 24-05-214 Procurement of Toner for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 24-03-146 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-03-147 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-04-187 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Research Project of Environmental Engineering of the University
- PR 24-04-195 Procurement of Printer and UPS for the Records and Archives Office of the University
- PR 24-04-208 Procurement of Food and Venue in Zamboanga City for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-119 Procurement of Various Agricultural Supplies, Materials and Animal Feeds for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-157 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR 24-04-175 Procurement of Generator Set for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-176 Procurement of Coco Lumber, Bamboo Poles and Slats for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-01-022 Rebid Procurement of Document Scanner for the Accounting Section of the University
- PR 24-03-097 Procurement of Cutter Plotter for the Office of the Vice President for Resource Generation of the University
- PR 24-03-107 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 24-04-198 Procurement of Automotive Battery for the General Services Office (Motorpool) of the University
- PR 24-04-174 Procurement of Water Tank with Pump for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-05-221 Procurement of Van Rental Service for the RICME of the University
- PR 24-04-165 Procurement of Water Pump for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-04-191 Procurement of Grand Chorale Costume for the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 24-03-097 Procurement of Cutter Plotter for the Office of the Vice President for Resource Generation of the University
- PR 24-04-170 Procurement of S4S Mahogany for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-04-186 Procurement of Van Rental for the Research Development and Evaluation Center (RDEC) of the University
- PR 24-04-206 Procurement of Catering Services for the Research Development and Evaluation Center (RDEC) of the University
- PR 24-04-213 Procurement of Plaque Gong for the Office of the President of the University
- PR 24-03-105 Rebid Procurement of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-03-120 Procurement of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-172 Procurement of Coco Dregs for the Feed Fermentation Project of the University
- PR 24-04-177 Procurement of Hollow Blocks, Coarse Sand and Gravel for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-179 Procurement of Detergent Soap, Fabric Conditioner and Sando Bag for the Garment Shop of the University
- PR 24-04-182 Procurement of Coco Lumber and Bamboo Poles for the Feed Fermentation Project of the University
- PR 24-04-171 Procurement of Coco Dregs for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-190 Procurement of Yakan Treasure Chest for the Office of the President of the University
- PR 24-04-173 Procurement of Digital and Non – Digital Weighing Scale for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-110 Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Public Affairs Office (PAO) and MassCom of the University
- PR 24-01-022 Procurement of Document Scanner for the Accounting Section of the University
- Php 24-04-193 Procurement of SOUND SYSTEM AND LED WALL RENTAL for the Office of the President
- PR 24-03-155 Procurement of Various Air conditioner Spare parts for the Aircon Repair of Gymnasium of the University
- PR 24-04-162 Procurement of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the Repainting of Gymnasium for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-01-022 Procurement of Document Scanner for the Accounting Section of the University
- PR 24-02-056 Procurement of Fiber Cement Board for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-01-005 REBID Procurement of Various Books for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-01-007 REBID Procurement of Advance Wireless Presentation Remote for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-03-085 Procurement of Portland Cement for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-03-086 Procurement of Electric Fan for the Procurement Office of the University
- PR 24-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Flash Drive for the Internal Audit Office of the University
- PR 24-02-059 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-082 Procurement of Siphoning / Cleaning of the Septic Tanks for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-03-084 Supply and Delivery of Multi – Function Colored Copier for the University Press of the University
- PR 24-03-099 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the ITSO of the University
- PR 24-03-112 Supply and Delivery of Various of Office Furniture and Materials for the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension Services and External Linkages (RESEL) of the University
- PR 24-03-100 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipments for the ITSO of the University
- PR 24-03-111 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines for the Dental Clinic of the University
- PR 24-01-044 Procurement of Printer and External Drive for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-02-073 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Teacher Education (CTE) of the University
- PR 24-03-093 Procurement of Computer Monitor for the College of Teacher Education (CTE) of the University
- PR 24-03-103 Procurement of Customized Polo Shirt for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-03-103 Procurement of Customized Polo Shirt for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-03-105 Procurement of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-01-040 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Vice President for RESEL of the University
- PR 24-01-040 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Vice President for RESEL of the University
- PR 24-02-074 Supply and Delivery of Plumbing Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-03-094 Supply and Delivery of Aircon Auxiliary Fan for the Mitsubishi Rosa of the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-03-156 Supply and Delivery of LED Bulb for the Replacement of Busted Bulbs at Gymnasium of the University
- PR 24-03-161 Supply and Delivery of USB Flash Drive for the Center of Continuing Education of the University
- PR 24-04-163 Supply, Provision and Rental Services of Sound System for the Center for Continuing Education of the University
- PR 24-03-092 Supply and Delivery of Coarse and Fine Sand for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-03-160 Provision of Room Accommodation for the Research Development and Evaluation Center of the University
- PR 24-03-145 Procurement of Various Materials for the Glass Partition of the President of the University
- PR 24-03-135 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the Office of the President of the University (Procurement Office for Training Speaker Use)
- PR 24-01-078 Procurement of Advocacy Shirts for the Gender Research and Resource Center (GRRC) of the University
- PR 24-02-057 Procurement of Various Medical Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the Health Services of the University
- PR 24-01-039 Procurement of Various Gardening Materials for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-02-071 Procurement of Various Office Materials and Furniture for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-02-080 Procurement of Bath Towel, Face Towel, Paper Towel, Pillow Case and Flat Sheets for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-01-041 Procurement of Wide Format All – in – One Tank Printer for the University Press
- PR 24-01-047 Procurement of Bookshelves for the Internal Auditor of the University
- PR 24-02-072 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-01-004 Procurement of Statistical Software and Internal HDD / SDD for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-01-034 Procurement of Various Materials for the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University
- PR 24-01-037 Procurement of Various IT Materials and Equipment for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 24-01-031 Procurement of Executive Office Table and Chair for the Vice President of Resource Generation (VPRG) of the University
- PR 24-01-032 Procurement of Printer and Steel Filing Cabinet for the Vice President of Resource Generation (VPRG) of the University
- PR 24-01-033 Procurement of Plaque Gong for the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University
- PR 24-01-009 Procurement of LCD Projector and Multifunction Ink Printer for the College of Computing Studies of the University
- PR 24-01-006 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-01-035 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University
- PR 24-01-005 Procurement of Various Books for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-01-007 Procurement of Advance Wireless Presentation Remote for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-01-027 Procurement of Various Janitorial Supplies and Materials for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-01-030 Procurement of Various Tires for the Motorpool of the University
- PR 24-01-021 Procurement of Nikon Battery and Tripod for the University Press
- PR 24-01-023 Procurement of Various Cleaning Supplies for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 24-01-025 Procurement of Dry Seal Stamp for the Registrar’s Office of the University
- PR 24-01-016 Supply and Delivery of Stainless Steel Dressing Cart and Micro Fiber Cloth for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 24-01-020 Supply and Delivery of Sublimation Mug, Sublimation Paper and Laid Bond for the University Press
- PR 24-02-054 Supply and Provision of Hotel Accommodation in Manila on March 4 – 7, 2024 for the University Board Secretary
- PR 24-02-055 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Materials, Painting and Electrical Supplies for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-054 Supply and Provision of Hotel Accommodation in Manila on March 4 – 7, 2024 for the University Board Secretary
- PR 24-01-051 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-052 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Acrylic Glass Signages for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ILS – High School Department of the University
- PR 24-01-008 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Application for Net-Metering of 100kwp Solar Power PV System (WMSU RSC) for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-051 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-053 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Glass and Aluminum Works for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ILS – High School Department of the University
- PR 24-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ILS – High School Department of the University
- PR 24-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ILS – High School Department of the University
- PR 24-01-029 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the conduct of Consultation and Stakeholders Meeting on February 6, 2024 for the ESU – Pagadian of the University
- PR 24-01-028 Supply and Delivery of YAKAN TREASURE CHEST (BAUL) for the ESU – Pagadian of the University
- PR 24-10-546 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the CLA
- PR 24-06-304 Procurement of Various Office Supplies
- PR 24-04-210 Procurement of Common Use Supplies for the Library of the University
- PR 24-06-275 Procurement of Supplies and Materials for WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-05-237 Procurement of Office Supplies for the College of Nursing of this University
- PR 24-02-072 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing of the University
Public Bidding
- PR 24-09-468 INF Construction of the College of Science and Mathematics Academic Infrastructure/Edifice
- PR 24-11-575 INF Construction of School Building Component for the Increase in Carrying Capacity of the College of Medicine
- PR 24-10-503 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Computing Studies of the University
- PR 24-10-503 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Computing Studies of the University
- PR 24-09-458 Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the University
- PR 24-09-407 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 24-09-441 Procurement of Various IT Devices for the University
- PR 24-10-516 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Indoor LED Wall Display
- PR 24-10-540 Procurement of LAPTOP for the University
- PR 24-10-489 INF Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line (Rebid)
- PBD's PR 24-10-489 INF Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line (Rebid)
- PR 24-10-489 INF Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line (Rebid)
- PR 24-08-391 Procurement of Various Photographic Equipment for the Mass Communication Department
- PR 24-09-406 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 24-09-427 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice Education
- PR 24-08-382 Procurement of Various Office Equipment and Supplies for Various Office of the University
- PR 24-09-466 INF Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- Plans - PR 24-09-466 INF Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- Philippine Bidding Documents - PR 24-09-466 INF Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- PBD's Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- PR 24-08-373 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Science and Mathermatics
- PR 24-05-262 Rebid Procurement of Dental Chair and Autoclave for the Dental Clinic of University Health Services
- PR 24-09-410 INF Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL) (Rebid)
- PR 24-09-411 INF Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center (Rebid)
- PBD's - PR 24-09-410 INF Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL) (Rebid)
- PBD's - PR 24-09-411 INF Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center (Rebid)
- PR 24-09-410 INF Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL) (Rebid)
- PR 24-09-411 INF Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center (Rebid)
- PR 24-07-353 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-06-284 Rebid Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- PBD's - Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- Working Drawings - Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- PR 24-05-241 Procurement of Various Laboratory Chemicals and Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics
- PR 24-05-249 Rebid Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the RPDU
- PR 24-06-282 Rebid Procurement of Various Textiles for the Garment Shop User
- Working Drawings - Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center
- PBD's - Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center
- Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center
- Rebid - Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL)
- Rebid - Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL)
- PR 24-05-258 Procurement of Various P.E Uniforms for the Auxillary (Garments)
- PR 24-05-258 Procurement of Various P.E Uniforms for the Auxillary (Garments)
- PR 24-06-283 Procurement of Drone with Processing Software for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-06-284 Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-04-212 Procurement of Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter (Bomb Calorimeter) for the Nicer Project
- PBD's PR 24-04-212 Procurement of Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter (Bomb Calorimeter) for the Nicer Project
- PBD's PR 24-06-284 Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PBD's PR 24-06-283 Procurement of Drone with Processing Software for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-06-282 Procurement of Various Textiles for the Garment Shop User
- PR 24-05-249 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the RPDU
- PBD's PR 24-05-249 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the RPDU
- PBD's PR 24-06-282 Procurement of Various Textiles for the Garment Shop User
- PR 24-03-139 Procurement of UPRIGHT THREE GLASS DOOR CHILLERS and STAINLESS STEEL UPRIGHT FREEZER for the Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 24-04-166 Rebid Procurement of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the RDEC of the University
- Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL)
- Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL)
- Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL)
- PR 24-05-219 Procurement of Digital Electronic Theodolite and Total Station for the College of Engineering of the University
- PR 24-05-239 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-05-245 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics of the University
- Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line
- PR 24-05-220 Procurement of Brand-New Passenger Van for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-03-123 Procurement of Smart Led Interactive TV with Soundbar
- PR 24-04-202 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the University Registrar Office of the University
- Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B
- Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- PBD's - Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B
- Working Drawings - Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B
- Plans - Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- Upgrading of the R&D Facilities of the DOST-PCAARRD-WMSU Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubator
- PR 24-03-134 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Supply Office of the University
- PR 24-03-137 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Academic/Extension Services
- PR 24-03-138 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Academic/Research Use
- PR 24-03-140 Procurement of Various Equipment for the Agriculture Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 24-03-141 Procurement of Various Agricultural Supplies and Equipment for the Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 24-02-061 Rebid Procurement of Camera Drone with Remote Controller for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-088 Rebid Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-03-089 Rebid Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-03-090 Rebid Prourement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-02-066 Procurement of Internet Connection package for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-113 Procurement of Various Agricultural Equipment and Supplies for the Zampen Native Pig
- PR 24-02-062 Procurement of Smart TV for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-02-060 Rebid Procurement of Airconditioner for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-083 Rebid Procurement of Multi-Purpose UV DTF Printer for the UPRESS of the University
- PR 24-03-088 Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-03-090 Prourement of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 24-02-061 Procurement of Camera Drone with Remote Controller for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-02-064 Procurement of Smart UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and LAPTOP for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-02-068 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-02-058 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-089 Procurement of Various Books for the University Library
- PBD's PR 24-02-069 Rebid Procurement of Various Books for the Main Library and ESU Libraries of the University
- PBD's PR 24-03-083 Procurement of Multi-Purpose UV DTF Printer for the UPRESS of the University
- PBD's PR 24-01-018 Procurement of Multi-Function Colored Printer with Document Desk for the University Registrar of the University
- PBD's PR 24-02-060 Procurement of Airconditioner for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PBD's PR 24-01-011 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Engineering/DOST IX RICME of the University
- PR 24-02-069 Rebid Procurement of Various Books for the Main Library and ESU Libraries of the University
- PR 24-03-083 Procurement of Multi-Purpose UV DTF Printer for the UPRESS of the University
- PR 24-01-018 Procurement of Multi-Function Colored Printer with Document Desk for the University Registrar of the University
- PR 24-02-060 Procurement of Airconditioner for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-01-011 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Engineering/DOST IX RICME of the University
- PR 24-02-070 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Supply Office of the University
- PR 24-02-069 Procurement of Various Books for the Main Library and ESU Libraries of the Unviersity
- PBD's PR 24-02-069 Procurement of Various Books for the Main Library and ESU Libraries of the Unviersity
- PBD's PR 24-02-070 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials
- PR 24-01-050 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Drugs and Medicine for the University Health Services of the University
- PBD's PR 24-01-050 Rebid
- PR 24-01-038 Supply and Delivery of ID Sling with ID Protector for the UPRESS of the University
- PBD's PR 24-01-038
- PBD's PR 24-01-050
- PR 24-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Medallion (Academic Awards) for the Office of the Student Affairs of the University
- PR 24-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for the University Registrar of the University
- PR 24-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Diploma Jacket for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 24-01-050 Supply and Dleivery of Various Drugs and Medicine for the University health Services of the University
- PBD's PR 24-01-001
- PBD's PR 24-01-002
- PR 24-01-013 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the UPRESS of the University
Bid Bulletin:
- TWG Evaluation PR 24-10-516 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Indoor LED Wall Display
- PR 24-09-441 Procurement of Various IT Devices for the University
- PR 24-09-407 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 24-10-516 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Indoor LED Wall Display
- PR 24-08-373 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Science and Mathermatics
- PR 24-07-353 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-06-284 Rebid Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-09-410 INF Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL) (Rebid)
- PR 24-09-411 INF Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center (Rebid)
- Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- PR 24-05-241 Procurement of Various Laboratory Chemicals and Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics
- Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center
- Rebid - Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL)
- PR 24-06-284 Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-06-283 Procurement of Drone with Processing Software for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-04-212 Procurement of Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter (Bomb Calorimeter) for the Nicer Project
- PR 24-05-258 Procurement of Various P.E Uniforms for the Auxillary (Garments)
- PR 24-05-219 Procurement of Digital Electronic Theodolite and Total Station for the College of Engineering of the University
- PR 24-05-219 Procurement of Digital Electronic Theodolite and Total Station for the College of Engineering of the University
- New Opening Schedule - Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line
- New Prebid Schedule - Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL)
- PR 24-05-219 Procurement of Digital Electronic Theodolite and Total Station for the College of Engineering of the University
- PR 24-05-220 Procurement of Brand-New Passenger Van for the WESMAARRDEC
- Bid Bulletin - Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line
- Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B
- Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- Notice of Cancellation - PR 24-04-212 Procurement of Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter (Bomb Calorimeter) for the Nicer Project
- PR 24-02-066 Procurement of Internet Connection package for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-02-066 Procurement of Internet Connection package for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-02-064 Procurement of Smart UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and LAPTOP for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-02-068 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- Bid Bulletin - PR 24-02-070 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials
- Notice of Cancellation - PR 23-11-591 Supply and Delivery of Various Signages and Tarpaulin for the ARTA Compliance of the University
- Notice of Cancellation - PR 23-02-152 Rebid Supply and Delivery 70ft Monopole Antenna and Solar Energy
- Notice of Cancellation - Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- PR 24-10-516 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Indoor LED Wall Display
- PR 24-10-503 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Computing Studies of the University
- PR 24-08-382 Procurement of Various Office Equipment and Supplies for Various Office of the University
- PR 24-09-406 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 24-10-540 Procurement of LAPTOP for the University
- PR 24-10-489 INF Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line (Rebid)
- PR 24-08-373 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the College of Science and Mathermatics
- PR 24-09-411 INF Construction of Al Fresco for the University Food Service Center (Rebid)
- Notice of Award PR 24-09-466 INF Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- PR 24-05-262 Rebid Procurement of Dental Chair and Autoclave for the Dental Clinic of University Health Services
- PR 24-09-410 INF Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL) (Rebid)
- PR 24-05-219 Procurement of Digital Electronic Theodolite and Total Station for the College of Engineering of the University
- PR 24-06-284 Rebid Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR 24-04-212 Procurement of Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter (Bomb Calorimeter) for the Nicer Project
- PR 24-05-220 Procurement of Brand-New Passenger Van for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-06-282 Rebid Procurement of Various Textiles for the Garment Shop User
- Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- PR 24-05-245 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics of the University
- PR 24-03-123 Procurement of Smart Led Interactive TV with Soundbar
- PR 24-04-202 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the University Registrar Office of the University
- PR 24-05-239 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Nursing of the University
- Upgrading of the R&D Facilities of the DOST-PCAARRD-WMSU Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubator
- PR 24-02-068 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-02-064 Notice of Award
- PR 24-03-113 Procurement of Various Agricultural Equipment and Supplies for the Zampen Native Pig
- PR 24-03-137 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Academic/Extension Services
- PR 24-01-018 Procurement of Multi-Function Colored Printer with Document Desk for the University Registrar
- PR 24-02-058 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-01-011 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Engineering/DOST RICME of the University
- PR 24-02-070 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Office Supplies of the University
- PR 24-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for the University Registrar of the University
- PR 24-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Diploma Jacket for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 24-01-038 Supply and Delivery of ID Sling with ID Protector for the UPRESS of the University
- PR 24-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Medallion (Academic Awards) for the Office of the Student Affairs of the University
- PR 23-09-416 Supply and Delivery of Bus for the University
- PR 23-09-415 Purchase of Various Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice Education
- PR 23-10-479 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- PR 23-10-479 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- PR 23-10-479 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- PR 23-09-415 Purchase of Various Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice Education
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 24-01-013 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the UPRESS of the University
- PR 23-09-452 Supply and Delivery of Smart TV and Air Conditioner for the ILHS High School Department of the University
- PR 23-09-452 Supply and Delivery of Smart TV and Air Conditioner for the ILHS High School Department of the University
Small Value Procurement
- PR 24-01-050 Rebid Notice of Awards
- PR 24-05-230 Procurement of Desktop Computer for the Auxiliary (IGP) of this University
- PR 24-03-140 Procurement of Various Equipment for the Agriculture Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 24-06-285 Procurement of External Hard Drive for the RPDU
- PR 24-05-232 Procurement of Broiler Chicks for the College of Agriculture of this University
- PR 24-05-228 Procurement of Assessment to ISO 9001:2015 for the QMS-ISO of the University
- PR 24-06-273 Procurement of Construction Materials for the Concrete Steps Office of the VPAA of this University
- PR 24-03-146 Rebid Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-06-267 Procurement of Common Supplies for RESEL of this University
- PR 24-06-269 Procurement of Gate Pass Sticker for the Administration of the University
- PR 24-03-115 Rebid Procurement of Various Materials for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-06-272 Procurement of Fine Sand for the PPES of this University
- PR 24-06-292 Procurement of Book Paper for the UPRESS
- PR 24-02-061 Procurement of Drone with Remote Controller for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-05-215 Procurement of Various IT Supplies for the PAO of this University
- PR 24-05-236 Procurement of IT Parts for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-05-260 Procurement of Coarse Sand, Fine Sand and Gravel for the Renovation of Construction Materials Storage Facility
- PR 24-05-264 Procurement of Paper Shredder Machine for the for the College of Nursing for this University
- PR 24-06-270 Procurement of Water Refilling Equipment for the Resource Generation of this University
- PR 24-03-142 Rebid Procurement of Equipment for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of HALAL Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-04-195 Rebid Procurement of UPS for the Records and Archives Office of the University
- PR 24-05-217 Procurement of Air Conditioning Unit
- PR 24-05-216 Procurement of Smart TV for Research Innovation Center for Metals and Engineering of the University
- PR 24-03-148 Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-04-175 Procurement of Generator Set for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-147 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-06-274 Procurement of Polo Shirt and Tote Bag for WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-01-026 Procurement of Office Equipment for General Service Office of the University
- PR 24-05-255 Procurement of Polo Shirts
- PR 24-04-164 Procurement of Various Office Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the RDEC Office of the University
- PR 24-05-265 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation in Zamboanga City for the conduct of ROTC Games 2024
- PR 24-02-062 Procurement of Smart TV for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-01-022 Rebid Procurement of Document Scanner for the Accounting Section of the University
- PR 24-05-214 Procurement of Toner
- PR 24-03-136 Procurement of Signage’s for the University
- PR 24-03-142 Procurement of Equipment for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of HALAL Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-03-146 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 24-04-184 Procurement of Office Blackout Curtain for the OCTA of the University
- PR 24-04-185 Procurement of Office Furniture and Equipment for OCTA of the University
- PR 24-05-254 Procurement of Tarpaulin Printing for the conduct of ROTC Games 2024
- PR 24-03-144 Procurement of Office Furniture for ZAMPEN Native Chicken – Establishment of Halal Dressing Plant of the University
- PR 24-04-170 Procurement of S4S Mahogany for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-04-171 Procurement of Coco Dregs for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-172 Procurement of Coco Dregs for the Feed Fermentation Project of the University
- PR 24-04-182 Procurement of Coco Lumber and Bamboo Poles for the Feed Fermentation Project of the University
- PR 24-04-187 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Research Project of Environmental Engineering of the University
- PR 24-05-246 Procurement of Vehicle Parts for the University
- PR 24-05-250 Procurement of Sound System for the conduct of the Workshop to Publishing for Free in ISI, Scopus – Indexed, and ACI Journals for this University
- PR 24-05-251 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the conduct of the Workshop to Publishing for Free in ISI, Scopus – Indexed, and ACI Journals for this University
- PR 24-03-158 Rebid Procurement of Testing Table for Guidance and Counseling Center Training and Office of the University
- PR 24-03-120 Procurement of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the ZAMPEN Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-188 Procurement of Office Equipment for OCTA of the University
- PR 24-04-200 Procurement of Tokens for the Participant of the Feasibility Survey on the Offering of Master of Arts in Education Program through WMSU Distance Education of the University
- PR 24-04-198 Procurement of Automotive Battery for the General Services Office (Motorpool) of the University
- PR 24-05-224 Procurement of Room Accommodation in Metro Manila for the Conduct of 72nd Special Board Meeting on June 3, 2024 for the University Board Secretary
- PR 24-03-115 Procurement of Various Materials for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-04-177 Procurement of Hollow Blocks, Coarse Sand and Gravel for the ZAMPEN Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-121 Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-121 Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 24-03-105 Rebid Procurement of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services of the University
- PR 24-03-133 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Press
- PR 24-04-179 Procurement of Detergent Soap, Fabric Conditioner and Sando Bag for the Garment Shop of the University
- PR 24-01-045 Procurement of Electrici Fan for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-05-234 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the Conduct of Joint MSVG & Roadshow for the PHSI of the University
- PR 24-03-110 [Asiatic Trading Corp.] Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Public Affairs Office (PAO) and MASSCOM of the University
- PR 24-03-110 [Dennis Hardware Enterprises] Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Public Affairs Office (PAO) and MASSCOM of the University
- PR 24-03-131 [RC LIM MARKETING] Procurement of Various Animal Feeds and Agricultural Supplies for the Feed Fermentation Project
- PR 24-03-131 [BLUE THUNDER AGRIVET SUPPLY AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE] Procurement of Various Animal Feeds and Agricultural Supplies for the Feed Fermentation Project
- PR 24-04-208 Procurement of Food and Venue in Zamboanga City for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-05-221 Procurement of Van Rental Services for the RICME of the University
- PR 24-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Flash for the Internal Audit Office of the University
- PR 24-02-067 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-106 Procurement of Various Printing for the QMS-ISO of the University
- PR 24-04-186 Procurement of Van Rental for the Research Development and Evaluation Center (RDEC) of the University
- [PARMAHEAL ENTERPRISE] PR 24-03-111 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicine for Dental Clinic of the University
- [CLARN ENTERPRISES] PR 24-03-111 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicine for Dental Clinic of the University
- PR 24-04-190 Procurement of Yakan Treasure Chest for the Office of the President of the University
- PR 24-04-213 Procurement of Plaque Gong for the Office of the President
- PR 24-03-084 Procurement of Supply and Delivery of Multi-Function Colored Copier for the University Press of the University
- PR 24-03-099 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the ITSO of the University
- PR 24-03-100 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipment's for the ITSO of the University
- PR 24-03-103 Procurement of Customized Shirt for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-04-203 Procurement of Customized Plaque for the Office of the President of the University
- PR 24-01-040 (RB LIM MARKETING) Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Vice President for RESEL of the University
- PR 24-01-040 (ZC PAPERLINE & COMPUTER STATIONERS) Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Vice President for RESEL of the University
- PR 24-02-059 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-03-082 Procurement of Siphoning / Cleaning of the Septic Tanks for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-01-044 Procurement of Printer and External Drive for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-02-073 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Teacher Education (CTE) of the University
- PR 24-03-093 Procurement of Computer Monitor for the College of Teacher Education (CTE) of the University
- PR 24-03-085 Procurement of Portland Cement for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-03-086 Procurement of Electric Fan for the Procurement Office of the University
- PR 24-02-056 Procurement of Fiber Cement Board for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 24-04-162 Procurement of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the Repainting of Gymnasium for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- Php 24-04-193 Procurement of SOUND SYSTEM AND LED WALL RENTAL for the Office of the President
- PR 24-03-112 Supply and Delivery of Various of Office Furniture and Materials for the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension Services and External Linkages (RESEL) of the University
- PR 24-01-016 Supply and Delivery of Stainless Dressing Cart and Micro Fiber Cloth for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 24-02-057 (MEDICAL CENTER TRADING CORP) Procurement of Various Medical Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the Health Services of the University
- PR 24-01-023 Procurement of Various Cleaning Supplies for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 24-03-160 Provision of Room Accommodation for the Research Development and Evaluation Center of the University
- PR 24-01-009 NOA (CEEJAY'S ENTERPRISES) Procurement of LCD Projector and Multifunction Ink Printer for the College of Computing Studies of the University
- PR 24-01-009 NOA (LENIN COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC.) Procurement of LCD Projector and Multifunction Ink Printer for the College of Computing Studies of the University
- PR 24-01-047 Procurement of Bookshelves for the Internal Auditor's Office of the University
- PR 24-01-041 Procurement of Wide Format All – in – One Tank Printer for the University Press
- PR 24-01-004 Procurement of Statistical Software and Internal HDD / SDD for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-02-071 Procurement of Various Materials and Furniture's for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-01-006 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PR 24-02-080 Procurement of Bath Towel, Face Towel, Paper Towel, Pillow Case and Flat Sheets for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-01-035 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University
- PR 24-01-039 Procurement of Various Gardening Materials for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 24-01-032 Procurement of Printer and Steel Filing Cabinet for the Vice President of Resource Generation (VPRG) of the University
- PR 24-03-135 Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the Office of the President of the University (Procurement Office for Training Speaker Use)
- PR 24-01-078 Procurement of Advocacy Shirts for the Gender Research and Resource Center (GRRC) of the University
- PR 24-01-030 Procurement of Various Tires for the Motorpool of the University
- PR 24-01-021 Procurement of Nikon Battery and Tripod for the University Press
- PR 24-01-025 Procurement of Dry Seal Stamp for the Registrar’s Office of the University
- PR 24-01-033 Procurement of Plaque Gong for the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University
- PR 24-01-027 Procurement of Various Janitorial Supplies and Materials for the General Services of the University
- PR 24-01-033 Procurement of Plaque Gong for the Center for the Continuing Education of the University
- PR 24-01-034 Procurement of Various Materials for the Center for the Continuing Education (CCE) of the University
- PR 24-01-020 Supply and Delivery of Sublimation Mug, Sublimation Paper and Laid Bond for the University Press of the University
- PR 24-01-008 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Application for Net-Metering of 100kwp Solar Power PV System (WMSU RSC) for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-02-054 Supply and Provision of Hotel Accommodation in Manila on March 4 – 7, 2024 for the University Board Secretary
- PR 24-01-003 Notice of Award
- PR 24-01-055 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Materials, Painting and Electrical Supplies for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-053 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Glass and Aluminum Works for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-053 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Glass and Aluminum Works for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-052 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Acrylic Glass Signages for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR 24-01-028 Supply and Delivery of YAKAN TREASURE CHEST (BAUL) for the ESU – Pagadian of the University
- PR 24-01-016 Procurement of Stainless Dressing Cart and Micro Fiber Cloth
- PR 24-04-210 Procurement of Common Use Supplies for the Library of the University
- PR 24-06-275 Procurement of Supplies and Materials for WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-02-072 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 24-01-036 Supply and Delivery of Electric Meter
Direct Contracting
- PR 24-05-227 Lease of Real Property Negotiated 53.10
- PR 24-01-015 Procurement of Toner for the College of Medicine
- PR 24-05-238 Procurement of RISO Ink
- PR 24-06-261 Procurement of Master Making PCB2
- PR 24-03-098 Procurement of Calibration and Reconditioning of Universal Testing Equipment
- PR 24-04-207 Procurement of Engineering of the University
- PR 24-04-207 Procurement of Toner for College of Engineering of the University
- PR 24-04-181 Procurement of UHF (RFID) Card for the University Press
- PR 24-03-087 Procurement of Subscription for the Library of the University
- PR 24-04-192 Procurement of Book for the Office of the Board Secretary of the University
- PR 24-03-122 Procurement of Toner for the Office of the President of the University
- PR 24-04-178 Procurement of Spare parts of the Copier for the Board Secretary of the University
- PR 24-04-209 Procurement of Psychological Test Materials for the College of Liberal Arts of the University
- PR 24-04-178 Procurement of Spareparts of the Copier for the Board Secretary of the University
- PR 24-03-153 Procurement of Toner for the Office of the Vice President of the Academic Affairs
- PR 24-03-154 Procurement of Toner for the Legal Office of the University
- PR 24-03-152 Procurement of Toner and Spareparts for the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University
- PR 24-04-194 Procurement of Psychological Tests Materials for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR 24-02-065 Procurement of Toner for the College of Nursing
- PR 24-01-049 Procurement of Toner for the VPRG
- PR 24-01-043 Procurement of Toner
- PR 24-03-081 Procurement of Drum Unit and Pressure Roller for the UPRESS
- PR 24-03-102 Procurement of Fuel Stop Solenoid
- PR 24-03-109 Procurement of Duplicator Machine Accesories for the TEC
- PR 24-01-042 Procurement of Dynamic Education Software for the LDRC of the University
- PR 24-02-079 Procurement of Anti-Plagiarism Software Office of the VP-Resel
- PR 24-01-012 Supply and Delivery of TONER TK-6113 for the Office of the President
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- Contract PR 24-09-466 INF Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- Contract PR 24-09-410 INF Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL) (Rebid)
- PR 24-05-219 Procurement of Digital Electronic Theodolite and Total Station for the College of Engineering of the University
- Adjacent/Contiguous - Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- NTP & Contract PR 24-04-212 Procurement of Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter (Bomb Calorimeter) for the Nicer Project
- PR 24-06-282 Rebid Procurement of Various Textiles for the Garment Shop User
- NTP & Contract PR 24-05-245 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics of the University
- PR 24-05-239 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Nursing of the University
- Extra Work Order - Construction of Technopreneurship Development Center
- PR 24-05-227 Lease of Real Property Negotiated 53.10
- Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- PR 24-02-068 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-04-211 Contract Renewal of the Security Service in the University
- PR 24-01-026 Procurement of Office Equipment for General Service Office of the University
- NTP & PO PR 24-03-137 Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Academic/Extension Services
- PR 24-01-022 Rebid Procurement of Document Scanner for the Accounting Section of the University
- Upgrading of the R&D Facilities of the DOST-PCAARRD-WMSU Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubator
- PR 23-09-415 Purchase of Various Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice Education
- PR 24-01-004 Procurement of Statistical Software and Internal HDD / SDD for the SERDAC Project of the University
- PO 24-020 C Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- PR 23-02-157 PO & NTP Berovan
- PO 24-020 B Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- PO 24-020 A Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) FY 2023
- PR 23-02-157 PO & NTP Scigate
- PR 24-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Medallion (Academic Awards) for the Office of the Student Affairs of the University
- PR 24-01-013 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the UPRESS of the University
- PR 23-07-355 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-B Supply and Delivery of Student Educational Kit for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-C Supply and Delivery of Networking Devices for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-G Supply and Delivery of Computer Equipment for Enrollment Center for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-H Supply and Delivery of Audio-Visual Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-E Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning and Training of Outdoor LED Wall Display with Steel Structure Foundation for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-F Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV Set with Monitoring System for the Smart Campus of the University
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- Notice to Proceed PR 24-09-466 INF Repair of Perimeter Fence at WMSU Campus A & B (Rebid)
- Notice to Proceed PR 24-09-410 INF Repair and Renovation of Research Extension Services and External Linkages Building (RESEL) (Rebid)
- NTP Adjacent/Contiguous - Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- PR 24-04-202 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the University Registrar Office of the University
- Extra Work Order - Construction of Technopreneurship Development Center
- PR 24-05-220 Procurement of Brand-New Passenger Van for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 24-03-123 Procurement of Smart Led Interactive TV with Soundbar
- Interior Renovation of Administration Building
- PR 24-03-113 Procurement of Various Agricultural Equipment and Supplies for the Zampen Native Pig
- PR 24-02-064 NTP & PO
- Upgrading of the R&D Facilities of the DOST-PCAARRD-WMSU Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubator
- PR 24-01-018 Procurement of Multi-Function Colored Printer with Document Desk for the University Registrar
- PR 24-02-058 Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 24-01-011 Procurement of Various Office Equipment for the College of Engineering/DOST RICME of the University
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-09-416 Supply and Delivery of Bus for the University
- PR 23-09-415 Purchase of Various Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice Education
- PR 24-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for the University Registrar of the University
- PR 24-01-038 Supply and Delivery of ID Sling with ID Protector for the UPRESS of the University
- PR 24-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Diploma Jacket for the University Registrar's Office
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-09-452 Supply and Delivery of Smart TV and Air Conditioner for the ILHS High School Department of the University
- PR 23-09-452 Supply and Delivery of Smart TV and Air Conditioner for the ILHS High School Department of the University
- PR 24-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Medallion (Academic Awards) for the Office of the Student Affairs of the University
- PR 24-01-013 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the UPRESS of the University
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR 23-11-598 Supply and Delivery of Diesel Generator for the NICER 1 of the of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-12-625 Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture / ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 23-10-468 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 23-10-477 Supply and Delivery of Industrial Fan, Electric Kettle, and Double Gas Stove Burner for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 23-11-589 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Extension / College of Engineering of the University
- PR 23-12-626 Supply, Delivery and Provision of Catering Services for the 2023 Year End Assessment of the Testing and Evaluation Center of the University
- PR 23-09-422 Rebid Supply and Delivery of MATLAB Software for the SERDAC of the University
- PR 23-10-475 Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment, Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-12-623 Supply and Delivery of 3-Axis Gimbal Stabilizer for DSLR with Wireless Microphone for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 23-05-267 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Stainless Demo Table and Tube Feeding Simulation Set for the College of Home Economics of the University
- PR 23-11-591 Supply and Delivery of Various Signages and Tarpaulin for the ARTA Compliance of the University
- PR 23-09-462 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Bakery Oven for the Auxillary Services of the University
- PR 23-11-551 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Project of the University
- PR 23-11-564 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials of the ZAMPEN Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 23-11-567 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the ZAMPEN Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 23-11-579 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies for the College of Agriculture (Feed Fermentation Project) of the University
- PR 23-11-580 ply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-10-472 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-10-469 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds and Medication for ZamPen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 23-08-405 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) of the University
- PR 23-10-513 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken for of the University
- PR 23-11-552 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 23-11-565 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds and Medication for ZamPen Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 23-11-578 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Feed Fermentation Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-10-467 Supply and Delivery of Various Load Cards for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 23-11-548 Supply and Delivery of Various Prepaid Load Card for the Feed Fermentation Project of the University
- PR 23-11-549 Supply and Delivery of Janitorial and Disinfection Supplies for Feed Fermentation Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-11-550 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-11-553 Supply and Delivery of Chest Freezer for the ZAMPEN Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 23-11-561 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Feed Fermentation Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-11-568 Supply and Delivery of Supplies and Materials for the Feed Fermentation Project of the University
- PR 23-11-575 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture (Feed Fermentation Project) of the University
- PR 23-08-399 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Science and Mathemetics for the University
- PR 23-09-444 REBID Supply and Delivery of Keyboard for the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 23-10-473 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioning Unit for the College of Law of the University
- PR 23-10-476 Supply and Delivery of Random Access Memory (RAM) for the DPO/IT Security Office of the University
- PR 23-12-615 Supply and Delivery of LED Wall Rental for Student’s Day use for the Office of the Students Affairs of the University
- PR 23-10-482 Supply and Delivery of Various Load Card for the College of Social Work Community Development of the University
- PR 23-11-577 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-11-605 Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the HRMO
- PR 23-12-615 Supply and Delivery of LED Wall Rental for Student’s Day use of the University
- PR 23-09-451 REBID Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Signage for the Administration of the University
- PR 23-07-366 Supply and Delivery of Office Glass Partition and Office Glass Window for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR 23-10-493 Supply and Delivery of Stand Fan, Executive Chair and Table for the College of Engineering of the University
- PR 23-10-525 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR 23-10-526 Supply and Delivery of Extension Wire, Aircon Outlet, Breaker, Tubular Lamp and U – Nails for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR 23-10-527 Supply and Delivery of Various Printer Ink for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR 23-11-555 Supply and Delivery of Stranded Copper Wire and Panel Board for the University Press of the University
- PR 23-11-560 Supply and Delivery of A3 Book 80, Ring Binding Machine for the University Press of the University
- PR 23-11-562 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Department of Extension Services and Community Development of the University
- PR 23-11-563 Supply and Delivery for the Provision of Food and Venue for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-11-606 Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Stage Extension Rental for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-11-610 Supply and Delivery of Van Rental for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-05-299 Supply and Delivery of Health Monitoring Massage Chair for the College of Home Economics of the University
- PR 23-06-313 Supply and Delivery of Dressing Cart / Carriage for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 23-07-352 Supply and Delivery of Window Blinds for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR 23-07-361 Supply and Delivery of Water Refilling Equipment with Complete Set – Up for the VPRG of the University
- PR 23-08-383 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment, Electrical Supplies and Equipment with Complete Set – Up for the Physical Plant Office and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 23-08-403 Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the LDRC of the University
- PR 23-09-422 Supply and Delivery of MATLAB Software for the SERDAC09 of the University
- PR 23-10-530 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment and Materials for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR 23-09-423 Supply and Delivery of Technical Laptop and Network Attached Storage for the SERDAC of the University
- PR 23-09-443 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Materials and Consumables for the TEC of the University
- PR 23-02-111 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Library of the University
- PR 23-02-118 Supply and Delivery of Speaker, Keyboard, Flash lighting and LED Par for the OCTA of the University
- PR 23-02-121 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer, 3-in-1 Multifunction Printer and Action Camera for the OCTA of the University
- PR 23-04-243 Supply and Delivery of Professional Broadcast Studio Camcorder, Professional Studio Electro Microphone Kit, Shotgun Microphone, Studio Lights, TelePrompter and Green Screen Studio Backdrop for Video Presentation for the Mass Communication Department of the University
- PR 23-05-286 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the Legal Office of the University
- PR 23-05-290 Supply and Delivery of Cabinet Dessicator and Water Retort for the NICER Project 3 of the University
- PR 23-11-606 Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Stage Extension Rental for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-11-607 Supply and Delivery of Mobile Internet for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-11-602 Supply and Delivery of Yakan Treasure Chest (Yakan Baul) and Plaque (Gong for VIP Guest) for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University of the University
- PR 23-11-603 Supply, Delivery and Provision of Catering Services for the Office of the President of the University
- PR 23-10-543 Supply and Delivery of Rental of Lights and Sounds with Live Band for the OCTA of the University
- PR 23-07-360 Supply and Delivery of 3 in 1 Multifunction Printer and UPS for the University Records and Archives Office
- PR 23-09-440 Supply and Delivery of Padlock and Door knob for the Testing and Evaluation Center (TEC) of the University
- PR 23-09-442 Supply and Delivery of Electric Fan and Office Table for the Testing and Evaluation Center (TEC) of the University
- PR 23-11-585 Supply and Delivery of Food and Hotel Accommodation for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-11-566 Supply and Delivery of Tarpaulin, Yakan Treasure Chest and Plaque with Gong for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-10-523 Supply and Delivery of Rental of Lights, Sounds and LED Wall for the College of Sports Science and Physical Educational (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-08-402 Supply and Delivery of Laptop and 3-in-1 Multifunction Printer for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-10-484 Supply and Delivery of Lineman’s Fiberglass Telescopic Hot Stick, Fiberglass Industrial Extension Ladder and Insulation Tester for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services of the University
- PR 23-10-501 Supply and Delivery of DOT Matrix Printer for the Accounting Office of the University
- PR 23-10-514 Supply and Delivery of 3- Axis Gimbal Stabilizer for DSLR with Wireless Microphone for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 23-10-517 Supply and Delivery of Termite Abatement Maintenance Program for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 23-11-554 Supply and Delivery of Catering Services for the VPAF of the University
- PR 23-10-503 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the Repainting of the Medical Clinic of the University
- PR 23-10-504 Supply and Delivery of Customized Mouse Pad and Polo Shirt for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 23-09-462 Supply and Delivery of Bakery Oven for the Auxillary Services of the University
- PR 23-10-502 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Public Administration and Development Studies (CPADS) of the University
- PR 23-10-518 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery and Fuel Stop Solenoid for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- BOQ - Enhancement of Native Chicken Processing Facility
- Enhancement of Native Chicken Processing Facility
- PR 23-05-267 Supply and Delivery of Stainless Demo Table and Tube Feeding Simulation Set for the College of Home Economics of the University
- PR 23-05-292 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services of the University
- PR 23-09-444 Supply and Delivery of Keyboard for the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 23-10-521 Supply and Delivery of Customized Tote Bag, Notebook and Pen for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-10-522 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-10-507 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the Team Building of Faculty and Staff for the College of Teachers Education (CTE) of the University
- PR 23-10-490 Supply and Delivery of Siphoning / Cleaning of Septic Tank for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 23-07-357 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the Office of Vice President for Resource Generation of the University
- PR 23-09-444 Supply and Delivery of Keyboard for the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 23-05-289 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project 3 of the University
- PR 23-07-348 Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 23-09-447 Supply and Delivery of Toner for HP Printer for the Office of the Board Secretary of the University
- PR 23-09-451 Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Signage for the Administration of the University
- PR 23-09-426 Supply and Delivery of Supplies and Materials for the Department of Extension Services and Community Development (DESCD) of the University
- PR 23-09-445 Supply and Delivery of GLOBE Load Card for the Extension Services of the University
- PR 23-09-458 Supply and Delivery of Cement and Fine Sand for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 23-09-460 Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) of the University
- PR 23-07-365 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 23-07-374 Rebid Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector for the AREC of the University
- PR 23-10-510 Supply and Delivery of Jacket, Polo Shirt and Straight Pants for the MASTS Culture and Arts Fest at USM, Kabacan City of the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 23-10-509 Supply and Delivery of Rental of Van for the MASTS Culture and Arts Fest at USM, Kabacan City of the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 23-05-300 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Equipment and Utensils for the Research Development and Evaluation Center (RDEC)
- PR #: 23-05-305 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Water Refilling Station of the University
- PR 23-07-377 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Water Bottle for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR 23-07-378 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Vegetables for the Department of Extension and Community Development (DESCD) of the University
- PR 23-10-495 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation to conduct Future Training Writeshop for the RPDU of the University
- PR 23-10-496 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation to conduct Research Development Colloquium on Agriculture and Natural Resources for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-06-334 Supply and Delivery of Various Cloth, Sewing Supplies and Materials for the Auxiliary Services of the University
- PR 23-02-115 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR 23-02-116 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Wooden Chair and Sala Set for the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 23-08-406 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) for of the University
- PR 23-09-438 Supply and Delivery of Stranded Copper Wire for the Vice President for Resource Generation of the University
- PR 23-07-349 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Float Switch for the Administration of the University
- PR 23-10-470 Supply and Delivery of Lights and Sounds for the conduct of the WMSU Internationalization and ASEAN Celebration 2023 of the University
- PR 23-10-488 Supply and Delivery of Auto parts and Accessories for the Motorpool Services of the University
- PR 23-09-430 Supply and Delivery of Printer and Desktop Computer for the Procurement Office of the University
- PR 23-01-034 Supply and Delivery of Professional Mixer for the Administration of the University
- PR 23-05-295 Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR: 23-09-433 Supply and Delivery of Food and Hotel Accommodation for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR: 23-03-199 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Desktop Computer for the use of UPRESS
- PR: 23-07-364 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Department of Extension Services and Community Development (DESCD) of the University
- PR: 23-07-370 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR: 23-06-339 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR: 23-08-394 Supply and Delivery of Ceiling Orbit Fan for the College of Teacher Education (CTE) of the University
- PR: 23-09-431 Supply and Delivery of Polo Shirt and Sublimation Mouse Pad for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR: 23-07-372 Supply and Delivery of Various Solar Devices for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR: 23-08-384 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Main Library of the University
- PR: 23-05-287 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for the Research Project of the College of Liberal Arts
- PR 23-07-371 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Globe and Smart Load Cards for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR 23-08-408 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Globe, Smart and TM Load Cards for the Scholarship Office of the University
- PR 23-08-408 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Globe, Smart and TM Load Cards for the Scholarship Office of the University
- PR 23-09-449 Supply and Delivery of Lei for the Human Resource Management Office of the University
- PR 23-04-253 Rebid Supply, Delivery and Installation of Window Blinds for the TEC
- PR 23-07-374 Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector for the AREC of the University
- PR 23-04-242 Supply and Delivery of Various Flags for the Office of the QMS-ISO
- PR 23-08-395 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Library
- PR 23-02-127 Supply and Delivery of Various Baking Equipment and Airconditioning Unit for the College of Home Economics (CHE) of the University
- PR 23-02-115 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR 23-07-349 Supply and Delivery of Float Switch and Royal Cord for the Administration of the University
- PR 23-08-408 Supply and Delivery of Globe, Smart and TM Load Cards for the Scholarship Office of the University
- PR 23-07-371 Supply and Delivery of Globe and Smart Load Cards for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR 23-07-373 Supply and Delivery of Polo Shirt and Jacket for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR 23-07-358 Supply and Delivery of Electrical Supplies and Materials for the ILS High School of the University
- PR 23-05-268 Supply and Delivery Diploma Jacket for the ILS High School of the University
- PR 23-05-298 Supply and Delivery of Walkie Talkie Portable Two – Way for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR 23-07-377 Supply and Delivery of Water Bottle for the Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC) of the University
- PR 23-08-382 Supply and Delivery of Monotop Square Table for the ILS Elementary Department of the University
- PR 23-02-088 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the Research Project of Environmental Engineering of the University
- PR 23-06-341 Supply and Delivery of Steel Filling Cabinet for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-02-116 Supply and Delivery of Computer Table, Wooden Chair and Sala Set for the Office of Culture and the Arts (OCTA) of the University
- PR 23-07-378 Supply and Delivery of Various Vegetables for the Department of Extension and Community Development (DESCD) of the University
- PR 23-07-365 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant and Engineering Services (PPES) of the University
- PR 23-05-270 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Kitchenware for the NICER Project 3 of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR: 23-07-359 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Vehicle Spare Parts and Accessories for the use of Property Management Office (PMO)
- PR #: 23-09-435 Supply and Delivery for Catering Services on September 14-15, 2023 for the College of Nursing
- PR #: 23-09-427 Supply and Delivery for Catering Services on September 12, 2023 for the Scholarship Office
- PR: 23-06-310 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Research Project for the Environmental Engineering
- PR: 23-06-342 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the use of College of Liberal Arts
- PR: 23-06-316 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Liberal Arts
- PR: 23-08-414 Supply and Delivery of Room Accommodation for the Social Work Review Program 2023 of the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University
- PR: 23-07-369 Supply and Delivery of Stainless Plate for the Sentro ng Wika at Kultura Bantayog Monument of the University
- PR #: 23-09-429 Supply and Delivery for Van Rental Services on September 8-16, 2023
- PR #: 23-09-419 Supply and Delivery for Van Rental Services on September 8-16, 2023
- PR #: 23-09-418 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Sports Director (WMSU Palaro)
- PR 23-05-297 Supply and Delivery of ID Sling for the UPRESS
- PR: 23-07-381 Supply and Delivery of Tokens for the Visitors and Presentors for the Office of the President of the University
- PR 23-05-287 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for the Research Project of the College of Liberal Arts
- PR 23-08-412 Supply and Delivery of Sound System for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR: 23-07-368 Supply and Delivery of Various Sports Materials and Supplies for the Office of the Sports Director (WMSU Palaro)
- PR: 23-07-367 Supply and Delivery of Athletic Medals for the Office of the Sports Director (WMSU Palaro)
- PR: 23-08-385 Supply and Delivery of Customized T-Shirt with Printing for the Office of the Sports Director (WMSU Palaro)
- PR 23-06-312 Supply and Delivery of Good Lumber for the Repair of the Room 11 and 12 for the College of Science and Mathematics of the University
- PR: 23-07-379 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the use of Administration (Repair of College of Law Canteen)
- PR: 23-06-342 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the use of College of Liberal Arts
- PR: 23-04-260 REBID Supply and Delivery of Door Closer Hydraulic for the use of College of Medicine
- PR: 23-03-199 Supply and Delivery of Various Desktop Computer for the use of UPRESS
- PR: 23-06-317 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the use of College of Law
- PR: 23-07-359 Supply and Delivery of Various Vehicle Spare Parts and Accessories for the use of Property Management Office (PMO)
- PR: 23-05-285 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the Institutional Research Project of RDEC
- PR: 23-06-345 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the ZamPen Native Chicken – College of Agriculture
- PR: 23-04-242 Supply and Delivery of Various Flags for the Office of the QMS-ISO
- PR: 23-03-205 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials for the Research Project for RDEC
- PR: 23-06-327 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Appliances for Research Project for the RDEC
- PR: 23-06-310 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Research Project for the Environmental Engineering – COE (I.R.F.)
- PR: 23-06-316 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Liberal Arts
- PR 23-02-085 Supply and Delivery of CCTV for the Supply Office
- PR 23-02-181 Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the ZamPen Native Chicken Project
- PR 23-04-250 Supply and Delivery of Laminator Machine and Multi – function Heat Press Machine for the University Press
- PR 23-07-356 Supply and Delivery of Plaque, Acrylic, Plastic for the CCE
- PR 23-07-350 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation in Manila for the University Board Secretary
- PR 23-07-353 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for 3 days on July 20-23, 2023 for the Office of the President
- PR 23-01-055 Supply and Delivery of Conference Table and Chairs for the Office of the Board Secretary of the University
- PR 23-05-270 Supply and Delivery of Kitchenware for the NICER Project 3 of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-01-045 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the Zampen native Chicken
- PR 23-04-253-Rebid Supply, Delivery and Installation of Window Blinds for the TEC
- PR 23-05-305 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Water Refilling Station of the University
- PR 23-03-209 Supply and Delivery of Various Appliances and Office Equipment for the Research Development and Evaluation Center (RDEC)
- PR 23-04-264 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Center for Continuing Education (CCE)
- PR 23-05-284 Supply and Delivery Office Supplies and Materials for the Institutional Research Project of the RDEC
- PR 23-05-294 Supply and Delivery of Extension Cord and UPS for the College of Medicine
- PR 23-05-300 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Equipment and Utensils for the Research Development and Evaluation Center (RDEC)
- PR 23-06-323 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the RDEC
- PR 23-06-324 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR 23-06-338 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR 23-06-325 Supply and Delivery of Steel Filing Cabinet for the RDEC
- PR 23-07-347 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Office of the President
- PR 23-06-314 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accomodation for the RDEC
- PR 23-01-038 Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV System
- PR 23-05-269 Supply and Delivery of Fuel Stop Solenoid
- PR 23-04-253 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Window Blinds, Vinyl Venetian Blinds
- PR 23-03-325 Supply and Delivery of Manual Operated Doors for the ILS-High School
- PR 23-04-263 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Float Switch and Royal Cord
- PR 23-04-246 Supply and Delivery of Sublimation Mug with Full Printing
- PR 23-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Tables and Chairs for the ILS-Elemetary
- PR 23-05-275 REBID Supply and Delivery of Medical Oxygen Tank
- PR 23-02-169 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Venetian Blind, Router, and Water Dispenser
- PR 23-04-260 Supply and Delivery of Heavy Duty Door Closer Hydraulic (For Wooden Doors)
- PR 23-04-256 Supply and Delivery of Lever Arch File and Clear Sheet Protector for the College of Medicine
- PR 23-03-233 Supply and Delivery of Customized Polo Shirt for the WESMAARRDEC-SERDAC
- PR 23-02-090 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies
- PR 23-04-251 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the PPES
- PR 23-03-232 Supply and Delivery of Various Arts and Crafts for the OCTA
- PR 23-03-219 Supply and Delivery of Various Appliances for the UFSC
- PR 23-04-257 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the CCE
- PR 23-05-276 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Supplies for the Administration
- PR 23-05-275 Supply and Delivery of Medical Oxygen Tank 50lbs with content (1 complete set)
- PR 23-04-263 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies for the University
- PR 23-02-185 Supply and Delivery of Computer Printer and Audio Recorder for the RDEC
- PR 23-04-241 Supply and Delivery of Certificate Holder/Jacket for the QMS-ISO
- PR 23-02-169 Supply and Delivery of Venetian Blind, Router and Water Dispenser
- PR 23-03-228 Supply and Delivery of HP Plotter Ink, 728 Ink Cartridge 300 ml - black
- PR 23-01-009 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 23-03-227 Supply and Delivery of polo Shirt with Collar with DTF
- PR 23-03-221 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies for the Health Services
- PR 23-04-259 Supply and Delivery of VArious Aircondition Maintenance Supplies
- PR 23-04-252 Supply and Delivery Various Hardware Supplies for the Administration
- PR 23-02-143 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Equipments
- PR 23-02-186 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the Administration
- PR 23-02-101 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies or the CSM
- PR 23-03-201 Supply and Delivery of Plastic School Chair
- PR 23-02-129 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the CSSPE
- PR 23-03-211 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Agriculture Nicer Project 3
- PR 23-03-226 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals
- PR 23-03-225 Supply and Delivery of Diploma Jacket
- PR 23-02-138 "Supply and Delivery of Combi Blinds"
- PR 23-03-217 "Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies"
- PR 23-03-193 "Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment"
- PR 23-02-082-Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies for the Health Services
- PR 23-01-047 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR 23-01-073 Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector for the PCHRD
- PR 23-02-174 Supply and Delivery of Portable Rechargeable Trolley Speaker
- PR 23-02-082 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies
- PR 23-01-065 Supply and Delivery of VArious Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR 23-02-106 Supply and Delivery of DSLR Camera with Lens
- PR 23-03-195 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies
- PR 23-02-180 Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 23-01-064 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment
- PR 23-02-180 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipments
- PR 23-03-213 Supply and Delivery of Diploma Jacket for the ILS-High School
- PR 23-03-196 Supply and Delivery of Phenolic Board for the Physical Plant Office
- PR 23-03-194 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ILS - High School
- PR 23-01-036 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR 23-01-071 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies
- PR 23-03-187 Supply and Delivery of 8mm2, TW Copper Wire, 150m/roll
- PR 23-02-145 Rebid - Supply and Delivery of Various Tires for the Motorpool
- PR 23-03-222 Supply and Delivery of Room Accomodation for the RDEC
- PR 23-03-222 Supply and Delivery of Room Accomodation for the RDEC
- PR 23-01-007 Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Nicer Project 2
- PR 23-01-063 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the NCIER 3
- PR 23-01-045 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 23-02-159 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies for the Health Services
- PR 23-03-192 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the Phyiscal Plant Office
- Renovation of Analytical and Pure Science Research Laboratory at 3rd Floor, Science and technology Hub Building
- Analytical and Pure Science Research Laboratory - Specs
- Analytical and Pure Science Research Laboratory - Specs
- Analytical and Pure Science Research Laboratory - BOQ
- Analytical and Pure Science Research Laboratory - Plans
- PR 23-01-030 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 23-02-163 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the Electrical Engineer's Office
- PR 23-03-202 Supply and Delivery of VArious Medals for the office of the Student Affairs
- PR 23-02-161 Supply and Delivery of 3 in 1 Function Printer
- PR 23-02-146 Supply and Delivery of Multi-Colored Polo Shirt for the NICER Project 3
- PR 23-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 23-02-104 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for the College of Medicine Building
- PR 23-02-087 Supplu and Delivery of Various Tools and Supplies for the I.R.F
- PR 23-02-083 Supply and Delivery of 9-in-1 Air Quality Monitor
- PR 23-02-145 Supply and Delivery of Various Tires for the Motorpool
- PR 23-02-158 Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for the UPRESS
- PR 23-02-102 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenwares for the Nicer Project 3
- PR 23-02-082 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies
- PR 23-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Various Office/IT Equipment for the AREC
- PR 23-03-190 Supply and Delivery of Room Accommodation for the University Board Secretary
- PR 23-01-074 Supply and Delivery of VArious Laboratory Equipment for the PCHRD
- PR 23-01-072 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies for the UPRESS
- PR 23-01-067 Supply and Delivery of Alcohol for the University Clinic
- PR 23-02-079 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for the ILS-High School
- PR 23-02-112 upply and Delivery of Various Fans for the VPAF
- PR 23-01-071 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the UPRESS
- PR 23-01-028 Supply and Delivery of Heavy Duty Slotted Angle Rack
- PR 23-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Products
- PR 23-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Various Feeds and Vitamins for the Zampen Native CHicken
- PR 23-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Various Appliances for the Various Offices
- PR 23-01-048 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware for the CHE
- PR 23-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicine for the Health Services
- PR 23-02-108 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for the VPRG
- PR 23-02-114 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the VPAF
- PR 23-02-109 Supply and Delivery of Diploma Jacket for the Registrar's Office
- PR 23-01-004 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Supplies for the CHE
- PR 23-01-069 Supply and Delivery of School Chair w/out Armrest
- PR 23-01-032 Supply and Dlivery of Various Office Equipments for the Supply Office
- PR 23-01-026 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicine for the Dental Clinic
- PR 23-02-086 Supply and Delivery of Bullets for the Administration
- PR 23-02-078 Supply and Delivery of Oxygen Tank 5 lbs for the University Health Services
- PR 23-01-068 Supply and Delivery of Customized Collared Shirt for the GRRC
- PR 23-01-044 Supply and Delivery of Exhaust Fan 12" for the Office of the President
- PR 23-01-043 Supply and Delivery of Various Kithcenware for the BAC
- PR 23-01-042 Supply and Delivery of Various Furniture for the Bids and Awards Committee
- PR 23-01-041 Suply and Delivery of Full Steel Comb Ring Binding Machine for the Bids and Awards Committee
- PR 23-01-037 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Nicer Project 3
- PR 23-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the PPO
- PR 23-01-035 Supply and Delivery of Various Microsoft Servers for the Accounting Office
- PR 23-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies for the PPO
- PR 23-01-015 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink for TEC
- PR 23-01-001 Supply and Delivery Maintenance Free Automotive Battery for Unviersity Electrical Engineer
- PR 23-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Nicer Project 2
- PR 23-01-004 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Utensils and Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 23-10-483 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Social Work Community Development of the University
- PR 23-10-506 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-10-498 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR: 23-08-434 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Extension Services of the University
- PR 23-08-390 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Equipment and Materials for the Extension Services of the University
- PR 23-04-262 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the NICER Project 3 of the University
- PR: 23-06-331 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for Research Project for the RDEC
- PR 23-05-288 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 23-03-207 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 23-03-206 "Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies"
- PR 23-02-176 Supply and Delivery of Variosu Office Supplies for the AREC-COE
- PR 23-02-098 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the Scholarships Office
- PR 23-02-179 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the CCE
- PR 23-02-184 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 23-01-022 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 23-02-105 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Nicer Project 3
- PR 23-01-017 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the CSM Nicer Project 2
Public Bidding
- PR 23-09-415 Checklist_6th Edition PBDs_Goods
- PR 23-09-415 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice Education of the University
- PR 23-06-336 Supply and Delivery of Smart LED TV for the Vice President for Admin and Finance of the University
- PR 23-04-245 Supply and Delivery of Various Furnitures and Fixtures for the Mass Communication Department of the University
- PR 23-06-319 Supply and Delivery of Smart LED TV and Various IT Supplies, Parts, Accessories and Peripherals for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PBD's PR 23-06-336 Supply and Delivery of Smart LED TV for the Vice President for Admin and Finance of the university
- PR-23-06-319 Checklist_6th Edition PBDs_Goods
- PR-23-10-520 Checklist_6th Edition PBDs_Goods
- PR 23-04-248 Supply and Delivery of Mini Dump Truck for the University
- PR-23-04-248 Checklist_6th Edition PBDs_Goods
- PR 23-10-500 Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipments for the College of Engineering
- PR 23-10-473 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioning Unit for the College of Law of the University
- PR 23-10-476 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Random Access Memory (RAM) for the DPO/IT Security Office
- PR 23-07-355-A Supply and Delivery of Student Educational Kit for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-B Supply and Delivery of Voice Over IP Telephony System (Digital Phone) for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-C Supply and Delivery of Networking Devices for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-D Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Gate Keeper System with SMS Text Bulk Messenger for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-E Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning and Training of Outdoor LED Wall Display with Steel Structure Foundation for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-F Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV Set with Monitoring System for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-G Supply and Delivery of Computer Equipment for Enrollment Center for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-H Supply and Delivery of Audio-Visual Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-02-157 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 23-10-479 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- PR 23-10-479 Checklist_6th Edition PBDs_Goods
- PR 23-10-473 Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-10-476 rebid Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 A Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 B Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 C Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 D Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 E Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 F Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 G Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-07-355 H Checklist 6th Edition PBDs Goods
- PR 23-09-421 Supply and Delivery Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Software for the WESMARRDEC/SERDAC of the University
- PR 23-08-399 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Science and Mathemetics for the University
- PR 23-10-505 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Press of the University
- PR 23-09-452 Supply and Delivery of Smart TV and Air Conditioner for the ILHS High School Department of the University
- PR 23-09-465 Supply and Delivery of Passenger Van Brand New of the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR 23-09-423 Supply and Delivery of Technical Laptop and Network Attached Storage for the Sattelite Socio-Economic Research and Data Analytic Center
- PR 23-09-422 Supply and Delivery of MATLAB Software for the Sattelite Socio-Economic Research and Data Analytic Center
- PR 23-04-243 Supply and Delivery of Various Communication Equipments for the Mass Communication Department of the University
- PR 23-10-476 Supply and Delivery of Random Access Memory (RAM) for the DPO/IT Security Office
- PR 23-09-416 Supply and Delivery of Bus for the University
- PR-23-07-354 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture and Fixture for the MISTO
- PR 23-07-361 Supply and Delivery of Water Refilling Equipment with Complete Set-Up
- PBDs PR 23-09-416
- PR 23-07-354 rebid Checklist_6th Edition PBDs_Goods
- Enhancement of Artificial Insemination for Zampen Native Chicken Research and Development Center
- BOQ-Enhancement of Artificial Insemination for ZAMPEN Native Chicken Research and Development Center
- Checklist-Enhancement of Artificial Insemination for ZAMPEN Native Chicken Research and Development Center
- Technical Specification-Enhancement of Artificial Insemination for ZAMPEN Native Chicken Research and Development Center
- PR 23-05-290 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Cabinet Dessicator and Water Retort for the NICER Project 3
- PR 23-07-360 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the University
- PR-23-02-126 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment of the College of Home Economics
- PR-23-02-121 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the OCTA
- PR 23-02-118 Supply and Delivery of Speaker, Keyboard, Flash Lighting and LED Par for the OCTA
- PR 23-09-448 Supply and Delivery of Digital Photocopier for the Office of the President
- PR 23-07-352 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Office Blinds for the Guidance Office
- PR 23-06-313 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Dressing Cart for the College of Medicine
- Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line
- PBD's - Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line
- PR 23-02-152 Rebid Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of 70ft Mono Pole Antenna and Solar Energy System for the Smart Campus
- PBD's PR 23-02-152 Rebid
- PR 23-08-392 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the CSM
- PBD's - PR 23-08-392 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the CSM
- PR 23-08-383 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the Physical Plant & Engineering Services
- PBD's - PR 23-08-383 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the Physical Plant & Engineering Services
- PR 23-02-111 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Library
- PBD's - PR 23-02-111 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Library
- Construction of School Building Component for Infrastructure and Smart Campus Development, Operationalization of Face to Face Classes and Upgrading/Procurement of Equipment
- Construction of School Building Component for Infrastructure and Smart Campus Development, Operationalization of Face to Face Classes and Upgrading/Procurement of Equipment
- Construction of School Building Component for Infrastructure and Smart Campus Development, Operationalization of Face to Face Classes and Upgrading/Procurement of Equipment
- R 23-07-355 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-01-019
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-02-119
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-02-120
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-06-330
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-07-354
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-02-152
- Renovation of the Testing and Evaluation Center
- PBD's - Renovation of the Testing and Evaluation Center
- Two Failed Biddings - Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- Plans - Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- Specifications - Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- BOQ - Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- PBD's Two Failed Biddings - Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-02-157
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-02-131
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-04-258
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-04-244
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-06-335
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-04-255
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-06-343
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-06-328
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-05-280
- PR 23-04-249 Supply and Delivery of Brand New Passenger Van for the University
- PR 23-02-182 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Library
- PR 23-05-296 Supply and Delivery of UHF Card, YMCK Colored Ribbon and Retransfer Film for the University Press
- PR 23-05-297 Supply and Delivery of ID Sling for the UPRESS
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-05-296
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-05-297
- PR 23-05-273 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-03-236
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-04-240
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-04-240
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-06-309
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-06-309
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-06-313
- Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the Accounting and Board Secretary Office
- Supply and Delivery of Furniture and Fixtures for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the HRMO
- Supply and Delivery of Dressing Cart for the College of Medicine
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-02-111
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-01-050 Rebid
- 2023Revised 6th Edition PBDs_PR-23-01-027 Rebid
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-05-272
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-05-279
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-05-279
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-02-081
- Notice of Cancellation - Smart Building Component
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-23-02-178 "Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment"
- Repair and Renovation of WMSU Open Stage
- PBD's Repair and Renovation of WMSU Open Stage
- Repair and Renovation of WMSU Open Stage - Plans
- Renovation of Zamboanga Normal School Building Azotea
- Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of College of Criminal Justice Education
- PBD's - Renovation of Zamboanga Normal School Building Azotea
- PBD's - Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of CCJE
- Repair of Reoofing, Ceiling and Retiling of CCJE - Plans
- Renovation of WMSU Normal School Building Azotea - Plans
- Enhancement and Upgrading of WMSU-CA Breeding Facilities for the Conservation and Sustainable Production of Quality Zampen Native Chicken
- Renovation of Analytical and Pure Research Laboratory at 3rd Floor, Science and Technology Hub Building
- PBD's - Enhancement and Upgrading of WMSU-CA Breeding Facilities for the Conservation and Sustainable Production of Quality Zampen Native Chicken
- PBD's - Renovation of Analytical and Pure Research Laboratory at 3rd Floor, Science and Technology Hub Building
- Plans - Renovation of Analytical and Pure Research Laboratory
- PR 23-01-050 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Engineering Equipment
- PBD's PR 23-01-050 Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipment
- Construction of the University Registrar Building
- University Registrar Building - Technical Specifications
- University Registrar Building - Bill of Quantities
- PBD's - Construction of the University Registrar Building
- PR 23-03-188 Supply and Delivery of Various Fabrics for the Garment Shop
- PR 23-02-173 "Supply and Delivery of Security Services"
- PR 23-01-027 Supply and Delivery of Various Uniforms for the Auxiliary Service
- Construction of Technopreneurship Development Center
- Renovation of the Nursing Simulation Laboratory and Support
- Renovation of Nursing Simulation Laboratory - Plans
- Technopreneruship Building - Specs & BOQ
- Renovation of Nursing Simulation Lab. and Support Facilities - Specs & BOQ
- PR 23-01-062 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for the Registrar's Office
Bid Bulletin:
- Notice of Meeting - December 30, 2023
- PR 23-09-415 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice Education of the University
- PR 23-06-319 Supply and Delivery of Smart LED TV and Various IT Supplies, Parts, Accessories and Peripherals for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-04-248 Supply and Delivery of Mini Dump Truck for the University
- PR 23-07-355 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-02-119 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Nursing
- PR-23-02-157 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR-23-01-019 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the VPAA
- PR 23-06-319 upply and Delivery of Smart LED TV and Various IT Supplies, Parts, Accessories and Peripherals for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR 23-10-520 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-04-248 Supply and Delivery of Mini Dump Truck for the University
- PR 23-02-157 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 23-07-355-A Supply and Delivery of Student Educational Kit for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-B Supply and Delivery of Voice Over IP Telephony System (Digital Phone) for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-C Supply and Delivery of Networking Devices for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-D Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Gate Keeper System with SMS Text Bulk Messenger for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-E Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning and Training of Outdoor LED Wall Display with Steel Structure Foundation for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-F Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV Set with Monitoring System for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-H Supply and Delivery of Audio-Visual Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-10-479 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies, Materials and Equipment of the College of Agriculture for the University
- Bid Bulletin - PR 23-09-416 Supply and Delivery of Bus for the University
- Bid Bulletin - PR 23-07-354 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture and Fixture for the MISTO
- Bid Bulletin - PR 23-10-505 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Press of the University
- Bid Bulletin: Enhancement of Native Chicken Processing Facility
- Upgrading of Primary Feeder Line and Secondary Distribution Line from Single Phase to Three Phase Line
- PR 23-02-152 Rebid Supply and Delivery 70ft Monopole Antenna and Solar Energy
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-07-355 (2)
- PR 23-07-355 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-07-355
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-07-354
- Bid Bulletin - PR-23-01-019
- Bid Bulletin for PR-23-02-157
- Bid Bulletin PR-23-01-027-REBID
- Bid Bulletin for PR-23-05-296
- Bid Bulletin for PR-23-05-297
- Bid Bulletin for PR-23-01-50-REBID
- Bid Bulletin for PR-23-01-027-REBID
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-02-111
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-03-236
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-06-309
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-06-313
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-04-240
- Bid Bulletin PR 23-05-284
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-01-050-Rebid
- Bid Bulletin-PR-23-01-027-Rebid
- PR 23-02-178 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment
- Construction of the University Registrar Building - Supplemental Bid Bulletin
- Enhancement and Upgrading of WMSU-CA Breeding Facilities for the Conservation and Sustainable Production of Quality Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 23-01-050 Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipment
- Construction of the University Registrar Building - Supplemental Bid Bulletin
- PR 23-01-050 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment
- Construction of the University Registrar Building - Supplemental Bid Bulletin
- Construction of the University Registrar Building - Bid Bulletin
- Construction of the University Registrar Building - Modified BOQ
- Construction of the university Registrar Building - Page 26 Technical Specifications
- PR 23-02-173 "Supply and Delivery of Security Service"
- Bid Bulletin PR 23-03-188 "Supply and Delivery of Various Fabrics"
- PR 23-02-173 "Supply and Delivery of Security Services"
- PR 23-01-027 "Supply and Delivery of P.E Uniforms for the Auxiliary Service"
- PR 23-01-062 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for the University Registrar
- Bid Bulletin for PR 23-01-071 "Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies"
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- PR 23-07-355-B Supply and Delivery of Student Educational Kit for the Smart Campus of the University
- R 23-07-355-C Supply and Delivery of Networking Devices for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-E Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning and Training of Outdoor LED Wall Display with Steel Structure Foundation for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-F Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV Set with Monitoring System for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-G Supply and Delivery of Computer Equipment for Enrollment Center for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-07-355-H Supply and Delivery of Audio-Visual Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR 23-04-245 Supply and Delivery of Various Furnitures and Fixtures for the Mass Communication Department of the University
- PR 23-02-119 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Nursing
- PR 23-07-355 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Smart Campus of the University
- PR-23-02-157 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR-23-02-157 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR-23-02-157 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR 23-02-119 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Nursing
- PR 23-02-119 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Nursing
- PR 23-02-119 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Nursing
- PR-23-01-019 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the VPAA
- Construction of School Building Component for Infrastructure and Smart Campus Development, Operationalization of Face to Face Classes and UpgradingProcurement of Equipment
- Enhancement of Processing Facility
- PR 23-02-120 Supply and Delivery of Photocopier Machine and LED Smart TV for the College of Nursing of the Unviersity
- PR 23-02-120 Supply and Delivery of Photocopier Machine and LED Smart TV for the College of Nursing of the Unviersity
- Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the CCJE
- PR 23-01-027 "Supply and Delivery of P.E Uniforms for the Auxiliary Service"
- PR 23-07-361 Supply and Delivery of Water Refilling Equipment with Complete Set-Up
- PR 23-05-303 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment and Furntirure for the Internal Audit Office
- PR 23-05-303 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment and Furntirure for the Internal Audit Office
- PR 23-08-397 Supply and Delivery of Certificate of Registration with CN for the MISTO of the University
- Repair of WMSU Open Stage - Notice of Award
- PR 23-04-249 Supply and Delivery of Brand New Passenger Van for the University
- PR-23-05-272 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioning Unit for the University
- Renovation of Zamboanga Normal School Building Azotea
- Renovation of the Nursing Simulation Laboratory and Support Facilities
- Enhancement and Upgrading of WMSU-CA Breeding Facilities for the Conservation and Sustainable Production of Quality Zampen Native Chicken
- Construction of Technopreneurship Development Center
- PR 23-02-178 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment
- PR 23-03-202 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the DSA
- PR 23-03-188 Supply and Delivery of Various Fabrics
- PR 23-01-062 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper - Notice of Award
Small Value Procurement
- PR 23-10-513 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken for of the University
- PR 23-11-567 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the ZAMPEN Native Pig Project of the University
- PR 23-10-517 Supply and Delivery of Termite Abatement Maintenance Program for the General Services Office of the University
- PR 23-11-605 Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the HRMO
- PR 23-10-472 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR 23-07-366 Supply and Delivery of Office Glass Partition and Office Glass Window for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR 23-08-402 Supply and Delivery of Laptop and 3-in-1 Multifunction Printer for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-11-602 Supply and Delivery of Yakan Treasure Chest (Yakan Baul) and Plaque (Gong for VIP Guest) for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University of the University
- PR 23-10-521 Supply and Delivery of Customized Tote Bag, Notebook and Pen for the College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CSSPE) of the University
- PR 23-10-496 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation to conduct Research Development Colloquium on Agriculture and Natural Resources for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-10-495 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation to conduct Future Training Writeshop for the RPDU of the University
- PR 23-07-358 Supply and Delivery of Electrical Supplies and Materials for the ILS High School of the University
- PR 23-02-088 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the Research Project of Environmental Engineering of the University
- PR 23-05-268 Supply and Delivery Diploma Jacket for the ILS High School of the University
- PR 23-07-369 Supply and Delivery of Stainless Plate for the Sentro ng Wika at Kultura Bantayog Monument of the University
- PR 23-02-085 Supply and Delivery of CCTV for the Supply Office
- PR 24-05-250 Procurement of Sound System for the conduct of the Workshop to Publishing for Free in ISI, Scopus – Indexed, and ACI Journals for this University
- PR 23-06-323
- PR 23-02-159 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies for the College of Nursing
- PR 23-01-065 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR 23-01-064 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the Shared Service Facility
- PR 23-06-314 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accomodation
- PR 23-05-275 rebidSupply and Delivery of Medical Oxygen Tank
- PR 23-04-263 rebid Supply and Delivery of Float Switch and Royal Cord
- PR 23-03-228 Supply and Delivery of HP Plotter Ink for the PPES
- PR 23-04-241 Supply and Delivery of Certificate Holder/Jacket for the QMS-ISO
- PR 23-05-276 Various Supplies and Materials for the Gymnasium
- PR 23-02-138 Supply and Delivery of Combi Blinds for the CSM
- PR 23-03-201 Supply and Delivery of School Chairs for the ESU - Notice of Award
- PR 23-03-193 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for WESMAARRDEC
- PR 23-02-174 Supply and Delivery of Portable Rechargeable Trolley Speaker
- PR 23-03-217 Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies and Materials
- PR 23-01-073 Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector for the DOST-NBCP
- PR 23-02-129 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment
- PR 23-01-036 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies for the University
- PR 23-01-047 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials
- PR 23-01-063 Supply and Delivery of VArious Laboratory Equipment for the NICER 3
- PR 23-03-226 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for ILS-Elementary
- PR 23-03-259 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircon Supplies
- PR 23-04-252 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials
- PR 23-02-106 Supply and Delivery of DSLR Camera with Lens
- PR 23-03-195 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies
- PR 23-02-179 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the CCE of the University
- PR 23-01-007 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
- PR 23-03-194 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ILS-High School
- PR 23-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Various Feeds and Vitamins
- PR 23-01-062 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-145 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Tires - Notice of Award
- PR 23-03-187 Supply and Delivery of Copper Wire for the University Electrical Engineer
- PR 23-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Products - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-074 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the PCHRD
- PR 23-03-192 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies
- PR 23-02-083 Supply and Delivery of 9 in 1 Air Quality Monitor for the IRF
- PR 23-01-017 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials - NOA
- PR 23-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipments for AREC (COE)
- PR 23-01-030 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture and Equipment
- PR 23-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies
- PR 23-01-032 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Supply Office
- PR 23-01-042 Supply and Delivery of Various Furnitures - Notice of Award
- PR 23-03-222 Supply and Delivery of Room Accomodation - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-161 Supply and Delivery of 3 in 1 Printer - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-158 Supply and Delivery of Bond paper for the UPRESS - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-067 Supply and Delivery of Alcohol for the Clinic - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-109 Supply and Delivery of Diploma Jacket - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-108 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the VPRG
- PR 23-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Various Appliances - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-104 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture
- PR 23-01-028 Supply and Delivery of Heavy Duty Slotted Angle Rack - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-079 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment
- PR 23-01-072 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the UPRESS
- PR 23-02-112 Supply and Delivery of Various Fans for the VPAF - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-044 Supply and Delivery of Exhaust Fan 12" for the Office of the President
- PR 23-01-026 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies
- PR 23-01-077 Food and Venue for the RDEC - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-068 Supply and Delivery of Customized Collared Shirt - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-086 Supply and Delivery of Bullets - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-069 SUpply and Delivery of School Arm Chair - Notice of Award
- PR 23-03-190 Supply and Delivery of Room Accomodation and Function Room - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-042 Supply and Delivery of VArious Furniture - NOA
- PR 23-01-035 Supply and Delivery of Microsoft Servers - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-043 Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-041 Supply and Delivery of Full Steel Comb Ring Binder for the BAC
- PR 23-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the PPO - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery - NOA
- PR 23-01-015 Supply and Delivery of Various Inks - Notice of Award
- PR 23-06-324 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC of the University
- PR 23-02-105 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the Agriculture Nicer Project
- PR 23-02-179 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the CCE
- PR 23-03-207 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies& Materials
- PR 23-03-212 Supply and Delivery of 4 Pole DC Circuit Breaker - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-206 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the CSM
- PR 23-02-184 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 23-01-022 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR 23-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-017 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 23-01-006 Supply and Delivery of Termite Abatement - Notice of Award Shopping 52.1a
Direct Contracting
- PR 23-03-198 Supply and Delivery Supreme Court Reports Annotated (SCRA) for the College of Law Library
- PR 23-03-197 Procurement of E-SCRA Subscription for the Library - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-005 Supply and Delivery of MATLAB Software License - Notice of Award
- PR 23-03-189 Supply and Delivery of Anti-Plagiarism Software - Notice of Award
- PR 23-02-128 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-054 Supply and Delivery of QSIU:Evaluation
- PR 23-02-130 Supply and Delivery of kTmine Subscription - Notice of Award
- PR 23-01-039 Supply and Delivery of 1 year derwent Subscription - Notice of Award
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
- Construction of School Building Component for Infrastructure and Smart Campus Development, Operationalization of Face to Face Classes and UpgradingProcurement of Equipment
- Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the CCJE
- Contract - Repair and Renovation of WMSU Open Stage
- Renovation of the Nursing Simulation Laboratory and Support Facilities
- Contract Agreement - Renovation of Zamboanga Normal School Azotea
- Contract Agreement - Construction of technopreneurship Development Center
- Contract Agreement - Enhancement and Upgrading of WMSU-CA Breeding Facilities
- Contract Agreement - Renovation of Analytic and Pure Science Research
- PR 22-05-257 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipments
- Construction of the College of Medicine Building - Contract
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- Construction of School Building Component for Infrastructure and Smart Campus Development, Operationalization of Face to Face Classes and UpgradingProcurement of Equipment
- Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Retiling of the CCJE
- Enhancement of Processing Facility
- Notice to Proceed - Repair and Renovation of WMSU Open Stage
- Renovation of the Nursing Simulation Laboratory and Support Facilities
- Notice to Proceed - Renovation of Zamboanga Normal School Azotea
- Notice to Proceed - Construction of Technopreneurship Development Center
- Notice to Proceed - Enhancement and Upgrading of WMSU-CA Breeding Facilities
- Notice to Proceed - Renovation of Analytical and Pure Research Laboratory at 3rd Floor
- Construction of College of Medicine Building
- Construction of Water Refilling Station - Notice to Proceed
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR 22-12-531 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the QMS-ISO
- PR 22-11-483 Supply and Delivery of VArious Hardware Supplies for the PPO
- PR 22-11-429 Supply and Delivery of VArious Office Supplies for the Nicer pRoject 3
- PR 22-09-425 Supply and Delivery of Stand Fan and AVR for the Nicer Project 3
- PR 22-10-470 Supply and Delivery of Book Shelves for the QMS-ISO
- PR 22-11-495 Supply and Delivery of Brass Plate for the OP
- PR 22-10-446 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furnitures for the Nicer Project 3
- PR 22-09-428 Supply and Delivery of Kitchen Supplies for the Nicer Project 3
- PR 22-12-517 Supply and Delivery of Customized Plaque
- PR 22-12-515 Supply and Delivery of Catering Service
- PR 22-10-462 SUpply and Delivery of Handheld GPS
- PR 22-10-444 Supply and Delivery LPG Hose and Double Burner Gas Stove
- Supply and Delivery of Lights and Sound for the Alumni Relations Office
- PR 22-11-510 Supply and Delivery of Food for the VPAF
- PR 22-02-140 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Furniture's for the ILS-HS
- Supply and Delivery of Food for the Testimonial Dinner/Gala Night of the Alumni Relations Office of the University
- PR 22-11-492 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies
- PR 22-12-518 Supply and Delivery of Food for the BAC Office
- PR 22-10-465 Supply and Delivery of Plaques for the Office of the PResident
- PR 22-11-501 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the PPO
- PR 22-02-072 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the CFES
- PR 22-03-171 Supply and Delivery of Drone for the CFES
- PR 22-05-249 Supply and Delivery of Equipment for the CFES
- PR 22-09-412 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Digital Conference
- PR 22-10-439 Supply and Delivery of Pistol for the Security Office
- PR 22-09-422 Supply and Delivery of Car Batteries for the Motorpool
- PR 22-10-449 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies for the PPO
- PR 22-10-461 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the CLA
- PR 22-09-409 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies for the PPO
- PR 22-09-418 Supply and Delivery of Customized Collar Shirt
- PR 22-09-389 Supply and Delivery of Customizede Shirt with Collar for the RESEL
- PR 22-10-469 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 22-10-436 Supply and Delivery of Ancilliary Goods and Services for the CSM
- PR 22-10-441 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies for the VPAF
- PR 22-10-455 Supply and Delivery of Musical Instruments and Accessories for the OCTA
- PR 22-08-362-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Server for the Accounting Office
- PR 22-09-411 Supply and Delivery of Various Whiteboard for the College of Medicine
- PR 22-09-388 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the TEC
- PR 22-08-372-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 22-08-346-REBID Supply and Delivery of Compact HEPA UV Air purifier and External oral Aerosol Suction
- PR 22-06-275-Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies for the CCE
- PR 22-02-099-REBID SUpply and Delivery of Various utility supplies for the Supply Office
- PR 22-08-335 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory supplies for the ZAMPEN Native Chicken
- PR 22-08-358 Supply and Delivery of Rackmount 17" for the MISTO of the University
- PR 22-09-420 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the QMS-ISO
- PR 22-08-368 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the UPRESS
- PR 22-09-404 Supply and Delivery of Varsity Jacket, Jogger Pants, Athletic uniform and Jersey Short
- PR 22-09-396 Supply and Delivery of Books and Module for the RDEC
- PR 22-09-385 Supply and Delivery of 3 in 1 Multifunction Printer
- PR 22-09-405 Supply and Delivery of Signages for the ILS HS Department
- PR 22-09-391 Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Signage for the VPAF
- PR 22-09-386 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing
- PR 22-08-376 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the College of Nursing
- PR 22-09-390 Supply and Delivery of Upper Ball Joint and Fit Man Arm for the Motorpool
- PR 22-09-430 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accomodation for the University Board Secretary
- PR 22-08-380 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the REOC
- PR 22-09-399 Supply and Dlivery of WMSU Praise Plaque for the OP
- PR 22-09-419 Supply and Delivery of LEI for the HRMO
- PR 22-09-419 Supply and Delivery of LEI for the HRMO
- PR 22-07-350 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the ITSO
- PR 22-08-375 Supply and Delivery of 150 watt LED street light for the Administration Office
- PR 22-08-363 Supply and Delivery of Various IT supplies for the Extension Services
- PR 22-08-369 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the Zampen native Chicken
- PR 22-08-374 Supply and Delivery of Bomber jacket for the QMS-ISO
- PR 22-08-373 Supply and Delivery of Ammunition for the Administration Office
- PR 22-09-394 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the SDBU
- PR 22-07-329-REBID Supply and Delivery of Coco Lumber for the CTE
- PR 22-07-335 REBID Supply and Delivery of 9-in 1 Air Quality Monitor for the EnE Dept.
- PR 22-07-341 rebid Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the University Electrical Engineer's Office
- PR 22-07-343 Supply and Delivery of Book Shelves for the QMS-ISO
- PR 22-02-099 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Supply Office
- PR 22-06-275 Supply and Delivery of VArious IT Supplies for the CCE
- PR 22-07-336 Supply and Delivery of Electronic Supplies for the EnE Department
- PR 22-08-362 Supply and Delivery of Microsoft Server Software for the Accounting Office
- PR 22-08-371 Supply and Delivery of Scaffolding and Wheel Barrow for the Administration
- PR 22-07-346 Supply and Dlivery of Compact HEPA UV Air Purification and External Oral Aerosol Suction
- PR 22-08-365 Supply and Delivery of Various Shirts, jackets and Tote BAg for the ITSO
- PR 22-08-360 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies for the PPO
- PR 22-06-281 Supply and Delivery and Installation of Accent Wall (3D Acrylic Build Up)
- PR 22-06-293 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware
- PR 22-08-367 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the QMS-ISO
- PR 22-06-304 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computers for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 22-06-310 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the ITIK Pinas Project
- PR 22-07-329 Supply and Delivery of Various Coco Lumber for the CTE
- PR 22-07-338 Supply and Delivery of Ink Tank System Printer for the EnE of the UNiversity
- PR 22-07-341 Supply and Delivery of Automotive battery - Maintenance Free
- PR 22-06-291 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Supply Office
- PR 22-06-318 REBID Supply and Delivery of Hot Air Gun Soldering Station
- PR 22-06-311 Supply and Delivery of 3 in 1 Multifunction Printer
- PR 22-06-320 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Printer Ink for the Board Secretary
- PR 22-06-301 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware materials for the CTE
- PR 22-07-322-rebid Supply and Delivery Various Office Supplies for the Unviersity
- PR 22-07-335 Supply and Delivery of 9 in 1 Air quality monitor and Digital handheld Toxic Gas Detector
- PR 22-07-323 REBID Supply and delivery of Various Spare Parts for the Motorpool
- PR 22-07-321 Supply and Delivery of Dry Seal for the Regsitrar
- PR 22-07-334 Supply and Delivery of Wood Planks and Wooden Base Board for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery Various Spare Parts for the Motorpool
- PR 22-05-270-Rebid Supply and Delivery of Handheld GPS
- PR 22-06-293 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware and Appliance for the ECONOTEL
- PR 22-06-292 Supply and Delivery of Various FAbrics for the ECONOTEL of the UNiversity
- PR 22-06-299 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the PPO
- PR 22-07-324 Supply and Delivery of 3-in-1 printer for the Research of the University
- PR 22-06-319 Supply and Delivery of VArious Printing Supplies and Equipment for the UPRESS
- PR 22-06-318 Supply and Delivery of Hot Air Gun Soldering Station
- PR 22-06-320 Supply and Delivery of Various Printer Ink Supplies for the Board Sec Office
- BID BULLETINPR 22-04-213
- PR 22-06-313 Supply and Delivery of ATBI Marker for the RDEC
- PR-22-01-046-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- PR 22-02-096 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the MISTO of the University
- PR 22-03-195-Rebid Supply and Delivery of Wheel Barrow and Scaffolding (2H Frame with Cross bracing) for the Administration Office
- PR 22-07-332 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accomodation for the VPAA
- PR 22-07-328 Supply and Delivery of Lights and Sound for the VPAA
- PR 22-04-221-REBID Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Various Clear Glass for the PPO
- PR 22-04-211 REBID Supply and Delivery of Portable Power Saw for the Administration Office
- PR 22-06-297 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Automatic generator Controller Module and Time Delay Relay
- PR 22-07-325 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the VPAA
- PR 22-02-136 Supply and Delivery of VArious Tools for the and Equipment for the Administration
- PR 22-03-195 Supply and Delivery of Various Utility Equipment and Supplies for the Administration
- PR 22-06-279Supply and Delivery of Printing Supplies for the UPRESS
- PR 22-06-288 Supply and Delivery of Airconditiong Unit for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 22-06-289 Supply and Delivery of Digital Photocopier for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 22-06- 305 Supply and Delivery of Medallion for the President - Board Sec Office
- PR 22-06-303 Supply and Delivery of Hot and Cold Flask for the President
- PR 22-05-270 Supply and Delivery of Handheld GPS for the Planning Office
- Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the RDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT supplies and peripherals for ITSO
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for Nicer Project
- PR-22-01-055-REBID Supply and Delivery of VarioUs Animal Feeds for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR-22-01-035-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the DOST Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-22-03-203-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Office of the University Architect
- PR-22-02-144-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Digital Conference System for the BAC Office of the University
- PR-22-05-267 Supply and Delivery of Wood Planks, Base Board and Nails for the Administration of the University
- PR-22-05-265 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the ITIK Pinas Project of the University
- PR-22-05-247 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the CN, PPO and Budget Office of the University
- PR-22-02-083 Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Oven, Benchtop Centrifuge Machine and em Apparatus for the CSM of the University
- PR-22-03-197 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for the RDEC of the University
- PR-22-03-194 Supply and Delivery of Fire Extinguisher for the University
- PR-22-05-264 Supply and Delivery of Medallion for the President of the University
- PR-22-04-237 Supply and Delivery of Computer Table and Sofa Set for the VPAF of the University
- PR-22-04-220-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-01-048-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies and Materials for the University
- PR-22-04-218 Supply and Delivery of HP Plotter Ink for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-03-196 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioning Unit for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR-22-03-203 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Office of the University Architect
- PR-22-04-225 Supply and Delivery of Chick Booster Crumble, Duck Later Pellet and Multivitamins Powder for the Itik Project of the University
- PR-22-03-160 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Sentro ng Wika at Kultura of the University
- PR-22-04-241 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplis and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-05-245 Supply and Delivery of Customized Plain Polo Shirt with Embroidered Logo for the ITSO of the University
- PR-22-04-240 Supply and Delivery of Clear Glass Door and Windows for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-03-202 Supply and Delivery of Water Pump and Pressure Tank with Booster Pump & Accessories for the DOST Project of the University
- PR-22-04-239 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-05-244 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the RDEC of the University
- PR-22-04-230 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration of the University
- PR-22-05-256 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the PHSI of the University
- PR-22-02-153-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Tissue Culture Project of the University
- PR-22-05-256 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the PHSI of the University
- PR-22-02-153-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Tissue Culture Project of the University
- PR-22-02-130-REBID Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-22-03-168-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Accent Wall for the Office of the President of the University
- PR-22-03-181-REBID Supply and Delivery of Clear Glass with Aluminum Frame for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-03-170-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the IGP of the University
- PR-22-04-222 Supply and Delivery of Various Tires for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-22-04-220 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-04-217 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Prepainted Roll Up Door for the College of Engineering of the University
- PR-22-04-216 Supply and Delivery of G.I. Tube and Scaffolding Clamp for the Office of the University Architect
- PR-22-03-208 Supply and Delivery of Clear Glass with Aluminum Frame for the Office of the University Architect of the University
- PR-22-03-207 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Office of the University Architect
- PR-22-03-204 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Office of the University Architect
- SVP - PR-22-03-180-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Mirrors for the PPO of the University
- PR-22-03-176-REBID Supply and Delivery of Medical Oxygen Cylinder and Tank for CHE Lab and Medical Clinic
- PR-22-02-097-REBID Supply and Delivery of Microphone for DSLR Camera for the PAO of the University
- PR-22-03-174-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-04-231 Supply and Delivery of Various Medallion for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-22-01-048 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies and Materials for the University
- PR-22-03-187 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR-22-03-201 Supply and Delivery of Semen Storage Cabinet for the DOST Project of the University
- PR-22-04-214 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR-22-04-221 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Clear Glass for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-03-188 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Airconditioning Units for the University
- PR-22-03-200 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the BAC of the University
- PR-22-04-215 Supply and Delivery of Various Medallion for the University
- PR-22-03-205 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-22-03-185 Supply and Delivery of Paper Weight, Keychain and White Coffee Mug with Sublimation Printing for the CCE of the University
- PR-22-01-040 Supply and Delivery of Feed Pelletizer Machine, Chicken Feed Hammer Mill & Shredder Machine for the DOST Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-22-02-143-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Accounting Section and PAO of the University
- PR-22-01-035 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the DOST Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-22-02-150-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the Reaserch of the University
- PR-22-03-199 Supply and Delivery of Table Top Dispenser for the Research Project of the University
- PR-22-03-186 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project 3 of the University
- PR-22-02-144 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Digital Conference System for the BAC Office of the University
- PR-22-03-206 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-03-176 Supply and Delivery of Medical Oxygen Cylinder and Tank for the RLE Nursing, CHE Lab and Medical Clinic
- PR-22-02-093-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware and Utensil for the NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-02-118-REBID Supply and Delivery of Office Table for the RDEC of the University
- PR-22-03-178 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircon Spare Parts & Accessories for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR-22-03-180 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Mirrors for the PPO of the University
- PR-22-03-181 Supply and Delivery of Clear Glass with Aluminum Frame for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-01-025 Supply and Delivery of Multifunction Printer with Wireless Connectivity, UPS & Foldable Drone for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-03-170 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the IGP of the University
- PR-22-02-074 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Physics Department of the CSM of the University
- PR-22-02-101 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies and Materials for Various Offices & Colleges of the University
- PR-22-01-058-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Architectural Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-02-116-REBID Supply and Delivery of Printer and UPS with built-in AVR for the Accounting Office of the University
- PR-22-03-174 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-02-092 DEsign, Supply, Delivery and Installation of 8 KW Hybrid Solar Energy System for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR 22-01-068 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies -
- PR-22-03-168 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Accent Wall for the Office of the President of the University
- PR-22-02-115 Supply and Delivery of Wireless Mouse, Laptop Stand and Multifunction Printer with Wireless Connectivity for the CSM NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-02-089 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus of the CSM NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-03-161 Supply and Delivery of Amazon Screen, Good Lumber and Common Wire Nail for the Itik Pinas Project of the University
- PR-22-02-096 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the MISTO of the University
- PR-22-03-159 Supply and Delivery of Chest Freezer for the CSM NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-02-150 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the Reaserch of the University
- PR-22-02-030 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines, Medical Supplies and Materials for the Health Serivces of the University
- PR-22-02-153 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Tissue Culture Project of the University
- PR-22-02-143 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Accounting Section and PAO of the University
- PR-22-02-104 Supply and Delivery of Water Pump for the Production of Moringa Seedling Project of the University
- PR-22-02-100 Supply and Delivery of Plastic Drum for the Production of Moringa Seedling Project of the University
- PR-22-02-134 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Materials for the CSM NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-02-097 Supply and Delivery of Ring Light with Tripod, microphone for DSLR Camera & Battery Grip for the PAO of the University
- PR-22-02-107 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the CSM and OCTA of the University
- PR-22-01-064-REBID Supply and Delivery of Plastic Water Tank for the Vegetable Production Project of the University
- PR-22-02-110 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the Ofiice of the Electrical Engineer of the University
- PR-22-02-129 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the RDEC of the University
- PR-22-01-003 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Venetian Blinds for the OP of the University
- PR-22-01-060 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the ITSO of the University
- PR-22-02-091 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR-22-02-116 Supply and Delivery of Printer and UPS with built-in AVR for the Accounting Office of the University
- PR-22-01-021-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR-22-01-041 Supply, Delivery, Testing and Installation of Solar Panels for the Office of the Electrical Engineer of the University
- PR-22-02-088-REBID Supply and Delivery of Construction Supplies and Materials for the PPo of the University
- PR-22-01-005-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the VPAA
- PR-22-02-117 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-02-118 Supply and Delivery of Printer, Office Table and Executive Chair for the RDEC of the University
- PR-22-01-067 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Air Conditioning Unit for the MISTO of the University
- PR-22-02-114 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the VP-RESEL of the University
- PR-22-02-098 Supply and Delivery of Multi-Purpose Shredder for the Production of Moringa Seedling of the University
- PR-22-01-055 Supply and Delivery of Varios Animal Feeds for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR-22-01-058 Supply and Delivery of Various Architectural Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-02-093 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware and Utensil for the NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-02-111 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-01-068 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC of the University
- PR-22-02-109 Supply and Delivery of DSLR Camera rfor the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-22-02-103 Supply and Delivery of Multi-Purpose Shredder for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-02-066 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Local Area Network (LAN) for the Registrar's Office of the University
- PR-22-02-071 Supply and Delivery of Executive Table & Chairs, Visitor Chair and Whiteboard for Various Offices of the University
- PR-22-01-062 Supply and Delivery of Printer and USB Flash Drive for the RDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Ready-Made Office Table for the Environmental Engineering of the University
- Design, Supply, Delivery and Installation of 3 KW Hybrid Solar Energy System for the Itik Project of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Automotive Battery for the Motorpool of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Customized Collared Shirt with Printing for the GRRC of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Portable Generator Set for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-02-102 Supply and Delivery of Incubator and Hatcher for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-02-088 Supply and Delivery of Construction Supplies and Materials for the PPo of the University
- PR-22-01-065 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the CN, PPO & Budget Office of the University
- PR-22-01-026 Supply and Delivery of Preventive Maintenance Services for Various Generator of the University
- PR-22-01-064 Supply and Delivery ofKnapsack Sprayer and Plastic Water Tank for the Vegetable Production Project of the University
- PR-22-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- PR-22-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- PR-22-01-012-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Research Project of the University
- PR-22-01-063 Supply and Delivery of Good Lumber for the Vegetable Production Project of the University
- PR-22-01-045 Supply and Delivery of Construction Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the PPO of the University
- PR-22-01-032 Supply and Delivery of Duck Layer Pellet for the Itik Project of the University
- PR-22-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircon Supplies and Materials for the Administration of the University
- PR-22-01-054 Supply and Delivery of Portable PA Speaker for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR-22-01-027 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the University Electrical Engineer's Office
- PR-22-01-027 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the University Electrical Engineer's Office
- PR-22-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR-22-01-034 Supply and Delivery of Overhead Tank for the Vegetable Production Project of the University
- PR-22-01-049 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation for the PCAARRD Strategic Plan
- PR-22-01-009 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the PPO of the University
- PR-22-01-017 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for the Vegetable Production Project of the University
- PR-22-01-012 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Research Project of the University
- PR-22-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Vacuum Oven Set for the NICER Project 2 of the University
- PR-22-02-069 Supply and Delivery of Food for the College of Law
- PR-22-01-005 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the VPAA
- PR-22-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircondition Units for the Office of the President
- PR-22-01-023 Supply and Delivery of Metal Furring, Blind Rivet and Steel Drill Bit for the PPO
- PR-22-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the PMO
- PR 22-11-484 Supply and Delivery of VArious Office Supplies for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR 22-09-427 Supply and Delivery of Various Utility Supplies for the Nicer Project 3
- Supply and Delivery of Computer Ink for the University Board Secretary
- PR 22-10-468 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 22-09-388 Supply and Delivery of Printer Ink and Various Office Supplies for the TEC
- PR 22-08-379 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 22-09-406 Supply and Delivery of Franklin Electric for the University Electrical Engineer
- PR 22-08-372 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 22-07-322 Supply and Delivery Various Office Supplies for the Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 22-06-291 Supply and Delivery of Various Janitorial and Office Supplies for the Supply Office
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the QMS ISO
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the PHSI
- PR-22-05-242 Supply and Delivery of Termite Abatement Maintenance Program for the Food Service and Garment Building of the University
- PR-22-05-246 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the DAR Converge Project of the University
- PR-22-05-263 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI of the University
- PR-22-04-233-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI of the University
- PR-22-04-224 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CTE of the University
- PR-22-04-233 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI of the University
- PR-22-05-252 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration of the University
- PR-22-04-229 Supply and Delivery of Krome Kote and Book Paper for the University Press
- PR-22-03-198 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CCE of the University
- PR-22-003-162 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC of the University
- PR-22-03-164 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Research Training Needs Assessment of the University
- PR-22-01-061-REBID Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the PPO of the University
- PR-22-02-081 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Research of the University
- PR-22-02-070 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR-22-01-061 Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the PPO of the University
- PR-22-01-016 Supply and Delivery of HP Plotter Ink for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-01-039 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and materials for the DOST Research of the College of Agriculture
- PR-22-01-020 Supply and Delivery of Antigen Test Kit for the University
Public Bidding
- PR 22-03-191 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the CoE
- Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Re-Tiling of the CCJE
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Industry 4.0 Tabletop Smart Factory with Aritculted Arm Servo and Industry Based Multi-Technology Interactive E-Learning Solution
- PR 22-04-223 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Industry 4.0 Tabletop Smart Factory with Aritculted Arm Servo and Industry Based Multi-Technology Interactive E-Learning Solution
- PR 22-08-368 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the University
- PR 22-05-257 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipments for the College of Medicine
- PR 22-07-347 Supply and Dlivery of Global Navigation Satellite System-RTK (GNSSRTK)
- PR 22-08-356 Supply and Delivery of Firearm for the Security Services
- PR 22-02-085 REBID Supply and Delivery of VArious Kitchenware and Utensils for the College of Home Economics
- PR 22-07-333 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the University
- PR 22-02-076 Supply and Delivery of VArious Airconditioning Units for the College of medicine
- Construction of Agriculture Innovation Center for the University
- Construction of the College of Medicine Building
- PR 22-06-278 Supply and Delivery of White and Yellow Bracelet, Wrist Watch, Gold Ring, Gold NEcklace with Pendant for the HRMO
- PR 22-04-213 Supply and Delivery of Various Fabrics for the Garment Shoppe
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-06-278
- PR 22-02-146 Supply and Delivery of Audio Visual and Medical Equipments for the College of Medicine of the university
- PR 22-06-282 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Configuration of Fiber Optic Backbone Wireless Hotspot and Backhaul for the WMSU Campus
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-06-282
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-146
- PR 22-06-287 Checklist_6th Edition PBDs_Goods
- Supply and Delivery of Various Furniture and Fixtures for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the University
- Supply and Delivery of 2 door storage and Steel Cabinet for the University
- INFRA - WMSU Water Refilling Station
- 6th Edition PBDs_Infra_WMSU Water Refilling Station
- PR-22-03-189 Supply and Delivery of Computerized Polygraph System with Laptop and Printer for the CCJE of the University
- PR-22-05-249 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the CFES of the University
- PR-22-01-029-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR-22-02-082-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Library
- PR-22-02-085-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware and Utensils for the College of Home Economics
- PR-22-02-090-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-02-084 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Solar Streetlight for the University
- PR-22-03-192 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Library
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-002-084
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-03-192
- PR-22-02-137 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-22-02-106 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies and Materials and Equipment for Various Colleges & Offices of the University
- PR-22-02-119,120,121 Supply and Delivery of Rackmount Server, Interactive Kiosk, Laptop and UPS for the MISTO
- PR-22-02-138 Supply and Delivery of UHF, YMCK Colored Ribbon and Retransfer Film for the University Press
- PR-22-02-142 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment and Accessories for the College of Engineering of the University
- PR-22-02-140 Supply and Delivery of Various Furniture and Fixtures for the University
- PR-22-02-154 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment and Chemicals for the Tissue Culture Project
- PR-22-02-156 Supply and Delivery of Bracelet, Wrist Watch, Gold Ring and Gold Necklace with Gold Pendant for the HRMO of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-119, PR-22-02-120, PR-22-02-121
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-156
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-156
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-154
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-142
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-140
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-138
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-119, PR-22-02-120, PR-22-02-121
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-124
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-123
- PR-22-01-008-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the PPO of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-01-043
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-086
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-090
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-094
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-157
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-085
- PR-22-02-157 Supply and Delivery of Security Services for the University
- PR-22-01-043 Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment for the University
- PR-22-02-090 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the NICER Project of the University
- PR-22-02-094 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR-22-02-086 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer and Laptop for the University
- PR-22-02-087 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University
- PR-22-02-085 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware and Utensils for the College of Home Economics
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-087
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-072
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-079
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-02-082
- PR-22-02-082 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Library
- PR-22-02-072 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the College of Forestry of the University
- PR-22-02-079 Supply, Delivery, Training, Installation and Configuration of Fiber Optic Backbone Wireless Hotspot & Backhaul for the WMSU Campus
- PR-22-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Office Furnitures and Fixtures for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-01-024
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-01-024
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-01-056
- PR-22-01-029 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-01-044
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-22-01-029
Bid Bulletin:
- Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipments
- Bid Bulletin Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Re-Tiling of CCJE
- PR 22-04-223 Bid Bulletin
- Bid Bulletin PR 22-05-257
- PR 22-07-347 Supply and Delivery of Global Navigation System-RTK
- Bid Bulletin PR 22-02-076
- Bid Bulletin Medicine Building
- Bid Bulletin Medicine Building Modified BOQ
- Bid Bulletin Revised Sheet 15 of the Structural Plans for the Medicine Building
- PR 22-02-146 Supply and Delivery of Audio Visual and Medical Equipments
- PR 22-04-213 Supply and Delivery of Various Fabrics
- PR 22-02-146 Bid Bulletin
- PR 22-06-282 BID BULLETIN
- PR 22-04-213 BID BULLETIN (2)
- PR 22-06-278 BID BULLETIN (2)
- Bid Bulletin PR 22-06-278
- BID BULLETIN_PR-22-02-084 (2)
- BID BULLETIN_PR-22-03-192
- Bid Bulletin - PR-22-02-119,PR-22-02-120, PR-22-02-121
- Bid Bulletin - PR-22-02-140
- Bid Bulletin - PR-22-02-156
- Bid Bulletin for PR-22-02-086
- Bid Bulletin for PR-22-02-157
- Bid Bulletin for PR-22-02-079 Supply, Delivery, Training, Installation and Configuration of Fiber Optic Backbone Wireless Hotspot & Backhaul for the WMSU Campus
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- PR 22-05-257- Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipments
- College of Medicine Building - Notice of Award
- PR 22-08-383 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the University
- PR 22-02-146 Supply and Delivery of Audio Visual and medical Equipments - NOA
- PR 22-02-146 Supply and Delivery of Audio Visual and medical Equipments NOA (2)
- PR 22-06-282 Supply and Delivery of Fiber Optic Backbone - Notice of Award
- Agriclture Innovation Center - Notice of Award
- Water Refilling Station - Notice of Award
- PR 22-04-213 Supply and Delivery of Various Fabrics for the Garment - Notice of Award
- PR 22-06-287 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computers - NOA
- PR 22-06-278 Supply and Delivery of Timepieces fir the HRMO - NOA
- PR 22-02-119/120/121 Supply and Delivery of Various IT for MISTO
- PR 22-03-189 Supply and Delivery of Polygraph - Notice of Award
- PR 22-01-047 Supply and Delivery of Various Furnitures - Notice of Award
- PR 22-02-084 Supply and Delivery of Solar Streetlight - Notice of Award
- PR 22-05-271 - Supply and Delivery of 2 Door Storage and Steel Cabinet
- PR-22-01-044 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for TOR and Diploma for the Regitrar's Office
- PR-22-01-044 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for TOR and Diploma for the Regitrar's Office
- PR 22-02-157 Supply and Delivery of Security Services for the University
- PR 22-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Office Furnitures
- PR 22-02-124 "Supply and Delivery of Various Appliances" - Notice of Award
Small Value Procurement
- PR 22-12-517 Supply and Delivery of Customized Plaque - NOA
- PR 22-12-492 Supply and Delivery of Electrical Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-10-470 Supply and Delivery of Book Shelves for the QMS-ISO
- PR 22-03-171 Supply and Delivery of Aerial Drone - Notice of Award
- PR 22-10-444 Supply and Delivery of LPG Hose and Burner - NOA
- PR 22-12-517 Supply and Delivery of Customized Plaque - NOA
- PR 22-10-446 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furnitures - NOA
- PR 22-09-427 Supply and Delivery of Various Utility Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-11-483 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies
- PR 22-12-531 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the QMS ISO - NOA
- PR 22-10-439 Supply and Delivery of Pistol for the Security - Notice of Award
- PR 22-09-422 Supply and Delivery of VArious Batteries for the motorpool - NOA
- PR 22-09-422 Supply and Delivery of Car Batteries - Notice of Award
- PR 22-10-461 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies for the PPO - NOA
- PR 22-10-465 Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the OP - NOA
- PR 22-12-516 Supply and Delivery of Catering Services - Notice of Award
- PR 22-10-510 Supply and Delivery of Catering Services
- PR 22-12-515 Supply and Delivery of Catering Services for the CCS - Notice of Award
- PR 22-12-518 Supply and Delivery of Food for the BAC- NOA
- PR 22-11-500 Supply and Delivery of Testimonial Dinner/Gala - Notice of Award
- PR 22-12-508 Supply and Delivery of Lights and Sound for the Alumni
- PR 22-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircon Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 22-10-388 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink and Office Supplies for TEC
- PR 22-07-346 REBID Supply and Delivery of Compact HEPA UV - NOA
- PR 22-06-304 Rebid Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computers for the WESMAARRDEC - NOA
- PR 22-06-314 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the Zampen - NOA
- PR 22-09-418 Notice of Award - D'ADZ IBA PA
- PR 22-10-436 Supply and Delivery of Ancillary Goods and Services
- PR 22-10-441 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware SUpplies - NOA
- PR 22-08-368 Supply & Delivery of Various Printing Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-04-220 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies
- PR 22-04-220 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies
- PR 22-04-216 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 22-02-076 Supply and Delivery of Various Airconditiong System - Notice of Award
- PR 22-01-058 Notice of Awards
- PR 22-02-086 (NOA) Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer and Laptop
- PR 22-01-055 (NOA) Supply and Delivery of Various Feeds for the College of Agriculture
- PR 22-08-363 Supply and Delivery of IT Supplies - Notice of Award
- Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the ISO - Notice of Award
- PR 22-07-333 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-01-012-REBID (NOA) Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment
- PR 22-01-064 (NOA)
- PR 22-09-420 Supply and Dlivery of Food and Venue - Notice of Award
- PR 22-09-420 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue - Notice of Award QMS ISO
- Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Products - Notice of Award
- PR 22-04-231 (NOA) Supply and Delivery of Various Medallion for the Board Secretary
- PR 22-09-404 Supply and Delivery of Various Athletic Uniform - Notice of Award
- PR 22-09-430 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue - Notice of Award
- Supply and Delivery of Materials for the Administration Office - Notice of Award
- PR 22-08-371 Supply and Delivery of VArious MAterials for the AO - Notice of Award
- PR 22-08-365 Supply and Delivery of Varsity Jacket, TOte Bag - Notice of Award
- PR 22-08-360 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for the PPO - Notice of Award
- PR 22-08-367 Supply and Delivery of VArious Hardware Supplies for the ISO - NOA
- PR 22-05-258 Supply and Delivery of Portable Bluetooth Trolley - NOA
- PR 22-05-252 NOA ASIATIC
- PR 22-06-311Supply and Delivery of Multi-Function Printer - Notice of Award
- PR 22-04-212 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-07-321 Supply and Delivery of Dry Seal
- PR 22-06-301 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-06-310 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-07-339 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue - Notice of Award
- PR 22-03-170 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Materials for the Unviersity
- PR 22-03-170 (2) Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Materials for the Unviersity
- PR 22-06-319 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-02-096 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various IT - NOA
- PR 22-06-312 Supply and Delivery of Chick Booster Crumble - Notice of Award
- PR 22-06-299 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies for QMS ISO - NOA
- PR 22-06-292 Supply and Delivery of Various Fabrics - Notice of Award
- PR 22-02-083 NOA JOELMAR Trading
- PR 22-02-091 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the College of Medicine
- PR 22-03-159 Supply and Delivery of Chest Freezer for the CSM Nicer Project
- PR 22-02-129 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the RDEC
- PR 22-02-139 Supply and Delivery of Coco Lumber for the Zampen Native Chicken
- PR 22-02-104 Supply and Delivery of Various Water Pump for the Production of Moringa Seedling
- PR 22-02-118 Supply and Delivery of Printer, Office Table and Executive Chair for the RDEC
- PR 22-02-118 REBID Supply and Delivery of Office Tables
- PR 22-02-111 Supply and Delivery of VArious Medical Supplies for the NICER Project
- PR 22-02-111 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies for the NICER Project
- PR 22-02-114 Supply and Delivery of Photocppier Machine for the VP Resel
- PR 22-02-115 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials
- PR 22-02-126 Supply and Delivery of PVC and Water Drums
- PR 22-02-129 Supply and Delivery of Printer for RDEC
- PR 22-04-221 REBID Supply,Delivery and Installation of Various Clear Glass & Aluminum Frame
- PR 22-06-288 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner - NOA
- PR 22-06-289 Supply and Delivery of Digital Photocopier - NOA
- PR 22-02-074 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the CSM (Failed)
- PR 22-02-080 Supply and Delivery of Ready Made Office table for the EEnE Dept.
- PR 22-00-293-Rebid Supply and Delivery Various Supplies and Materials Nicer Project 2
- PR 22-02-097 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for PAO
- PR 22-02-097 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for PAO
- PR 22-02-101 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies and Materials for the Various Offices and Colleges
- PR 22-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the OP
- PR 22-01-043 Supply and Delivery of Various IT - Notice of Award
- PR 22-06-279 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies - NOA
- PR 22-02-136 Supply and Delivery of Various Tools for the University - NOA
- PR 22-03-195 Supply and Delivery of Various Tools and Equipment for the Admin - Notice of Award
- PR 22-06-069 Supply and Delivery of Salubong Dinner for the College of Law
- PR 22-02-073 Supply and Delivery of 3KW Hybrid Solar Energy
- PR 22-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- PR-22-01-044 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for TOR and Diploma for the Regitrar's Office
- PR 22-01-053 Supply and Delivery of Accesories and Spare Parts for the Gestetner DX 3343
- PR 22-01-046 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies for the NICER Project
- PR 22-01-054 Supply and Delivery of Portable PA Speaker for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR 22-01-062 Supply and Delivery of 3-1 Printer and USB Flash Drive for the RDEC
- PR 22-01-066 Supply, Delivery and Installation of LAN for the Registrar Office
- PR 22-01-034 Supply and Delivery of Overhead Tank for the Vegetable Production project
- PR 22-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the PMO
- PR 22-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the PPO
- PR 22-01-009 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the PPO
- PR 22-01-023 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and MAterials for the PPO
- PR 22-01-027 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the Unviersity
- PR 22-01-041 Supply and Delivery of Solar Panels for the University Electrical Engineer
- PR 22-05-243 Rebid Supply and Delivery of 12v Mini UPS for WiFi Router/Modem
- PR 22-03-168 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Accent Wall for the OP
- PR 22-03-180 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Mirrors for the PPO
- PR 22-03-176 REBID Supply and Delivery of Medical oxygen Cylinder and Tank for the College of Nursing
- PR-22-01-012-REBID Supply and Delivery of Portable Butane Stove
- PR 22-07-325 Supply and Delivery Food and Venue for the VPAA (Investiture) - NOA
- PR 22-06-280 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue - NOA
- PR 22-04-227 Supply and Delivery of College Signage - Notice of Award
- PR 22-05-272 Supply and Delivery of 5-Tier Adjustable Metal Rack and Junior Executive Chair - Notice of Award
- PR 22-04-211 Supply and Delivery of Various Tools and Equipment for the Administration
- PR 22-03-108 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commisioning of Airconditioning Unit of the University
- PR 22-05-247 Supply and Delivery of Digital Photocopiers - Notice of Award
- PR 22-05-245 Supply and Delivery of Customized Plain Polo Shirt and Customized Coffee Mug for the ITSO
- PR 22-04-217 Supply and Delivery of Prepainted Roll Up door with Installation for the College of Engineering
- PR 22-03-181 Supply and Delivery of Clear Glass with Aluminum Frame for the PPO
- PR 22-04-230 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR 22-05-265 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Itik Pinas Project item 2
- PR 22-03-208 Supply and Delivery of Clear Glass with Akuminum Frame
- PR 22-02-134 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies and Materials Item 5,6 & 7
- PR 22-01-025 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the PPO Item 3
- PR 22-05-263 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI
- PR 22-04-218 Supply and Delivery of HP lotter Ink for the PPO
- PR 22-01-040 Supply and Delivery of Feed Pelletizer Machine, Chicken Feed Hammer Mill and Shredder Machine for the DOST-WMSU College of Agriculture
- PR 22-04-222 Supply and Delivery of VArious Tires for the Motorpool
- PR 22-02-089 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the CSM Nicer Project
- PR 22-03-160 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the PPO
- PR 22-03-188 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Airconditioning units for the University
- PR 22-03-200 Supply and Delivery of Digital Photocopier for the BAC
- PR 22-03-196 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Airconditioning Unit for the Guidance Office
- PR 22-04-237 Supply and Delivery of Computer Table and Sofa Set
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for GRRC
- Supply and Delivery of Proquest Research Library for the Main Library
- PR 22-04-225 NOA JM Poultry
- PR 22-04-221 Supply and Delivery of Various Clear Glass (NOA)
- PR 22-03-178 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircon Parts - Notice of Award
- PR 22-03-185 Supply and Delivery of Paper Wight, Key CHain & Whiet Mug
- PR 22-02-098 Supply and Delivery of Multi-Purpose Shredder - Notie of Award
- PR 22-03-176 Supply and Delivery of Medical Oxygen Cylinder and Tank - Notice of Award
- PR 22-04-215 Supply and Delivery of Various Medallion for the University
- PR 22-02-134 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Supplies for the CSM - Notice of Award
- PR 22-03-161 Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies- Notice of Award
- PR 22-01-030 Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies
- PR 22-02-103 Supply and Delivery of Multi-Shredder Machine - Notice of Award
- PR-22-02-109 Supply and Delivery of DSLR Camera - Notice of Award
- PR 22-02-095 Supply and Delivery of Generator - Notice of Award
- PR 22-02-102 Supply and Delivery of Incubator and Hatcher
- PR 22-01-068 Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for the RDEC - Notice of Award
- PR 22-02-112 Supply and Delivery of Collared Shirt for the GRRC
- PR 22-01-005 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies - Notice of Awards
- PR 22-02-088 SUpply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies- Notice of Awards
- PR 22-08-372 REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies - Notice of Award (RC Lim)
- PR 22-09-411 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies for the Medicine - NOA
- PR 22-04-229 Supply and Delivery of Kromekote and Book Paper
- PR 22-06-379 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 22-09-401 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 22-01-017 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Vegetable Production
- PR 22-10-468 Supply and Delivery of Office SUpplies - NOA
- PR 22-04-233 Notice of Award (1)
- PR 22-04-233 Notice of Award (2) Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
- PR 22-03-162 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the RDEC
- PR 22-03-164 Supply and Dlivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR 22-05-242 Supply and Delivery Termite Abatement Maintenance Program for Food Service
- PR 22-02-081 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the Research Project
- PR 22-01-061 Supply and Delivery of Various Plumbing Supplies and Materials for the PPO
- PR 22-01-061 Supply and Delivery of Various Plumbing Supplies for the PPO
- PR 22-01-039 Supply and Delivery of VArious Office Supplies and materials for the University
- PR 22-03-233 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI
- PR 22-05-252 Supply and Delivery of Various HArdware Supplies - Notice of Award
- PR 22-02-070 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies - NOA
Direct Contracting
- PR 22-10-431 Supply and Delivery of Accomodation for the CSM
- PR 22-10-431 Notice of Award (Lease of Venue)
- PR 22-10-467 Supply and Delivery of Accomodation for the RDEC- Notice of Award
- PR 22-01-013 (NOA) Supply and Delivery of Various Psychological Testing for the Guidance Office
- PR 22-01-015 (NOA) Supply and Delivery of Anti-Plagiarism Software
- PR 22-03-163 Supply and Delivery of Toshiba e-Studio 2303A Toner
- PR 22-02-113 Supply and Delivery of Maintenance Check of the FOTON Van
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- Supply and Delivery of Polo Shirt with Printing for the WESMAARRDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the University Board Secretary
- Supply and Delivery of Food Catering for the VPAF
- Supply and Delivery of Food Catering for the OCTA
- Supply and Delivery of Coco Lumber for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Coco Lumber for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the HRMO
- Supply and Delivery of PVC and Plastic Drum for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Chronometer Timer for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the ITSO
- Supply and Delivery of DSLR Camera and Digital Copier for the WESMAARRDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue & Hotel Accommodation for the QMS-ISO
- Supply and Delivery of Ready Made Office Table for the BRIDGES-AMBIANCE Project
- Supply and Delivery of Fabricated Table Top Acrylic Barrier and Plain Hospital Bed with Mattress for the College of Medicine
- Supply and Delivery of AVR and UPS with built-in AVR for the College of Medicine
- Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the BRIDGES-AMBIANCE Project
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Clear Glass with Analok for the CPERS
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the CPERS
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Booster Pump for the Moringa Production Project
- Supply and Delivery of Ready Made Office Table for the BRIDGES-AMBIANCE Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Bridges-Ambiance Project
- Supply and Delivery of Multifunction Ink Tank Printer for the BRIDGES-AMBIANCE Project
- Supply and Delivery of Duck Layer Pellet for the Itik Pinas Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment for the Research Project of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies for the College of Engineering
- Supply and Delivery of Various Plumbing Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment for the Research of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds for the Zamopen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Sprayer, Sprinkler and Weighing Scale for the Vegetable Production Project
- Supply and Delivery of Animal Feeds for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Chronometer Timer for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Various Battery for the Motorpool
- Supply and Delivery of Microscope for the NICER Project
- Supply and Delivery of Automatic Voltage Regulator for the College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Refrigeration for the VPAF
- Supply and Delivery of Power Sprayer for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Cartolina White for the TEC
- Supply and Delivery of Overhead Tank for the Vegetable Production Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Suppies and Materials for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Water Tank for the College of Medicine
- Supply and Delivery of Plastic Pallet and Portable Pressure Washer for the Itik Pinas Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Auxillary Services
- Supply and Delivery of Various Seeds for the Vegetable Production Project
- Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser for the University Review and Evaluation Center
- Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Itik Pinas Project
- Supply and Delivery of Portable Speaker with built-in Amplifier for the Itik Pinas Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- Supply and Delivery of Water Closet for the Administration of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Razer Barbed Wire for the Administration of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Itik Pinas Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment for the Research of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project 3
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the for the Nicer Project
- SVP - PR-21-08-317 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the CSM
- Supply and Delivery of Triple Burner Stove with Complete Accessories for the Auxillary Services
- Supply and Delivery of T-Shirt with Printing for the WESMAARRDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Pulp & Flour Grinder and Wood Chipper Machine for the NICER Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus, Equipment and Chemicals for the NICER Project 1
- Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Seeds for the Tissue Culture Project
- SVP - PR-21-09-333 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the QMS-ISO of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Electric Water Pump with Pressure Tank for the NICER Project
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Clear Glass for the Physical Plant Office
- Supply and Delivery of Back Pack for the External Studies Unit of the Univversity
- Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the College of Engineering
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- Supply and Delivery of Token and Plaque for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner Unit for the NICER Project
- Supply and Delivery of Multi-Tilling Machine for the Tissue Culture Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment for the Research Project of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the Research Project of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Professional Analog Audio Mixer and Wireless Microphone System for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Lakatan Meristem for the Tissue Culture Project of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- Supply and Delivery of Moisture Analyzer, Centrifuge benchtop and Water Bath for the NICER Project 3
- PR-21-08-316 Supply and Delivery of Various Plumbing Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR-21-07-288 Supply and Delivery of Book Paper and UPS with built-in AVR for the University Press
- PR-21-05-153 Supply and Delivery of Pulp & Flour Grinder and Wood Chipper Machine for the NICER Project
- PR-21-05-143 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment for the Research of the University
- PR-21-05-147 Supply and Delivery of Multipurpose Plastic Crate for the Itik Project of the University
- PR-21-03-090 Supply and Delivery of Two-Way Radio Alert Set for the College of Home Economics
- PR-21-05-183 Supply and Delivery of Various Ingredients for the NICER Project 3
- PR-21-05-143 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment for the Research of the University
- PR-21-05-185 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware for the NICER Project 3
- PR-21-06-215 Supply and Delivery of Various Fertilizer and Insecticide for the Tissue Culture Project
- PR-21-05-162 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- PR-21-06-203 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment of the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- PR-21-07-268 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchenware for the Auxillary Services
- PR-21-05-172 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- PR-21-06-236 Supply and Delivery of Feed Mixer Machine and Incubator & Hatcher for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- PR-21-07-275 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Auxillary Services
- PR-21-06-234 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Moringa Seedlings Production
- PR-21-06-216 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Seeds for the Tissue Culture Project
- PR-21-05-174 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Materials and Medicines for the NICER Project
- PR-21-05-187 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project 3
- SVP - PR-21-06-231 Supply and Delivery of Plastic Water Tank for the Moringa Seedlings Production
- SVP - PR-21-06-225 Supply and Delivery of Plastic Drum, Water Sprinkler, Pail with Cover, Knapsack Sprayer and Pressure Sprayer for the Moringa Seedlings Production
- SVP - PR-21-06-249 Supply and Delivery of Cassava Grinder for the Nicer Project of the University
- SVP - PR-21-05-189 Supply and Delivery of Office Table and Executive Chair for the Nicer Project 3 of the University
- SVP - PR-21-06-228 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the Moringa Seedlings Production
- SVP - PR-21-06-279 Supply and Delivery of Metal Fabrication of Top Table with Lavatory for the Nicer Project 3
- PR-21-07-274 Supply and Delivery of Plaque, Tokens, Souvenir Mugs and Room Labels for the Office of the President of the University
- PR-21-07-283 Supply and Delivery of Food with softdrinks for the Office of the President of the University
- PR-21-07-284 Supply and Delivery of Stage Decoration with Landscaping for the Inaguration and Fiesta of the University
- PR-21-07-285 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the Office of the President of the University
- PR-21-05-193 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- PR-21-05-149 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Itik Pinas Project
- PR-21-05-180 Supply and Delivery of Distilled Water for the Research Project of CSM of the University
- PR-21-07-263 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing
- PR-21-05-148 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Itik Pinas Project of the college of Agriculture
- PR-21-06-198 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Batery for the College of Agriculture
- PR-21-03-115 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Aircon Motor Compressor for the Motorpool
- PR-21-05-154 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the for the Nicer Project
- PR-21-05-175 Supply and Delivery of Inventory Sticker and Equipment Ledger Card for the PMO
- PR-21-05-151 Supply and Delivery of Molasses, Effective Microorganism, Range Net and Polyethylene Bag for the Nicer Project
- PR-21-03-119 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM
- PR-21-04-128-REBID Supply and Delivery of Black Poly Pond Liner for the College of Agriculture
- PR-21-05-147 Supply and Delivery of Multipurpose Plastic Crate for the Itik Project of the University
- PR-21-05-156 Supply and Delivery of 2-Burner Gas Stove with LPG Tank for the Nicer Project
- PR-21-06-254 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR-21-06-255 Supply and Delivery of Various Tiles for the Administration
- PR-21-06-256 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR-21-06-260 Supply and Delivery of Fine Sand and Portland Cement for the Administration
- PR-21-05-156 Supply and Delivery of 2-Burner Gas Stove with LPG Tank for the Nicer Project
- PR-21-06-240 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Materials for the Conversion of Canteen No. 1, 2 and 3 into Faculty Lounge of the University
- PR-21-06-239 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Conversion of Canteen No. 1, 2 and 3 into Faculty Lounge of the University
- PR-21-04-132 Supply and Delivery of Goggle, N95 Mask, Surgical Mask and Disposable Isolation Gown with Cap & Snow Cover for the Dental Clinic
- PR-21-04-131 Supply and Delivery of LED Street Light, Chronometry timer and Magnetic Swith for the University
- PR-21-03-100 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the University
- PR-21-03-078 Supply and Delivery of Handsfree Thermometer with Tripod and Alcohol Dispenser for the University
- PR-21-04-130 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-21-04-127 Supply and Delivery of Various Welding Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- PR-21-03-106 Supply and Delivery of Refrigerator and Induction Stove for the University
- PR-21-04-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-21-04-129 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-21-03-110 Supply and Delivery of Flash Drive and external Hard Drive for the CCE
- PR-21-03-105 Supply and Delivery of 5 Seater L-Type Sofa Set for the College of Nursing
- PR-21-04-128 Supply and Delivery of Black Poly Pond Liner for the College of Agriculture
- PR-21-02-049-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Vegetable Production Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-21-01-019-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the University
- PR-21-01-033-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture and Fixtures for the University
- PR-21-02-044 Supply and Delivery of Various Solar Panel, Solar Inverter, Water and Submersible Pump for the Research Project of the CSm of the University
- PR-21-03-112 Supply and Delivery of Sublimation Polo Shirt with Printing for the Scholarship of the University
- PR-21-03-089 Supply and Delivery of Circular Saw of the Administration of the University
- PR-21-03-079 Supply and Delivery of Various Standing Water Dispenser for the WESMAARRDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware and Electrical Supplies and Materials for the CLA
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Materials and Equipment for the College of Medicine
- Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the Research of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Ethyl Alcohol for the Health Services of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Collared Shirt with Printing for the GRRC of the University
- PR-21-01-015-REBID Supply and Delivery of Electric Jigsaw and Electric Hammer for the Administration Office and VPAF of the University
- PR-21-01-043 Supply and Delivery of Collared Shirt with Printing for the GRRC of the University
- SVP - PR-21-02-051 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation in Davao City for the University
- PR-21-01-019 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the University
- PR-21-01-006-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- SVP - PR-21-02-055 Supply and Delivery Removal and Dismantling of Unused VHF Antenna at Administration Building of the University
- PR-21-01-015 Supply and Delivery of Various Carpentry Tools and Equipment for the Administration Office and VPAF of the University
- PR-21-01-026 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office of the University
- PR-21-01-004 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR-21-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircon Spare Parts and Consumables for the PMO of the University
- PR-21-01-032 Supply and Delivery Removal and Dismantling of Unused VHF Antenna at Administration Building of the University
- PR-21-01-005 Supply and Delivery of 2-in1 Incubator and Hatcher for the Zampen Native Chicken of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-21-01-007 Supply and Delivery of Cartolina for the TEC
- PR-21-01-006 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-21-01-037 Supply and Delivery of Various Prepaid Load for the Scholarship Office and CHED Project of CSWCD
- PR-21-01-025 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Extension of Gate 1 of the University
- PR-20-08-187 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Renovation of Existing Mushroom Facility at the College of Agriculture of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the PPO
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Research Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Research
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the BRIDGES-AMBIANCE Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the QMS ISO
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Various Ink Toner and Cartridge for the University Board Secretary
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the NICER Project
- SHOPPING - PR-21-06-202-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Ingredients for the Auxillary Services
- PR-21-06-261 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-21-06-199 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the GRRC of the University
- PR-21-05-146 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Research Project of the University
- PR-21-05-157 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Nicer Project
- PR-21-05-171 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CHED Project of CSWCD
- PR-21-03-088 Supply and Delivery of Webcam, External Hard Drive, Powerbank and Earphone with Mic Controller for the CPERS
- PR-21-03-111 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CHED Project of the University
- PR-21-02-048 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Vegetable Production Project of the University
- PR-21-02-042 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the VP-RESEL of the University
- PR-21-02-047 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the QMO-ISO of the University
- PR-21-01-028 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CHED Project of the University
- PR-21-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Material for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the University
- PR-21-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Ethyl Alcohol for the Health Services of the University
Public Bidding
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-10-353
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-11-401
- Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the University
- Supply, Delivery, Training, Installation & configuration of Fiber Optic Backbone Wireless Hotspot and Backhaul for the WMSU Campus
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Local Network (LAN) for the University Registrar
- Supply and Delivery of Computer Table with Chair for the College of Engineering
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Solar Streetlight for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the Tissue Culture Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Materials and Equipment for the NICER Project
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-05-177
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-06-262
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-06-208
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-06-200
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-012-REBID
- 6th Edition PBDs_Proposed Covered Parking Area
- 6th Edition PBDs_Proposed Repair & Enhancement of Cashier & Registrar's Queueing Area
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-09-326
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-029
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-04-137
- PBDs for Design and Build of Proposed College of Medicine Bldg
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-062-REBID
- Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the College of Forestry
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-011-REBID
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-07-280-REBID (Supply and Delivery of Educational English Language Software Subscription for the LDRC
- Philippine Bidding Document for PR-21-05-141
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-07-280
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-05-186
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-05-192
- PB - PR-21-05-186 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Nicer Project 3 of the University
- PB - PR-21-05-192 Supply and Delivery of Moisture Analyzer, Centrifuge Benchtop and Water Bath for the Nicer Project 3 for the University
- PB - PR-21-07-280 Supply and Delivery of Educational English Language Software Subscription for the LDRC
- Philippine Bidding Document for PR-21-06-209
- Philippine Bidding Document for PR-21-04-133
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-011
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-034
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-03-082
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-03-103
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-03-101
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-03-118
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-03-091
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-03-094
- PR-21-02-071-REBID Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment for the University
- PB - PR-21-02-057-REBID Supply and Delivery of UHF Card for RFID for the University Press
- PR-21-02-058-REBID Supply and Delivery of ID Sling with Holder for the University Press
- PB - PR-21-03-098 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipment for the University
- PR-21-02-069 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-057
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-058
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-071
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-069
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-03-098
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the CoE of the University
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Engineering Simulation and Automation Laboratory Equipment for the CoE of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-012
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-062
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-061
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the CSM of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-067
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-02-064
- PR-21-02-064 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer, Managed Switch and Android TV for the University
- PR-21-02-067 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University
- PR-21-02-057 Supply and Delivery of UHF Card for RFID for the University Press
- PR-21-02-058 Supply and Delivery of ID Sling with Holder for the University Press
- PR-21-02-071 Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment for the University
- PR-21-03-073 Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Desktop Computer for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR-21-03-074 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Materials and Equipment for the University
- PR-21-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture and Fixtures for the University
- PB - PR-21-01-030 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for TOR and Diploma for the University Registrar's Office
- PR-21-01-018 Supply and Delivery of Various Tables and Chairs for the University
- PR-21-01-017 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment and Accessories for Various Offices of the University
- PB - PR-21-02-053 Supply and Delivery of Tower and Rackmount Server for the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-033
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-030
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-018
- 6th Edition PBDs_PR-21-01-020
- PR-21-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the RDEC
- PR-21-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Appliances for the University
- PR-21-01-022 Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector and Notebook for the College of Forestry
- PR-21-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser for Various Offices of the University
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-003
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-010
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-022
- 6th Ed PBDs_PR-21-01-024
Bid Bulletin:
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Solar Streetlight for the University
- Bid Bulletin PR-21-06-200
- PR-21-03-091
- PR-21-03-091
- PR-21-03-094
- Proposed Elevation of Floor and Retiling of Student Lobby and Office of the Student Affairs
- Proposed Renovation of Male and Female Comfort Rooms in WMSU Gymnasium
- Proposed Renovation of Male and Female Comfort Rooms in CTE Building
- Repair and Renovation of Guidance Counselling Center
- Proposed Conversion of University Comfort Room to Student Center Building
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering of the University
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Engineering Simulation and Automation Laboratory Equipment for the CoE of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the CSM of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the CoE of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer, Managed Switch and Android TV for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University
- Bid Bulletin- PR-21-01-018
- Bid Bulletin- PR-21-02-053
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- None
Small Value Procurement
- None
- None
Direct Contracting
- None
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR-20-07-146-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Liberal Art of the University
- PR-20-02-052 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies & Materials for the Auxillary SErvices of the University
- PR-20-06-113 Supply and Delivery of Mattress with Cover, Bath Towel, Bedsheet, Blanket, Pillow, Pillow Case, Hand Towel & Bedsheet Cover for the Auxillary SErvices
- PR-20-11-246 Supply and Delivery of Duck Layer Pellet for the Itik for Life Project 2 of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-20-11-259 Supply and Delivery of OMR Scannerfor the College of Medicine of the University
- PR-20-11-260 Supply and Delivery of Portable Sound system and Closed Circuit Television for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR-20-03-082 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-11-262 Supply and Delivery of Rental of Road Roller (Pison) for the Food Service Center of the University
- PR-20-11-252 Supply and Delivery of Hand Sprayer, Used Metal and Plastic Drum with Cover for the Research Project of the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-20-11-244 Supply and Delivery of Magnetic Switch for the University
- PR-20-11-261 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the 190th Regular board Meeting of the University
- PR-20-10-234 Supply and Delivery Gate Pass Sticker for the University
- PR-20-11-241 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Press
- PR-20-10-225 Supply and Delivery of Steel Door Metal Cabinet, Steel Filing Cabinet, Executive & Office Chair for the WESMAARRDEC of the University
- PR-20-10-232 Supply and Delivery of Various Battery for the Motorpool & CHE of the University
- PR-20-10-226 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment & Materials for the WESMAARRDECof the University
- PR-20-10-220 Supply and Delivery of Various Tires for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-20-03-080-B Supply and Delivery of Control Panel Assembly for the UEE
- PR-20-03-080-A Supply and Delivery of Moulded Case Circuit Breakers and Manual Transfer Switch for the UEE
- PR-20-07-137 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Generator Set and Automatic Transfer Switch for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR-20-09-213 Supply and Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicle for the food Service Center of the University
- PR-20-09-204 Supply and Delivery of Wall Fan and Water Dispenser for the CPERS of the University
- PR-20-09-192 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Chemicals for the Research Project of RDEc of the University
- PR-20-06-116 Supply and Delivery of Face Shield for the Health Services of the University
- PR-20-01-039 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Forestry of the University
- PR-20-09-209 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the Research Project of CSM of the University
- PR-20-07-146 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Liberal Art of the University
- PR-20-09-196 Supply and Delivery of Sala Set for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR-20-09-216 Supply and Delivery of Clear Sheet Protector for the Quality Assurance Office of the University
- PR-20-11-240 Supply and Delivery of Surgical Mask, Umbrella, Alcohol and Paracetamol for the GRRC of the University
- PR-20-07-157 Supply and Delivery of Refrigerator for the CHE and Medical Clinic for the University
- PR-20-07-173 Supply and Delivery of Circuit Breaker for the College of Nursing of the University
- PR-20-02-067 Supply and Delivery of Various Plumbing Supplies & Materials for the Administration of the University
- PR-20-08-175 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies, Materials & Equipment for the Research Project of CSM of the University
- PR-20-03-087 Supply and Delivery of Motor Compressor and Expansion Valve for the Aircon Unit of Gymnasium of the University
- PR-20-07-145 Supply and Delivery of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol Spray, Disinfectant Spray, Hand Sanitizer,Tissue Paper and Thermal Scanner for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-20-08-181 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Materials & Equipment for the GRRC of the University
- PR-20-08-185 Supply and Delivery of Duck Layer Pellet, Chick Grower Crumble & Multivitamins for the College of Agriculture of the University
- PR-20-10-228 Supply and Delivery of Wireless Router, Port Switch and Outdoor Access Point for the VPAF of the University
- PR-20-10-231 Supply and Delivery of Face Shield, Backpack, Sharpener and Vitamin C for the GRRC of the University
- PR-20-07-141-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the CSM-Research of the University
- PR-20-07-153 Supply and Delivery of Floor Polisher and Grass Cutter for the Tunganwan, Imelda and Guidance Office of the University
- PR-20-07-163 Supply and Delivery of Fireproof SafeVault for the University Cashier
- PR-20-07-169 Supply and Delivery of Control Box for the Administration of the University
- PR-20-08-182 Supply and Delivery of Various First Aid Medicines and Supplies for the GRRC of the University
- PR-20-08-190 Supply and Delivery of Bed Sheet and Foam for the College of Agriculture of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Alcohol for the Health Services of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Headphone and LTE Broadband Modem for the ITSO
- Supply and Delivery of Water Pump for the Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Alcohol for the Health Services of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the HRMO of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Coverall Suits, Examination Gloves, Bleach and Alcohol Dispenser for the Health Services of the University
- PR-20-07-134 Supply and Delivery of Good Lumber and Plastic Acetate for the Administration of the University
- PR-20-01-013 Supply and Delivery of Various Janitorial Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR-20-01-014 Supply and Delivery of VariousTools for the Motorpool and Administation of the University
- PR-20-01-047 Supply and Delivery of Laptop, Stereo Headset and USB Hub for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-20-07-141 Supply and Delivery of VariousHardware Supplies and Materials for the CSM Research Project of the University
- PR-20-06-118 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-20-06-117 Supply and Delivery of Plaque & Token for the VPAA
- PR-20-03-092 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the RSTC
- PR-20-03-093 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-20-05-096 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the CSM Research
- PR-20-05-097 Supply and Delivery ofPrinter and Laptop for the CSM Research
- PR-20-06-109 Supply and Delivery of Water Pump, Magnetic Switch and Voltage Monitoring Relay for the Administration
- PR-20-01-023 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies & Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-20-01-037 Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-02-056 Supply and Delivery of Various agricultural Supplies & Materials for the IGP Projects of the College of Agriculture
- PR-20-03-071 Supply and Delivery of Office Table for the Guidance Office
- PR-20-02-059 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coated Paper & Liquid Activator for the Blueprinting Machine of the UPRESS
- PR-20-01-029 Supply and Delivery of Various Lumber for the Administration
- PR-20-02-068 Supply and Delivery of Plastic Drum with Cover for the Motorpool
- PR-20-02-053 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the 1st Quarter Regular Board Meeting of the University
- PR-20-02-060 Supply and Delivery of Various Spare Parts of Airconditioner Units of the Gymnasium
- PR-19-12-437 Supply and Delivery of Camera for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-20-01-003 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the partition of the College of Medicine
- PR-20-01-041 Supply and Delivery of Steel Filing Cabinet for the College of Forestry
- PR-19-12-442 Supply and Delivery of Dot Matrix Printer for the Accounting Office of the University
- PR-20-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Laptop, LCD Projector and DSLR Camera for the CSM Project Rise
- PR-20-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR-20-10-230 Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper & Brother Ink Set for the Research Project of the University
- PR-20-10-233 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Career & Job Placement Center of the University
- PR-20-09-200 Supply and Delivery of Various Offive Supplies anfd Materials for the Research Project of RDEc of the University
- PR-20-09-193 Supply and Delivery of Book Paper for the University Press
- PR-20-06-126 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CCE of the University
- PR-20-03-091 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WERSMAARRDEC
- PR-19-11-425 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WERSMAARRDEC
- PR-20-01-009 Supply and Delivery of Planner, USB and Ballpen for the Guidance and Counseling Center of the University
- PR-19-11-432 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Project Strengthening the Consortia Knowledge Network of the WERSMAARRDEC
Public Bidding
- Supply and Delivery of Caliber Pistol and Shotgun Ammunition for the Security Services of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Forensic Bullet Comparison Microscope with Laptop for the Malangas Campus (PR-20-07-155-REBID)
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment and materials for the College of Nursing of the University (PR-20-06-111)
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment and Materials for the Medical & Dental Clinic and College of Nursing of the University (PR-20-07-151)
- Supply and Delivery of Forensic Bullet Comparison Microscope with Laptop for the Malangas Campus (PR-20-07-155)
- PR-20-07-168 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Colleges of the University
- PR-20-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-03-081 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-02-057 Supply and Delivery of Various Furniture and Fixtures for the IGP of the University
- PR-20-07-174 Supply and Delivery of Laptop, Android Mobile Tablet, Document Scanner and LCD Projector for the Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-07-162 Supply and Delivery of Web Camera, Hard Drive, Android TV and Laptop for the Board Secretary Office of the University
- PR-20-07-131 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the University Electrical Engineer's Office
- PR-20-06-127 Supply and Delivery of Digital Scoreboard & Basketball Board for the Supply Office of the University
- PR-20-06-124 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the VPAA of the University
- PR-20-03-080 Supply and Delivery of Moulded Case Circuit Breakers, Control Panel Assembly and Manual Transfer Switch for the University Electrical Engineer's Office
- PR-20-06-123 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment and Materials for the Various Offices of the University
- PR-20-07-133 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for the MISTO of the University
- PR-20-07-128 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the MISTO of the University
- PR-20-07-154 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer, Managed Switch and Android TV for the Various Colleges of the University
- PR-20-06-102 Supply and Delivery of Color Copier Printer, Monochrome Printer & Digital Foil Stamping Machine for the University Press
- PR-20-03-082 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Various Offices of the University
- PR-20-06-100 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-03-077 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the College of Medicine of the University
- PR-20-07-156 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the Malangas Campus
- PR-20-03-078 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer and Smart TV for Various colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-06-114 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the IGP of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the VPAA of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Laptop, Android Mobile Tablet, Document Scanner and LCD Projector for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Web Camera, Hard Drive, Android TV and Laptop for the Board Secretary Office of the University
- Supply and Delivery of OMR and Image Scanner for the TEC of the University
- PR-20-01-046 Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipment for the CoE
- PR-20-01-039-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Forestry
- PR-20-01-028-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies and Materials for the PAO of the University
- PR-20-03-079-REBID Supply and Delivery of Caliber Pistol and Shotgun Shells for the Security Services of the University
- PR-20-05-098 Supply and Delivery of Monobloc Chair for Various Colleges of the University
- PR-20-06-107 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR-20-03-076 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Equipment for the College of Medicine
- PR-20-01-004 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipemtn and Materials for the Various Offices & Colleges
- PR-20-01-006 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Admin Office and Utility Services of the University
- PR-20-01-047 Supply and Delivery of Laptop, Stereo Headset and USB Hub for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-20-01-040 Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector, Laptop, Recorder and Tablet for the College of Forestry
- PR-20-01-025 Supply and Delivery of Various Furnitures & Fixtures for the University
- PR-20-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment, Furnitures and Fixtures for the RESEL
- PR-20-01-039 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Forestry
- PR-20-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Various Printer Ink for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-01-011 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies & Materials for the University
- Water Refilling Station
- Supply and Delivery of Various Janitorial Supplies and Materials for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the MISTO, HRMO and Finance Office
- Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines for the University Health Services
- Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines for the Dental Clinic
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment, Furnitures and Fixtures for the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Furniture and Fixtures for the ESU
- Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the ESU
- Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Units for the College of Liberal Arts
- Supply and Delivery of Various Printer Ink for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies & Materials for the University Press
- PR-20-01-047 Supply and Delivery of Laptop, Stereo Headset and USB Hub for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-20-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment, Furnitures and Fixtures for the RESEL
- PR-20-01-040 Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector, Laptop, Recorder and Tablet for the College of Forestry
- PR-20-01-039 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Forestry
- PR-20-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Various Printer Ink for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-20-01-006 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Admin Office and Utility Services of the University
- PR-20-01-011 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the University
- PR-20-01-004 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipemtn and Materials for the Various Offices & Colleges
- PR-20-01-025 Supply and Delivery of Various Furnitures & Fixtures for the University
- PR-20-01-034 Supply and Delivery of Security Services for the University
- PR-20-01-035 Supply and Delivery of Bus for the University
- PR-20-01-038 Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Services for the University
- PR-20-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper and Diploma Jacket for the University Registrar's Office
Bid Bulletin:
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- None
Small Value Procurement
- None
- None
Direct Contracting
- None
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR-19-11-433 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-11-427 Supply and Delivery of Food,Venue and Room Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-19-11-429 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the CFES
- PR-19-08-322-REBID Supply and Delivery of Extension Wire, Time on Delay and Emergency Light for the ICS
- PR-19-09-381 Supply and Delivery Various Books for the Guidance and Counseling Center
- PR-19-08-338 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-09-382 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the Guidance and Counseling Center
- PR-19-10-393 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the Quality Assurance Office
- PR-19-11-424 Supply and Delivery of Food, venue and Accommodation for the University Finance Office
- PR-19-09-368 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Mitsubishi Rosa of the Motorpool
- PR-19-08-339 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Products for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-09-372 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner Unit for the Guidance and Couseling Center
- PR-19-03-097 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the RDEC
- PR-19-05-212-REBID Supply and Delivery of Conference Table for the College of Medicine
- PR-19-02-068 Supply and Delivery of Distribution Transformer Oil Filled Type for the ESU
- PR-19-06-239 Supply and Delivery of Digital Theodolite for the College of Forestry
- PR-19-07-254 Supply and Delivery of Digital Reversing Mixer, Ultrasonic Bath Sieve Cleaner & Turning Fork Vibration Viscometer for the CSM Research
- PR-19-10-395 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the PHSI
- PR-19-09-361 Supply, Delivery, Installation & Testing of Touch Screen Multimedia Player Car Stereo for the Isuzu Altera of the Motorpool
- PR-19-08-322 Supply and Delivery of Extension Wire, Emergency Light & Time On Delay for the Institute of Computer Studies
- PR-19-08-331 Supply and Delivery of Tile and Tile Adhesive for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-09-304 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-08-345 Supply and Delivery of Athletic Uniform for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-19-08-350 Supply and Delivery of Shallow Well Water Pump for the Admin
- PR-19-09-385 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the CFES
- PR-19-09-360 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies & Materials for the Quality Assurance Office
- PR-19-08-343 Supply and Delivery of T-Shirt with Print for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-19-09-366 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-08-336 Supply and Delivery of Bullet for the Security Services of the University
- PR-19-08-298 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Library
- PR-19-08-355 Supply and Delivery of Lei for the HRMO of the University
- PR-19-09-365 RFQ lease of venue
- PR-19-07-266 Supply and Delivery of Monobloc Chair with Arm, Office Table & First Aid Kit for the Scholarship Office
- PR-19-08-294 Supply and Delivery of Medallion for the University Board Secretary
- PR-19-03-092 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-05-203 Supply and Delivery of Various Journal Subscription for the University Library
- PR-19-05-206 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-06-228 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of the Medical School
- PR-19-06-236 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-19-08-281 Supply and Delivery of T-Shirt with Printing for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-08-348 Supply and Delivery of Rental of Led Wall with Sound System, Lights and Live Feed for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-08-285 Supply and Delivery of Coffee Table with 2 Chairs for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-08-351 Supply and Delivery of Rental of Led Wall for Backdrop and LIve Feed for the VPAA
- PR-19-05-173-REBID Supply and Delivery of Statistical Software for the CSM Research
- PR-19-08-293 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the University Board Secretary Office
- PR-19-07-279 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-04-151 Supply and Delivery of 3 Tonner Split Type Aircondition for the Ofiice of the President
- PR-19-03-099 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the RDEC
- PR-19-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer Set for the TEC
- PR-19-06-231 Supply and Delivery of Oil Filter for the WMSU Vehicles
- PR-19-06-247 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Materials and Equipment for the DPO Security Office
- PR-19-05-195 Supply and Delivery of Two-Way Radio for the Malangas Campus
- PR-19-06-245 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipment for the DPO Security Office
- PR-19-07-259 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Motorpool
- PR-19-07-280 Supply and Delivery of Smart TV for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-05-223 Supply and Delivery of Extension Wire, Flash Drive, Mouse, Keyboard, Digital Camera & White Board for the Day Care Lab. Center of the CSWCD
- PR-19-04-148-REBID Supply and Delivery of Circular Saw, Fusion Machine, and Drill for the Extension Services
- PR-19-07-264 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the University Electrical Engineer
- PR-19-07-273 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the College of Teacher Education
- PR-18-10-412 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-06-248 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation for the RUPID
- PR-18-10-410 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-06-238 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the conduct of Mathematics Research Training of the CSM
- PR-18-12-475 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM Research
- PR-19-05-178 Supply and Delivery of Farm Chick Grower and Duck Layer Pellete for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-05-186 Supply and Delivery of Printer and Floor Polisher for the CPERS
- PR-19-05-202 Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinet, Executive Office Table, Printer and White Board for the CAIS
- PR-19-05-222 Supply and Delivery of Wooden Chairs and Table for the CSWCD
- PR-19-04-133 Supply and Delivery of Stainless Steel Building Marker for the ITSO
- PR-19-05-197 Supply and Delivery of Visitor's Chair for the Malangas Campus
- PR-19-05-198 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Public Affairs Office of the University
- PR-19-05-212 Supply and Delivery of Conference Table for the College of Medicine
- PR-19-06-229 Supply and Delivery of Easel Stand, White Board and Sintra Board for the ITSO
- PR-19-01-022 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the ITSO
- PR-19-05-190 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner Unit for the University Board Secretary Office
- PR-19-03-076-REBID Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of CNE (1) Unit of Submersible Pump for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-05-224 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Teacher Education
- PR-19-04-152 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Malangas Campus
- PR-19-05-207 Supply and Delivery of Refrigerator for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-05-208 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Itik Project 1 for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-05-225 Supply and Delivery of Room Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-19-05-226 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the GAD Seminar for the Teachers of WMSU -ILS High School Department
- PR-19-05-211 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the University Cashier's Office
- PR-19-05-205 Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the Retirees Day of the University
- PR-19-05-193 Supply and Delivery of Fan Motor, Capacitor and Refrigerant for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-05-191 Supply and Delivery of Coffee Maker, Spoon and Fork for the BAC Office
- PR-19-04-148 Supply and Delivery of Circular Saw, Fusion Machine, Drill, Grinder and Soldering Lead for the Extension Services
- PR-19-05-173 Supply and Delivery of Statistical Software for the CSM Research
- PR-19-05-182 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the BAC Office
- PR-19-05-226 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the GAD Seminar for the Teachers of WMSU -ILS High School Department
- PR-19-02-055 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the ICS Gender Mainstreaming Workshop
- PR-19-05-199 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation in Davao City for the University
- PR-19-03-076 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of CNE (1) Unit of Submersible Pump for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-105 Supply and Delivery of Tiles for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-03-108 Supply and Delivery of Various Vehicle Parts and Accessories for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-19-04-118 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- PR-19-04-166 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Room Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-19-03-098 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for the RDEC
- PR-19-02-029 Supply and Delivery of Photocopier Machine for the College of Medicine
- PR-19-01-023 Supply and Delivery of Steel Filing Cabinet, Waste Receptacles & White Board for the College of Medicine
- PR-19-03-087 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-091 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-096 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR-19-04-154 Supply and Delivery of Computer Printer and UPS for the Office of the President
- PR-19-03-096 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR-19-02-036 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the MISTO
- PR-19-02-042 Supply and Delivery of Wireless Microphone for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-111 Supply and Delivery of Aircon Compressor and Adjuster Pulley for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-19-03-104 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-03-082 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-100 Supply and Delivery of Various Tires for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-19-03-101 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies and Materials for the University Health Services
- PR-19-04-116 Supply and Delivery of Incubator and Hatcher for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-085 Supply and Delivery of Wireless Dynamic Mircrophone for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-088 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-04-117 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the Guidance and Counseling Center
- PR-19-03-094 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the CCE
- PR-19-02-046 Supply and Delivery of Coco and Good Lumber for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-039 Supply and Delivery of Chick Booster, Multivitamins, Duck Layer Pellet and Duck Egg Trays for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-03-074 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR-19-02-050 Supply and Delivery of Sliding Glass Door, Glass Panel Door, Door Lockset and Loose Pin Butt Hinge for the CHE Stockroom
- PR-19-02-045 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-043 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipment for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-059 Supply and Delivery of Magnetic White Board and White Board with Stand and Roller for the RDEC
- PR-19-02-067 Supply and Delivery of Electric Fan, UPS, External HDD and Filing Box for the Scholarship Office
- PR-19-03-071 Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser for the University Library
- PR-19-02-037 Supply and Delivery of Digital Vernier Caliper and Digital Weighing Scale for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-049 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-056 Supply and Delivery of Various Spare Parts for the Replacement of Aircondition Parts of the Social Hall
- PR-19-04-120 Supply and Delivery of Accommodation with Breakfast for the College of Teacher Education
- PR-19-02-062 Supply and Delivery of Medals for the ICS Recognition
- PR-19-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Off-Grid Solar PV System for the CSM Research Project
- PR-19-02-058 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials Administration
- PR-18-11-451 Supply and Delivery of Flourescent Tube, UV Light-Germicidal Tube and Polyethylene Bags for the Abaca Research Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-01-019 Supply and Delivery of Chick Booster Crumble and Corn Bran for the Itik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-060 Supply and Delivery of Tablet for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-02-027 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coate Paper and Liquid Activator for the Blue Printing Machine of the UPRESS
- PR-19-01-018 Supply and Delivery of UPS for the VPRG of the University
- PR-19-02-030 Supply and Delivery of Pork Meat for the Laboratory Class of the College of Home Economics
- PR-18-07-281 Supply and Delivery of Tablet for the College of Forestry
- PR-18-10-416 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM Research
- PR-18-10-424 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the CSM Research
- PR-19-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Air Pump for the CSM Research Project under DOST
- PR-19-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Cement, Sand and Tiles for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-01-015 Supply and Delivery of Coarse Sand for the CSM Research Project under DOST
- PR-18-12-479-REBID Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the PHSI
- PR-19-02-057 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the 1st Quarter Regular Board Meeting
- PR-19-02-053 Supply and Delivery ofFood and Venue for the ITSO
- PR-19-02-031 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-02-054 Supply and Delivery of Room Accommodation for the ITSO
- PR-18-08-312 Supply and Delivery of Chest-type Freezer, LED Television and Antenna for the College of Agriculture Dormitory
- PR-18-12-468 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Mitsubishi Pajero of the Motorpool
- PR-18-11-447 Supply and Delivery of Concrete Hollow Blocks for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-12-472 Supply and Delivery of Potassium Dichromate for the CSM Research
- PR-19-01-004 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI
- PR-19-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds and Medicines for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-11-455 Supply and Delivery of Inventory Stickers for the Property Management Office
- PR-18-11-446 Supply and Delivery of Chick Grower Mash and Duck Layer Pellet for the Itik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-11-464 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the PMO
- PR-19-01-005 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-12-477 Supply and Delivery of Window Type Aircondition Unit for the LDRC
- PR-18-08-328 Supply and Delivery of Window Tint Film for the College of Engineering
- PR-19-01-013 Supply and Delivery of Medals and Trophies for the College of Engineering
- PR-19-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Rental of LED Wall for the College of Engineering
- PR-19-02-033 Supply and Delivery of Certificate Holder, Sticker Paper and Paper Bag for the College of Engineering
- PR-19-02-034 Supply and Delivery of Customized Paper Weight and Miniature Wooden Vinta for the College of Engineering
- PR-19-02-030 Supply and Delivery of Pork Meat for the Laboratory Class of the College of Home Economics
- PR-18-03-168-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of ICS Department of the University
- PR-18-09-365-REBID Supply and Delivery of 3 Tonner Aircondition nit for the ESU-Alicia Campus
- PR-18-09-373-REBID Supply and Delivery of Fabrication of Stand for and with Signages for the University
- PR-18-10-396-REBID Supply and Delivery of WMSU Grand Chorale Costume for the OCTA of the University
- PR-19-01-007 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the University Board Secretary Office
- PR-19-05-213 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-03-089 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-041 Supply and Delivery of Printer Ink for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-040 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 2 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-02-065 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-11-453 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Abaca Research Project of the College of Agriculture
Public Bidding
- PR-19-08-302 Supply and Delivery of Bed Sheets and Foams for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-08-308 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the ICS
- PR-19-08-335 Supply and Delivery of Heat Press Machince for the Garment Shop
- PR-19-10-389 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Supply Office
- PR-19-07-256, PR-19-08-306, PR-19-08-323, PR-19-08-324 Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the Various Offices of the University
- PR-19-04-153, PR-19-06-250, PR-19-07-252, PR-19-08-307, PR-19-09-357 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Various Offices of the University
- INFRA-Repair & Renovaition of CFES Old Boys Quarter
- INFRA-Repair and Renovation of Dietary Room
- INFRA-Construction of College of Medicine Building
- INFRA-Storage for the Different Offices
- PR-19-08-284 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM
- PR-19-08-283 Supply and Delivery of Book Paper and Kromekote for the UPRESS
- PR-19-07-265 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the Scholarship Office
- PR-19-08-317 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the Various Colleges of the University
- PR-19-08-318 Supply and Delivery of Certificate of Registration with Control Number for the MISTO
- PR-19-05-201 Supply and Delivery of Laptop, LCD Projector and DSLR Camera for the RSTC
- PR-19-08-288, PR-19-08-290, PR-19-08-291 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the REOC
- PR-19-08-296, PR-19-08-299, PR-19-08-300, PR-19-08-312 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the University
- PR-19-08-344 Supply and Delivery of Athletic Medals and Sport Trophies for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-19-08-345 Supply and Delivery of Athletic Uniform for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-19-07-261-REBID Supply and Delivery of Pistol for the Security Services of the University
- PR-19-02-068 Supply and Delivery of Distribution Transformer Oil Filled Type for the External Studies Unit
- PR-19-04-153-REBID Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the Planning Office of the University
- PR-19-05-189 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the University Board Secretary Office
- PR-19-06-232 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Repeater System for the University
- PR-19-06-237 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for ID Production and ID Sling with ID Holder for the UPRESS
- PR-19-07-250 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the MISTO
- PR-19-07-252 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the TEC
- PR-19-07-256 Supply and Delivery of Portable Wireless PA System for the Day Care Laboratory Center
- PR-19-07-274 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the ESU
- PR-19-05-221 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-04-143, PR-19-04-141 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipment for the CCE
- PR-19-07-253 Supply and Delivery of Perfect Binding Machine for the TEC
- PR-19-07-261 Supply and Delivery of Pistol for the Security Services of the University
- PR-19-06-239 Supply and Delivery of Digital Theodolite for the College of Forestry
- PR-19-07-276 Supply and Delivery of Vertical Steel Filing Cabinets for the TEC
- PR-19-07-262 Supply and Delivery of Bush Cutter and Refrigerator for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-07-270 Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinet, Book Shelves with Lock and Steel Storage for the CCE
- PR-19-04-160, PR-19-04-161 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the CSWCD and CPERS
- PR-19-07-254 Supply and Delivery of Digital Reversing Mixer, Ultrasonic Bath Sieve Cleaner & Turning Fork Vibration Viscometer for the CSM Research
- PR-19-01-020 Supply and Delivery of OMR Scanning Machine for the TEC
- PR-19-04-126 Supply and Delivery of Stenograph Machine for the University Board Secretary
- PR-19-04-153 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the Planning Office of the University
- PR-19-05-183 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the University Main Library and ESU Campuses
- PR-19-05-184 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the VPRG
- PR-19-05-200 Supply and Delivery of Wireless Microphone, Printer, Electric Hand Drill & White Board for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-05-203 Supply and Delivery of Various Journal Subscriptions for the University Library
- PR-19-06-228 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of Medical School
- PR-19-06-235 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR-19-06-236 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-19-03-092 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-05-179 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the WMSU-ESU Library of Alicia Campus
- PR-19-05-194 Supply and Delivery of Oxygen Tank, Metal Enamel Tray, Bebulizer Kit and Suction Machine for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-05-215 Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit for the LDRC
- PR-19-05-216 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipment for the LDRC
- PR-19-05-220 Supply and Delivery of Classrom Plastic Arm Chair, Monobloc Chair, Computer Chairs and Visitors Chair for the College of Medicine
- PR-19-06-243 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-05-214 Supply and Delivery of Emergency Light, Monobloc Chairs and Ladder for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-06-233 Supply and Delivery of Barcode Scanner, POS Printer and UPS for the University Library
- PR-19-05-206 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds for the Itik Project 1 of the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-04-151-REBID Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit for the Office of the President
- PR-19-03-099-REBID Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the RDEC
- PR-19-03-075-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines, Supplies and Materials for the Dental Clinic
- PR-19-01-021-REBID Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer Set for the TEC
- PR-19-02-028-REBID Supply and Delivery of Supplies and Materials for the ID Printing of the University Press
- PR-19-05-204 Supply and Delivery of Bracelet, Wrist Watch, Gold Ring and Glod Necklace with Gold Pendant for the Loyalty Award of the University
- PR-19-05-190 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner Unit for the University Board Secretary Office
- PR-19-03-102 Supply, Delivery and Installation of LED Wall for the VPAF
- PR-19-03-106 Supply and Delivery of Natural and Realistic Vaginal Birthing Simulator for the College of Nursing
- PR-19-04-125 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Venetian Blinds for the University Board Secretary Office
- PR-19-03-073 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the Main Library of the University
- PR-19-04-128 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the WESMAARRDEC
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the CFES and CSM
- PR-19-05-177 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Extension Services
- PR-19-04-149 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for the Motorpool
- PR-19-05-192 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioning Unit for the College of Nursing
- PR-18-04-183-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for General Education Subjects for the Library of the WMSU ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-18-10-410-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-19-01-021-REBID Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer Set for the TEC
- Repair of the President's Office - Rebid
- PR-19-02-068-REBID Supply and Delivery of Generator and Distribution Transformer Oil Filled Type for the External Studies Unit
- PR-19-01-022-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the ITSO
- PR-19-04-144 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Various Colleges of the University
- PR-19-04-134 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the RESEL
- PR-19-02-052 Supply and Delivery of Document Scanner for the College of Engineering
- PR-19-03-075 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines, Supplies and Materials for the Dental Clinic
- PR-19-03-072 Supply and Delivery of Executive Chair, Filing Cabinet, Book Cart and Bookshelves for the University Library
- PR-19-04-151 Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit for the Office of the President
- PR-19-03-099 Supply and Delivery of Laptop for the RDEC
- PR-19-04-119 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the University
- PR-19-04-123 Supply and Delivery of Emergency Lights, UPS, Floor Polisher and Bookshelves for the Resource Generation and Auxillary Services
- PR-19-03-107 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- PR-19-02-063 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-19-03-080 Supply and Delivery of Smart LED TV for the External Studies Unit
- PR-19-02-035 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the MISTO
- PR-19-01-022 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the ITSO
- PR-19-04-142 Supply and Delivery of Printer, UPS and AVR for the CCE
- PR-19-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer Set for the TEC
- PR-19-02-025 Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit, Steel Cabinet and Sofa set for the CPERS
- PR-19-02-068 Supply and Delivery of Generator and Distribution Transformer Oil Filled Type for the External Studies Unit
- PR-19-02-028-REBID Supply and Delivery of Supplies and Materials for the ID Printing of the University Press
- PR-18-04-183-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for General Education Subjects for the Library of the WMSU ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-18-10-400-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of the WMSU ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-18-10-412-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Eectrical Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-10-409-REBID Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser, Rice Cooker, Metal Wheel Barrow, Grass Cutter and Refrigerator for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-08-331-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-03-147-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-19-02-026 Supply and Delivery of Various Printing Supplies for the University Press
- PR-19-02-028 Supply and Delivery of Supplies and Materials for the ID Printing of the University Press
- PR-19-02-032 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for Transcript of Records and Diploma (Parchment) for the Registrar's Office
- PR-19-01-009 Supply and Delivery of Medals for the Senior High School Graduation
- PR-18-10-410 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-11-444 Supply and Delivery of Document Scanner for the University Registrar's Office
- PR-18-12-474 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the CSM Research
- PR-18-12-475 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM Research
- PR-19-01-006 Supply and Delivery of Freezer for the CSM Research
- PR-18-03-147-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-18-04-177-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of the WMSU ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-18-08-331-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipment for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-10-400-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of the WMSU ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-18-10-412-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-04-183-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of the WMSU ESU Alicia Campus
- PR-18-10-409-REBID Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser, Rice Cooker, Metal Wheel Barrow, Grass Cutter and Refrigerator for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-06-253 Supply and Delivery of Server Rack and Rackmount Server for the MITHI
- PR-18-12-469 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the CSM Research
Bid Bulletin:
- None
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- None
Small Value Procurement
- None
Direct Contracting
- None
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR-18-11-440 Supply and Delivery of Cement and Coarse Sand for the CSM Research
- PR-18-10-402 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Mitsubishi Rosa of the Motorpool
- PR-18-10-415 Supply and Delivery of Scientific Calculator for the RDEC
- PR-18-12-466 Supply and Delivery of PVC Pipe, Elbow and Solvent Cement for the Property Management Office of the University
- PR-18-08-295 Supply and Delivery of Various Spare Parts for the Aircon Units at the University Gymnasium
- PR-18-07-282 Supply and Delivery of Floor Polisher for the College of Teacher Education
- PR-18-12-478 Supply and Delivery of Food for the BAC
- PR-18-08-309 Supply and Delivery of Incubator, Hatcher and Egg Candling Box for the Itik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-09-373 Supply and Delivery of Fabrication of Stand for and with Signages for the University
- PR-18-08-310 Supply and Delivery of Portable Gasoline Generator for theItik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-10-406 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-11-437 Supply and Delivery of Animal Feeds for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-10-395 Supply and Delivery of Various Beddings for the College of Home Economics
- PR-18-11-432 Supply and Delivery of Various Animal Feeds for the Itik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-08-320 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Sound System of the University Gymnasium
- PR-18-09-355 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-10-407 Supply and Delivery of Various Fertilizers and Polyethylene Bg for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-10-405 Supply and Delivery of Various Seedlings for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-11-427 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the Genset of Science Hub Building of the University
- PR-18-11-433 Supply and Delivery of Monobloc Table and Chair without Arm for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-10-411 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-08-296 Supply and Delivery of Computer Printer for the Dental Clinic
- PR-18-09-372 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Science and Mathematics
- PR-18-10-392 Supply and Delivery of Potassium Dichromate for the CSM Research of the University
- PR-18-10-399 Supply and Delivery of Cotton, Ham Needle, Igniter, Syringe and Microwavable Plastic Container for the College of Home Economics Laboratory
- PR-18-10-397 Supply and Delivery of Eggs, Chicken and Pork Meat for the College of Home Economics Laboratory
- PR-18-10-388 Supply and Delivery of Brother Toner and Drum for the PHSI
- PR-18-10-391 Supply and Delivery of UPS for the University Press
- PR-18-11-436 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation with Meals for the REOC
- PR-18-11-435 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the CPPESO of the University
- PR-18-10-404 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the REOC
- PR-18-07-283 Supply and Delivery of 3-in-1 Portable Printer for the University Finnance Office
- PR-18-07-290 Supply and Delivery of Corrugated Sheet for the Itik Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-07-292 Supply and Delivery of Construction Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-07-293 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-10-381 Supply and Delivery of LTE Pocket WiFi for the College of Teacher Education
- PR-18-09-358 Supply and Delivery of Customized Collared Shirt for the RDEC
- PR-18-10-387 Supply and Delivery of Poster Stand for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-10-390 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the College of Forestry
- PR-18-10-382 Supply and Delivery of Athletic Uniform for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-18-08-375 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-08-340 Supply and Delivery of Refrigerant and Suction Machine for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-18-08-376 Supply and Delivery of Backlit Film Poster and Brochure Rack Stand for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-09-359 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for the CSM Research
- PR-18-10-377 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-09-371 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Paper Coated and Liquid Activator for the Blueprinting Machine of the University Press
- PR-18-08-324 Supply and Delivery of Tag Board for the TEC
- PR-18-10-385 Supply and Delivery of Food and Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-18-10-384 Supply and Delivery of Rental for 167 KVA Transformer and Installation for the University Electrical Engineer Office
- PR-18-08-305 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-08-305 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-07-289 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-09-361 Supply and Delivery of Rental of LED Wall for Backdrop, Lights and Live Feed for the QMS-ISO of the University
- PR-18-09-360 Supply and Delivery of Plaque of Appreciation for the QMS-ISO of the University
- PR-18-09-370 Job Order for Plotting of Various Infrastructure Projects for the University
- PR-18-09-353 Supply and Delivery of Room Accommodation with Breakfast for the CCE of the University
- PR-18-08-319 Supply and Delivery of Cement Portland, Hollow Blocks and Fine Sand for the Administration of the University
- PR-18-09-348 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the REOC of the University
- PR-18-07-275 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Equipment for the PHSI of the University
- PR-18-08-322 Supply and Delivery of Aerator for the CSM Research Project
- PR-18-02-061-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM-Research
- PR-18-08-316 Supply and Delivery of Various Signage for the Administration of the University
- PR-18-08-318 Supply and Delivery of Chick Booster Mash for the Itik for Life Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-08-321 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-08-343 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-08-346 Supply and Delivery of Rental of LED Wall for Backdrop, Lights and Live Feed for the HRMO
- PR-18-08-307 Supply and Delivery of Two Burner Stove with Tank and Content for the Itik for Life Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-08-345 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation with Meals for the ITSO
- PR-18-09-347 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-18-08-317 Supply and Delivery of Various Ingredients for the College of Home Economics Laboratory
- PR-18-08-341 Supply and Delivery of Tire for the Motorpool of the University
- PR-18-08-342 Supply and Delivery of Lei for the Civil Service Loyalty Month of the HRMO
- PR-18-02-061 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM-Research
- PR-18-08-298 Supply and Delivery of Rental of Lights and LED Wall for the OCTA
- PR-18-08-299 Supply and Delivery of Assorted Cloth for the OCTA
- PR-18-07-294 Supply and Delivery of Medallion for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-18-07-255 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies, materials and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-07-276 Supply and Delivery of Tire for Hi-Ace Van of the Motorpool
- PR-18-04-182 Supply and Delivery of Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) for the College of Home Economics
- PR-18-05-210 Supply and Delivery of Gate Pass Sticker for the Administration
- PR-18-05-212 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the College of Nursing
- PR-18-07-269 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Materials and Equipment for the CSM Research
- PR-18-07-262 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI
- PR-18-07-274 Supply and Delivery of Ring Binder for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-06-243 Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser for the University Library
- PR-18-07-261 Supply and Delivery of Dust Blower for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-05-216 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Library
- PR-18-05-233 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-18-04-200 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Materials for the MISTO
- PR-18-05-233 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-18-05-216 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Library
- PR-18-07-266 Supply and Delivery of AutoCAD Plotting for the Physical Plant Office
- PR-18-07-250 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-07-244 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Library
- PR-18-06-245 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Mitsubishi Pajero of the Motorpool
- PR-18-06-230 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Materials for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-06-239 Supply and Delivery of Battery for Nissan Bus of the Motorpool
- PR-18-06-230 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-07-265 PR-18-07-265 Supply and Delivery of Vinta for the Quality Assurance Office of the University
- PR-18-07-257 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation in Manila for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-18-07-263 Supply and Delivery of LED Wall for the Zampen Native Chicken Fiesta of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-06-227 Supply and Delivery of Lights and Sound Systemfor the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-04-194 Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Auxillary Services of the University
- PR-18-05-220 Supply and Delivery of Accreditor's Kit, Flash Drive, Certificate Jacket and Frame for the Quality Assurance Office
- PR-18-05-211 Supply and Delivery of Automotive Battery for the College of Engineering and Technology
- PR-18-05-215 Supply and Delivery of Decoration & Landscaping for the Zampen Native Chicken Fiesta of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-05-214 Supply and Delivery of Collared Shirt for the Zampen Native Chicken Fiesta of WESMAARRDEC
- PR GEN 03-279-18 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Malangas Campus
- PR-18-04-189 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-18-03-168 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of ICS Department of the University
- PR-18-03-156 Supply and Delivery of Generator, Solar Panel, Air Compressor and Water Pump for the CSM
- PR-18-03-168 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Library of ICS Department of the University
- PR-18-03-136 Supply and Delivery of Refrigerator for the CSM Research
- PR-18-05-207 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the REOC
- PR-18-01-011 Supply and Delivery of Various Sewing Supplies and Materials for the Auxillary Services of the University
- PR-18-05-206 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation and Meeting Facilities for the University Board Secretary's Office
- PR-18-04-190 Supply and Delivery of Various Spare Parts for Nissan UD Bus FE-6 of Motorpool
- PR-18-04-180 Supply and Delivery of Various Spare Parts for Pajero Gray (4G54) of the Motorpool
- PR-18-03-116 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-03-170 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Motorpool
- PR-18-03-153 Supply and Delivery of Cup and Saucer, Coffee Maker, Spoon and Fork and Dish Drainer for Various Offices of the University
- PR-18-03-122 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-03-098 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-03-148 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coated Paper and Liquid Activator for the Blue Printing Machine of the University Press
- PR-18-03-101 Supply and Delivery of Digital Vernier Caliper and Digital Weighing Scale for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-03-119 Supply and Delivery of Two Burner Stove with Tanks for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-04-187 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the University Board Secretary's Office
- PR-18-03-132 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the CPERS and Curuan Campus
- RIV-03-408-18 Supply and Delivery of Various Ingredients for the CHE
- PR-18-03-131 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the CCE
- PR-18-03-095
- PR-18-01-036 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Various Offices
- PR-18-02-056 Supply and Delivery of Various Lumber for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-02-085 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture Dormitory
- PR-18-03-092 Supply and Delivery of Tire for the Hi-Ace Van of the Motorpool
- PR-18-03-106 Supply and Delivery of Electrical and Construction Supplies and Materials for the CSM
- PR-18-03-107 Supply and Delivery of Coco Lumber and Plywood for the CSM
- PR-18-03-130 Supply and Delivery of Various Cloth for the Auxillary Services
- PR-18-02-074 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the GRRC
- PR-18-03-095 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the Gymnasium of the University
- PR-18-02-087 Supply and Delivery of Various Flags for the QMS-ISO
- PR-18-02-091 Supply and Delivery of Tires for the Nissan Bus of Motorpool
- PR-18-02-077 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Venetian Blinds for the Office of the President
- PR-18-02-075 Supply and Delivery of Customized T-Shirt with Collar and Printing for GRRC
- PR-18-01-020 Supply and Delivery of Radiator and Engine Support for the Mitsubishi Lancer of Motorpool
- PR-18-02-076 Supply and Delivery of Fan Motor for Outdoor Aircondition of the CSM
- PR-18-02-079 Supply and Delivery of Computer Printer for External Studies Unit of the University
- PR-18-02-082 Supply and Delivery of Decoration and Landscaping of WMSU Gym Stage
- PR-08-02-083 Supply and Delivery of Various Spare Parts and Materials for the Aircondition Units of the University Gymnasium
- PR-18-02-066 Supply and Delivery of Printed Satin Cloth for the Auxillary Services
- PR-18-01-047 Supply and Delivery of Visitor's Chair with Arm, Book Shelves and Steel Cabinet for the CCE
- PR-18-01-048 Supply and Delivery of of Mugs, Paper Weight and Key Holder for the CCE
- PR-18-02-067 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-18-01-041 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-18-02-057 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-18-02-058 Supply and Delivery of Battery for Izusu Altera of the Motorpool
- PR-18-01-025 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the RDEC Conference Room and RUPID Office
- PR-17-12-440 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
- PR-18-01-018 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines and Dental Supplies for the Dental Clinic of the University
- PR-18-01-040 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-18-02-069 Supply and Delivery of Food and Hotel Room Accommodation for the Malangas Campus
- PR-18-01-063 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Laboratory Supplies and Materials for the University Health Services
- PR-18-01-023 Supply and Delivery of Lunch including Venue, Backdrop, and Venue Decoration for the VPAA
- PR-18-01-029 Supply and Delivery of of Various Medals for the VPAA
- PR-18-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Program of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-01-035 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircon Supplies and Materials for the Various Offices of the University
- RIV-01-027-18 Supply and Delivery of Various Ingredients for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-11-405 Supply and Delivery of Abaca Deco Machine for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-18-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the SPPO
- PR-18-01-026 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-02-049 Supply and Delivery of Function Room and Room Accommodation for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-17-11-413 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Program at JHCSC Station in Dumingag
- PR-17-11-409 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Program
- PR-18-01-006 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coated Paper and Liquid Activator for the University Press
- PR-18-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Condenser Fan for the Mitsubishi Rosa Bus of the Motorpool
- PR-18-01-034 Supply and Delivery of Battery for Mitsubishi Lancer of Motorpool
- PR-18-01-022 Supply and Delivery of Athletic Uniform for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-18-01-008 Supply and Delivery of Sewing Machines for the Auxillary Services
- PR-17-12-441 Supply and Delivery of Starter for the Generator Set of the University
- PR-17-11-396 Supply and Delivery of Generator, Solar Panel, Air Blower and Water Pump for the CSM
- PR-18-10-423 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CSM Research
- PR-18-05-216-Rebid Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the University Library
- PR-18-10-394 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Quality Assurance Office
- PR-18-08-313 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing
- PR-18-01-032 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Program of the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-01-030 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- PR-17-11-411 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Program
- PR-17-11-410 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
Public Bidding
- PR-18-06-249 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-07-291 Supply and Delivery of Various Hospital Supplies and Equipment for the Medical School of the University
- PR-18-06-248 Supply and Delivery of Fork Lift, Jack Lift and Chain Block for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-08-339 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Materials and Equipment for the College of Home Economics
- PR-18-08-301 Supply and Delivery of Various Medallions and Medals for the Office of the Student Affairs
- PR-18-08-311 Supply and Delivery of Steel Filling Cabinet, Bookshelves and Wooden Cabinet for the Various Offices of the University
- PR-18-07-278 Supply and Delivery of Smart LED Television for the Registrar Office
- PR-18-10-386 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Supply Office of the University
- PR-18-04-175 Supply and Delivery of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) Scanning Machine for the TEC
- PR-18-07-288 Supply and Delivery of Various Cloth and Garment Supplies for the Auxillary Services
- PR-18-01-015-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Machine Tools for the Motorpool
- PR-18-02-063 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-18-06-241 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for the Testing and Evaluation Center (TEC)
- PR-18-06-238 Supply and Delivery of Monobloc Chair, Steel Table and JR Executive Chair for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-06-231-REBID Supply and Delivery of 5TR Airconditioner Unit for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-05-205-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Medical School of the University
- PR-18-07-273 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Materials for Various Colleges of the University
- PR-18-04-195 Supply and Delivery of Buttonhole, Sewing and Cutting Machines for the Garment Shop of the University
- PR-18-03-149-REBID Supply and Delivery of Digital Theodolite for the College of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- PR-18-03-096 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-05-217 Supply and Delivery of Steel Filing Cabinet for University Library and Dental Clinic
- PR-18-03-149 Supply and Delivery of Digital Theodolite for the College of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- PR-18-03-135 Supply and Delivery of Various Furnitures and Fixture for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-18-06-231 Supply and Delivery of 5TR Airconditioner Unit for the College of Engineering
- PR-18-05-205 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Medical School of the University
- PR-18-06-247 Supply and Delivery of ID Production Materials and ID Holder Necklace with Double Wall Protection for the University Press
- PR-18-05-218-REBID Supply and Delivery of Dump Truck with Boom or Crane for the University
- PR-18-05-219-REBID Supply and Delivery of At least 55 Seater Couch Bus for the University
- PR-18-03-137-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Gymn Equipment for the CPERS
- PR-18-03-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-18-03-152 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Materials and Equipment for Various Offices of the University
- PR-18-02-090 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment and Furnitures for the LDRC, Garment and Food Service.
- PR-18-03-151 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment and Furnitures for the RESEL
- PR-18-04-182 Supply and Delivery of Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) for the College of Home Economics (CHE)
- PR-18-03-154 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Science and mathematics
- PR-18-01-037 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment and Furnitures for the Various Offices of the University
- PR-18-02-084 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment and Materials for the LDRC
- PR-18-02-051 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Science and Mathematics
- PR-18-03-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-03-102 Supply and Delivery of Various Lumber for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-01-012 Supply and Delivery of Various Aircondition Unit, Industrial Fan and Electric Fan for the Auxillary Services
- PR-18-03-152 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for Various Offices of the University
- PR-18-02-086 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment and Computer Ink for Various Offices of the University
- PR-18-03-121 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Itik for Life Program of the College of Agriculture
- PR-18-03-138 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for Transcript of Records and Diploma for the Registrar's Office of the University
- PR-18-03-138 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for Transcript of Records and Diploma for the Registrar's Office of the University
- PR-18-03-167 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-18-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials for the Itik for Life Program of the College oa Agriculture
- PR-18-01-043-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Administration
- PR-18-02-061 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM Research
- PR-18-02-059 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboaratory Equipment for the CSM Research
- PR-18-02-060 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboaratory Apparatus for the CSM Research
- PR-18-02-064 Supply and Delivery of Various Computer Ink, Printer and Continuous Paper for Various Offices of the University
- PR-18-01-004 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- PR-18-02-065 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the College of Engineering & Technology
- PR-18-01-015 Supply and Delivery of Various Machine Tools for the Motorpool
- PR-18-01-042-REBID Job Order for Fabrication of Diploma Jacket for the Registrar's Office of the University
- PR-18-01-011 Supply and Delivery of Various Sewing Supplies and Materials for the Auxillary Services of the Universty
- PR-18-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Materials for ID Printing and ID Holder Lanyard for the University Press
- PR-18-01-007 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the University Press
- PR-18-01-042 Job Order for Fabrication of Diploma Jacket for the Registrar's Office of the University
Bid Bulletin:
- None
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- PR-18-01-037
- PR-18-01-037
- PR-18-01-037
- PR-18-06-229
- PR-18-06-232
- PR-18-03-154
- PR-18-05-222
- PR-18-06-224
- PR-18-02-059
- PR-18-02-059
- PR-18-02-059
- PR-18-03-152
- PR-18-02-071
- PR-18-04-193
- PR-18-03-151
- PR-18-03-151
- PR-18-03-138
- PR-18-02-060
- PR-18-01-012
- PR-18-01-004-REBID
- PR-18-02-086
- PR-18-02-064
- PR-18-01-002
- RIV-03-408-18
- RIV-03-408-18
- PR-18-02-065
- PR-18-02-053
- PR-18-01-017
- PR-18-02-075
- PR-18-01-043-REBID
- PR-18-01-007
- PR-18-01-014
- PR-18-01-042-REBID
Small Value Procurement
- PR-18-03-107
- PR-18-07-269
- PR-18-07-269
- PR-18-08-298
- PR-18-05-204
- PR-18-03-136
- PR-18-04-200
- PR-18-05-202
- PR-18-06-230
- PR-18-06-250
- PR-18-06-250
- PR-18-06-234
- PR-18-07-266
- PR-18-04-194
- PR-18-05-153
- PR-18-05-153
- PR-18-07-265
- PR-18-07-267
- PR-18-05-211
- PR-GEN-03-279-18-A
- PR-GEN-03-279-18-C
- PR-GEN-03-279-18-C
- PR-GEN-03-279-18-D
- PR-18-03-098
- PR-18-03-098
- PR-18-03-146
- PR-18-04-199
- PR-18-05-220
- PR-18-01-036
- PR-18-01-036
- PR-18-03-156
- PR-18-06-227
- PR-18-07-263
- PR-18-03-100
- PR-18-03-102
- PR-18-03-125
- PR-18-03-125
- PR-18-05-214
- PR-18-05-215
- PR-18-02-079
- PR-18-03-116
- PR-18-03-116
- PR-18-05-207
- PR-18-03-148
- PR-18-05-206
- PR-18-02-076
- PR-18-02-077
- PR-18-02-087
- PR-18-03-101
- PR-18-03-121
- PR-18-03-132
- PR-18-03-157
- PR-18-03-170
- PR-18-04-180
- PR-18-04-190
- PR-18-01-040
- PR-18-01-041
- PR-18-03-167
- PR-18-03-092
- PR-18-04-187
- PR-18-01-025
- PR-18-02-056
- PR-18-02-085
- PR-18-02-066
- PR-18-01-047
- PR-18-01-047
- PR-18-03-106
- PR-18-03-131
- PR-18-01-018
- PR-18-01-018
- PR-18-02-052
- PR-18-02-055
- PR-18-01-020
- PR-18-01-024
- PR-18-02-091
- PR-18-02-074
- PR-18-01-027
- PR-18-01-048
- PR-18-01-050
- PR-18-02-082
- PR-18-02-083
- PR-18-01-033
- PR-18-01-035
- PR-18-01-038
- PR-18-01-046
- RIV-01-027-18
- RIV-01-027-18
- RIV-01-027-18
- PR-18-01-023
- PR-18-01-029
- PR-18-02-057
- PR-18-02-067
- PR-18-01-026
- PR-18-01-031
- PR-18-02-049
- PR-18-01-008
- PR-18-01-008
- PR-18-01-021
- PR-18-01-034
Direct Contracting
- None
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
- None
Invitations to Bid:
Small Value
- PR-17-12-432 Supply and Delivery of Bags for the Guidance and Counseling Center
- PR-17-12-431 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the Guidance and Counseling Center
- PR-17-11-397 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Clear Glass for the CET
- PR-17-11-393 Supply and Delivery of Conference Table and Chairs for the TEC
- PR-17-10-372 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-17-09-309 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the University Recognition & Graduation SY 2017-2018
- PR-17-11-414 Job Order for Aircondition Cleaning for the Hi-Ace Van for the Motorpool
- Pr-17-11-385 Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit, Ceiling Fan, Whiteboard, Office Table and Monoblock Chair with Arms for the CET
- PR-17-12-442 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the Special Board Meeting in Davao City
- PR-17-10-368 Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit for the PMO
- PR-17-10-358 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-17-10-354 Supply and Delivery of 3-in-1 Printer for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-17-11-404 Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinets for the Supply Office
- PR-GEN 17-11-291 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-12-429 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the BAC
- PR-17-12-424 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- PR-17-12-425 Supply and Delivery of Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-17-03-123-REBID Supply and Delivery of Digital Weighing Scale for the Zampen Native Chicken Project for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-11-383 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the RUPID
- PR-17-10-379 Supply and Delivery of Lumber for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-322 Supply and Delivery of Protective Coat for the College of agriculture
- PR-17-09-317 Supply and Delivery of Seedling Tray, Polyethylene Bags and Pot for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-321 Supply and Delivery of Bush Cutter, Knapsack Sprayer, Wheel Barrow and Garden Sprinkler for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-318 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-323 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Tools for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-343 Supply and Delivery of Various Garment Supplies and Materials for the Auxillary Services of the University
- PR-17-09-319 Supply and Delivery of of Various Agricultural Medicines and Supplies for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-08-292 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs of the University
- PR-17-10-371 Supply and Delivery of Voice Recorder for the PHSI
- PR-17-10-364 Supply and Delivery of Glass Top for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-09-320 Supply and Delivery of Refrigerator and Aircondition Unit for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-10-370 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI
- PR-17-09-350 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines and Dental Supplies for the Dental Clinic of the University
- PR-17-10-380 Supply and Delivery of Food and Hotel Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-17-09-324 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardaware Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-338 Supply and Delivery of Various Dinnerware for the College of Economics
- PR-17-09-304 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of home Economics
- PR-17-11-408 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the 4th Quarter Regular Board Meeting of the University
- PR-17-11-408 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the 4th Quarter Regular Board Meeting of the University
- PR-17-10-377 Job Order for Sewing of Costume for the Office of the Cultural, Theatre and Arts of the University
- PR-17-09-328 Supply and Delivery of G.I. Pipe for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-17-06-192 Supply and Delivery of Ring Binder for the QMS-ISO
- PR-17-11-388 Supply and Delivery of Food and Accommodation with Conference Room for the University Finance Office
- PR-17-10-374 Supply and Delivery of Catalogue Shelf, Double-Face Roll-up Stand and Pop-up Display Curve C for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-10-362 Supply and Delivery of Van Rentals for the PHSI
- PR-17-09-348 Supply and Delivery of Drinking Glass, Cup and Saucer for the BAC Office
- PR-17-10-355 Supply and Delivery of Various Filters for the Generator Sets of the University
- PR-17-09-306 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Native Chicken Program of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-09-313 Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser for the Auxillary Services
- PR-17-09-315 Supply and Delivery of Electric Stand and Orbit Fan for the OVP-AA
- PR-17-09-337 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
- PR-17-09-336 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
- PR-17-10-378 Job Order for Plotting of Various Infrastructure Projects
- PR-17-09-335 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
- PR-17-09-334 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coated Paper and Liquid Activator for the Blue Printing Machine of the University Press
- PR-17-09-310 Supply and Delivery of Car Battery of the Motorpool of the University
- PR-17-10-363 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken cProgram
- PR-17-09-307 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the REOC
- PR-17-09-303 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the 177th Regular Board Meeting
- PR-17-03-118 Supply and Delivery of Plastic Comb Binding Machine for the CCE
- PR-17-08-301 Supply and Delivery of Sounds and Lights Rental for the OCTA
- PR-17-08-253 Supply and Delivery of Sounds and Lights Rental for the VPAA
- PR-17-08-257 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coated Paper and Liquid Activator for the UPRESS
- PR-17-08-282 Supply and Delivery of Leis for the HRMO
- PR-17-08-290 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-17-08-291 Supply and Delivery of Polo Shirt for the CCE
- PR-17-07-249 Supply and Delivery of Cable Tie, Steel Chain Padlock and Bulb for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-250 Supply and Delivery of Office Curtain and Dinnerware for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-247 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the CLA
- PR-17-07-237 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the PHSI
- PR-17-06-191 Supply and Delivery Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Program of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-232 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ESU Palaro 2017
- Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the HRMO
- Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-17-05-188 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-236 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-17-03-110 Supply and Delivery of Various Subscription of Journal & Magazines for the University Library
- PR-17-03-109-REBID Supply and Delivery of Badminton Shuttle Cock and Badminton Racket for the CPERS
- PR-17-03-119 Supply and Delivery of Waterproof Digital Camera, Video Camera and DSLR Camera with Lens for the CCE
- PR-17-03-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for Guidance Office and TEC
- PR-17-04-153 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Kinder I of the College of Social Work & Community Development
- PR-17-04-156 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the University Health Services
- PR-17-05-164 Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Plastic Clear for the College of Nursing
- PR-17-05-175 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- PR-17-03-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Repair Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR-17-04-154 Supply and Delivery of Tires and Battery for the Motorpool
- PR-17-04-155 Job Order for Genneral Cleaning of Air Conditioning System for the Toyota Hi-Ace Van of Motorpool
- PR-17-05-166 Supply and Delivery of WMSU Stationery for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-17-02-074 Supply and Delivery of Commercial Electric Rice Cooker for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-02-075 Supply and Delivery of Commercial Ice Crusher for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-04-147 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken Program (for JHCSC Station)
- PR-17-04-148 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken Program (for San Ramon)
- PR-17-04-159 Supply and Delivery of Various Training Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- PR-17-04-141 Supply and Delivery of Stapler for the TEC
- PR-17-03-117 Supply & Delivery of Foldable Table and JR. Executive Chair for the CCE
- PR-17-03-107 - Supply & Delivery of Water Lifting Pump for the Administration
- PR-17-03-124 Supply and Delivery of Smartphones and Power Banks for the RDEC
- PR-17-03-121 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing
- PR-16-11-367 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the University Library
- PR-17-02-057 Supply and Delivery of of Gate Pass Sticker for the University
- PR-17-02-065 Job Order for the Re-Orientation of Existing Antenna at the Admin Bldg
- PR-17-02-078 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Motorpool
- PR-17-02-085 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-02-086 Supply and Delivery of Name Plate, Paper Weight and Personalized Mug for the CCE
- PR-17-04-158 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-17-04-151 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-16-12-386 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Nativ Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-16-12-391-A Supply and Delivery of Power Generator for the Zampen Nativ Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-02-055 Supply and Delivery of VFood and Venue for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-17-02-080 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Materials for the Repainting of Gymnasium
- PR-17-02-083 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Nativ Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the SWK
- PR-17-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR-16-12-403 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink and Numbering Machine for the Office of the President
- PR-17-01-020 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the QMS ISO
- PR-16-12-398 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural S Materials and Medicines for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-399 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-400 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-401 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-402 Supply and Delivery of Chicken Layer Cage for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-GEN.16-12-341 Supply and Delivery of Various Plumbing Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation
- PR-16-11-347 Supply and Delivery of Computer Desktop for PAO
Public Bidding
- PR-17-11-391 Supply and Delivery of Color Laser Printer for TEC
- PR-17-11-387 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the College of Engineering and Technology
- PR-17-11-386 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the College of Engineering and Technology
- PR-17-08-295-REBID Supply and Delivery of Ring Binder, Filing Box and Computer Ink for the CLA and CSM
- PR-17-05-162-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Sound System for the CET
- PR-1703-103-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the Extension Services of the University
- PR-17-03-126 Supply and Delivery of Computer Desktop for the University Press
- PR-17-08-283 Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Equipment and Tools for the CET
- PR-17-02-034 Supply and Delivery of Various Aiconditioner Unit for Various Offices and Colleges of the University
- PR-17-06-209/PR-17-04-149 Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV for the CET and CLA
- Construction or Rehabilitation of Multi-Purpose Building
- Construction, Repair, Rehabilitation of Academic Building
- Fabrication of Shelves and Mounted Cabinets, College of Nursing
- Installation of Renewable Energy Solar Facility (Phase I)
- Proposed Removable Fence and Grille Work at Motorpool
- Proposed Wood Planks at Administration, Planning and Board Secretary's Office and Fabrication of Cubicles Requested by Registrar Office (Clustered)
- Repainting and Renovation of VPAA Office
- Proposed RFID at Gate 1 and Gate 3
- Repair and Improvement of Structures
- Reconstruction of Water System at WMSU Main Campus
- Upgrading of Secondary Feeder Line, Distribution Line and Installation of KW-HR Meter per Building, WMSU Main Campus
- Upgrading of Secondary Feeder Line and Distribution Line, WMSU Malangas Campus
- Reconstruction of Water System at WMSU San Ramon Campus
- PR-17-06-212 Supply and Delivery of Wrist Watch, Ring and Necklace with Pendant for the HRMO
- PR-17-06-204 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer and DSLR With Lens for the Malangas Campus
- PR-17-06-199 Supply and Delivery of FRS-GMRS Two Way Radio for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-03-103 Supply and Delivery of of Various Equipment for the Extension Services of the University
- PR-17-03-115 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for the Extension Services
- PR-17-07-246 Supply and Delivery of Clear Sheet Protector for the QMS-ISO
- PR-17-07-218 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the ICS
- PR-17-07-230 Supply and Delivery of Office Table, JR. Executive Chair and Computer Chair for the ICS
- Procurement for ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Services
- PR-17-06-210: Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM
- PR-17-07-242: Supply and Delivery of Dot Matrix Printer for the Payroll Section of the University
- PR-17-07-231: Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the SHS Palaro and HOPE Classes of the University
- PR-17-06-194: Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-02-089 Supply and Delivery of Bullet Recovery Capsule, Bullet Comparison Microscope and Finger Print Kit for the Malangas Campus
- PR-17-06-211 Supply and Delivery of Rebound Hammer for the CET
- PR-17-06-200 Supply and Delivery of Walk Through and Handheld Metal Detector for the VPAF 2
- PR-17-06-203 Supply and Delivery of Various sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-17-02-034-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Airconditioner Units for Various Offices in the University
- PR-17-04-140 Supply and Delivery of DSLR Camera for the LDRC
- PR-17-04-152 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-17-04-157 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink for Various Offices of the University
- PR-17-02-042 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for VArious Offices of the University
- PR-17-03-118 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Center for Continuing Education
- PR-17-03-119 Supply and Delivery of Waterproof Digital Camera, Video Camera and DSLR Camera with Lens for the CCE
- PR-17-03-126 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for the University Press
- PR-17-03-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for Guidance Office and TEC
- PR-17-03-107 Supply and Delivery of Water Pump for the Administration
- PR-17-03-109 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the CPERS
- PR-17-03-108 Supply & Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- PR-17-03-112 Supply & Delivery of Portable Sound System, Wireless Microphone and Handheld Megaphone for the CCE
- PR-17-03-113 Supply & Delivery of Tablet for the University Board Secretary
- PR-17-03-101 Supply and Delivery of Inventory Sticker and Ledger Card for the PMO
- PR-17-03-109 - Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the CPERS
- PR-17-03-120& PR-17-02-063 - Supply & Delivery of Various Ink & Ribbon Cartridge for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-17-02-077 - Supply & Delivery of Pistol, Shotgun and Ammunition for the WMSU Malangas and Security Personnel
- PR-17-02-051 - Supply & Delivery of Various Medicines & Medical Supplies for the University Health Services
- PR-17-02-039 - Supply & Delivery of FTIR Spectroscopy for the CSM
- PR-17-02-067 - Supply & Delivery of Various Equipment & Materials for the Motorpool
- PR-17-02-087 - Supply & Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Various Colleges & Offices of the University
Bid Bulletin:
Notice of Awards:
Public Bidding
- Language Development Resource Center
- Industrial Engineering Laboratory Room for the College of Engineering & Technology
- Enhancement of the Forensic and Crime Laboraotry of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- Construction of Two (2) Classroom Building, ESU, Clara
- Construction of Regional Farmers Training Center at the College of Agriculture
- Construction of Plant and Animal Clinic for the College of Agriculture
- Construction of One (1) Classroom Building, ESU, Tungawan
- Construction of Multi-Purpose Hall, ESU, Ipil
- Construction of Five (5) Classroom Building, ESU, Siay
- Completion of Ladies Dormitory Cum Training Center
- 5 Storey HS bldg (Phase 1 & 2)
Small Value Procurement
- None
Direct Contracting
- None
Repeat Order
- None
Emergency Cases
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
- None
Invitations to Bid:
- INFRA-Repair & Renovation of CSM Laboratory
- INFRA-Repair & Renovation of Audio Visual Room at the College of Engineering
- INFRA-Five Storey High School Building
- PR-16-10-331 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation with Meals for the QMS ISO
- PR-16-09-322 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-09-309 Supply and Delivery of Athletic Uniforms for the Office of the Sports Director of the University
- PR-16-08-285 Supply and Delivery of Fertilizer, Insecticide and Herbicide for the College of Agriculture
- PR-16-09-299Supply and Delivery of Surgical Blade for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-09-300 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-09-311 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-16-09-321 Supply and Delivery of Training Bags and Steno Notebook for the CCE
- PR-16-08-265 Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the Native Chicken Program of WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-08-274 Supply and Delivery of Battery for Mitsubishi Lancer for Motorpool of the University
- PR-16-09-302 Supply and Delivery of Leis for the President, Guest and Awardees of the 2016 Loyalty Award of the University
- PR-16-06-174 Supply and Delivery of Battery for Izusu Altera for Motorpool of the University
- PR-16-09-294 Job Order for AutoCAD and Blue Printing for the Physical Plant
- PR-16-08-263A Supply and Delivery of Various Make-Up and Latex Paint for the ADAP-UNICEF Project of PHSI
- PR-16-08-263 Supply and Delivery of Van Rental for the ADAP-UNICEF Project of PHSI
- PR-16-08-262 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the ADAP-UNICEF Project of PHSI
- PR-16-08-260 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-08-261 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink Cartridge and Bond Paper for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-08-271 Supply and Delivery of UPS for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-05-152 Supply and Delivery of Car Stereo for the Motorpool
- PR-16-08-259 Supply and Delivery of Various Garden Tools and Materials for the Janitorial Services
- PR-16-08-277 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Visual Arts Competition of 2016 University Palaro
- PR-16-08-268 Supply and Delivery of Medals fopr the ESU Palaro 2016
- PR-16-08-251 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI
- PR-16-08-243 Supply and Delivery of Trophies for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-16-07-238 Supply and Delivery of Sounds and Lights Rental for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-16-07-220 Supply and Delivery of Network Attached Storage Device and Digital Sinle-Lens Reflex Camera for the University Press
- PR-16-07-218 Supply and Delivery of Digital Camera and Paper Shredder for the REOC
- PR-16-08-266 Rental of Sounds and Lights for the OCTA
- PR-16-08-267 Supply and Delivery of Various Cloths for the OCTA
- PR-16-08-273 Rental of Sounds for the Office of the VP-AA
- PR-16-08-278 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-16-08-242 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for CCE
- PR-16-07-230 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for CCE
- PR-16-07-224 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-16-07-223 Supply and Delivery of Compressor, Map, Silver Rod and Refrigerant for the CHE
- PR-16-06-206 Supply and Delivery of Pail with Cover for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-06-205 Supply and Delivery of Plastic Drum for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-06-204 Supply and Delivery of Denatured Alcohol for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-06-202 Supply and Delivery of Floor Outlet and Fluorescent Tubes for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-06-198 Supply and Delivery of Ledger Card for PMO
- PR-16-06-174 Supply and Delivery of Plywood and Lumber for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-06-173 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction and Painting Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-05-159 Supply and Delivery of Layer CagesWelded Mesh for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-05-149 Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus and Chemicals for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-06-197 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Materials for the CPERS
- PR-16-06-194 Supply and Delivery of Chandelier for the College of Home Economics
- PR-16-06-186 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Supply Office
- PR-16-06-179 Supply and Delivery of Termite Treatment and Control Services for the RESEL Building
- PR-16-06-177 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Materials for the OVP-RESEL
- PR-16-06-169 Supply and Delivery of Executive Chair, Visitor Chair and Office Table for the PAO
- PR-16-05-138 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment and Materials for the REOC
- PR-16-04-127 Supply and Delivery of Printer and Digital Camera for the Tissue Culture Laboratory of College of Agriculture
- PR-16-07-222 Supply and Delivery of Malong, Shawls and Bags for Quality Assurance Office
- PR-16-07-216 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for CCE
- PR-16-07-215 Supply and Delivery of Plaque of Appreciation, Token and collage type Frame for the University Board Secretary
- PR-16-06-208Supply and Delivery of Lights and Sounds for the OVP-AA
- PR-16-06-203 Job Order for Landscaping and Stage Decoration for the OVP-AA
- PR-16-06-175 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies & Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-06-176 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Motorpool
- PR-16-06-172 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies & Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-06-188 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for Quality Assurance Office
- PR-16-06-183 Supply and Delivery of Food for the Quality Assurance Office
- PR-16-05-152 Supply and Delivery of Car Stereo for the Rosa Bus of Motorpool
- PR-16-05-151 Supply and Delivery of Various Tires for the Motorpool
- PR-16-05-160 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-05-158 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-04-128 Supply and Delivery of Bush Cutter for the Tissue Culture Laboratory of the College of Agriculture
- PR-16-02-142 Supply and Delivery of Black Net for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-06-171 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation in Manila
- PR-16-05-155 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-05-154 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-04-123 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner Unit and Stand Fan for the TEC
- PR-16-04-135 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner Unit for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-05-155-A Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for Gender Research & Resource Center
- PR-16-04-109 Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies and Medicines for the University Health Services
- INFRA - Industrial Engineering Laboratory Room for the College of Engineering and Technology - REBID
- PR-16-05-148 Supply and Delivery of Book Reviewer for Scholarship Office
- PR-16-04-116 Supply and Delivery of Travel Mug for Scholarship Office
- PR-16-03-079 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Equipment for the RDEC
- PR-16-02-072 Supply and Delivery of Tires and Various Spare Parts for the College of Agriculture
- PR-16-05-142 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the Center for Continuing Education
- PR-16-01-015 Job Order for Fabrication of Diploma Jacket for the University Registrars Office
- PR-16-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper (Parchment) for the University Registrars Office
- PR-16-04-110 Supply and Delivery of Kitchenware and Equipment for College of Home Economics
- PR-16-04-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-04-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-04-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-04-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-04-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-04-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-04-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-16-04-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Tissue Culture Laboratory
- INFRA - Language Development Resource Center
- INFRA - Industrial Engineering Laboratory Room for the College of Engineering and Technology
- INFRA - Construction of Regional Farmers at the College of Agriculture
- INFRA - Construction of Plant and Animal Clinic for the College of Agriculture
- INFRA - Completion of Ladies Dormitory Cum Training Center
- PR-16-01-028 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Equipment for the CHE-Research
- PR-16-01-028 Supply and Delivery of Various Kitchen Equipment for the CHE-Research
- PR-16-03-091 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the RDEC
- PR-16-03-093 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the RDEC-CLA
- PR-16-04-118 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-GEN 16-04-113 Supply and Delivery of Various Spare Parts of Pajero for the Motorpool
- INFRA - Repair & Renovation of Executive Building for Gender and Wellness Center
- PR-16-02-061 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-02-061 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-04-111 Supply and Delivery of T-shirt with Printing for OVP-RESEL
- PR-16-04-111 Supply and Delivery of T-shirt with Printing for OVP-RESEL_1
- PR-16-04-112 Supply and Delivery of VArious Office Supplies for OVP-RESEL
- PR-16-04-113 Supply and Delivery of Room Accommodation for OVP-RESEL
- PR-16-04-114 Supply and Delivery of Food for the Resource Speaker and Management Staff of OVP-RESEL
- PR-16-03-082 Supply and Delivery of Van Rentals for the CHE
- PR-16-04-101 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioner units for the College of Law
- RIV-03-468-16 Supply and Delivery of Various Ingredients and Grocery items for the CHE
- PR-16-02-094 Supply and Delivery of Various Educational Toys for the PHSI
- PR-16-03-094 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for QMS ISO
- PR-16-03-090 Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper and Notarial Seal for Registrars Office
- PR-16-03-094 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for QMS ISO
- PR-16-03-090 Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper and Notarial Seal for Registrars Office
- PR-16-02-046-REBID Supply and Delivery of Pressurized Tank for the CHE
- PR-16-03-089 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-03-085 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the GRRC
- PR-16-02-050 Supply and Delivery of Nitrogen Tank for the Air-condition System of University Gymnasium
- PR-16-02-069-REBID Supply and Delivery of Security Light for the University Electrical Engineers Office
- PR-16-01-041 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Repair of Air-conditioner units of Gymnasium
- PR-16-02-074 Job Order for Repair of Swinging Glass Door of the Office of the Student Affairs
- PR-16-01-029-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the UPRESS
- PR-16-02-060-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Airconditioner Unit and Various Electrical Supplies for the University Library
- PR-16-01-010 Supply and Delivery of Tire for Motorpool
- PR-16-02-055 Supply and Delivery of Various Lumber and Hardware Materials for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-02-056 Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-02-064 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the OVPAA
- PR-16-02-068 Supply and Delivery of LED Bulb for the University Electrical Engineers Office
- PR-16-02-069 Supply and Delivery of Security Light for the University Electrical Engineers Office
- PR-16-02-047 Supply and Delivery of Training Kit & Special Paper for SWK
- PR-16-02-048 Supply and Delivery of Food & Venue for SWK
- PR-16-02-053 Supply and Delivery of Airconditioning Unit for WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-02-061 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies for WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-02-062 Supply and Delivery of Various Sand & Gravel for WESMARRDEC
- PR-16-02-063 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue & Accommodation for CCE
- PR-16-02-070 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue & Accommodation for CCE
- PR-16-02-071 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for CCE
- PR-16-01-020 Supply and Delivery of Token for CCEC
- PR-16-01-034 Supply and Delivery of Alternator for Mitsubishi Pajero of Motorpool
- PR-16-01-035 Supply and Delivery of of Various Painting Materials for the Registrar's Office
- PR-16-01-040 Supply and Delivery of Plywood and Good Lumber for the External Studies Unit
- PR-16-01-027 Supply and Delivery of Various Ingredients for the Research Project of college of Home Economics
- PR-16-01-044 Supply and Delivery of of Various Office Supplies for the CCEC
- PR-16-01-033 Supply and Delivery of Alternator for L-300 Van of Motorpool
- PR-16-01-011 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the University Board Secretary Office
- PR-16-01-006 Supply and Delivery of T-Shirt with Collar for Scholarship Office
- PR-16-01-009 Supply and Delivery of Tire for Motorpool
- PR-16-01-013 Supply and Delivery of Collared Shirt for the GRRC
- PR-16-01-021 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for CCEC
- PR-16-01-022 Supply and Delivery of Seminar Kit and Tarpaulin for the CCEC
- PR-16-01-023 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the OVPAA
- PR-16-01-024 Supply and Delivery of Water Jug with Faucet and Refill Mineral Water for the PHSI
- PR-16-01-025 Supply and Delivery of Customized Round Foldable Fan for the PHSI
- PR-16-01-026 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the Scholarship Office
- PR-16-01-031 Supply and Delivery of Meals and Snacks with Function Hall for the QMS ISO
- PR-16-01-032 Supply and Delivery of Meals and Snacks with Function Hall for the QMS ISO
Bid Bulletins:
- PR-16-05-644 Supply and Delivery of Security Paper for Transcript of Record of University Registrar’s Office
- Construction of Regional Farmers at the College of Agriculture 2
- Repair and Renovation of Executive Building for Gender and Wellness Center
- Industrial Engineering Laboratory Room for the College of Engineering and Technology
- Construction of Regional Farmers at the College of Agriculture
- Language Development Resource Center
- Construction of Plant and Animal Clinic for the College of Agriculture
- Completion of Ladies Dormitory Cum Training Center
- Ref 3672852 Supply and Delivery of Mobile Welding
Public Bidding:
- None
Direct Contracting:
- None
Emergency Cases:
- None
Contracts for Infrastructure:
- None
Notices of Awards:
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- Construction of Regional Farmers Training Center at the College of Agriculture
- Industrial Engineering Laboratory Room for the College of Engineering & Technology
- Language Development Resource Center
- Completion of Ladies Dormitory Cum Training Center
- Enhancement of the Forensic and Crime Laboratory of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- Construction of One (1) classroom Building, ESU, Tungawan
- Construction of Multi-Purpose Hall, ESU, Ipil
- Construction of Two (2) classroom Building, ESU, Clara, Naga
- Construction of Five (5) Classroom Building, ESU, Siay
Invitations to Bid:
- Janitorial Services
- Security Services
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for various Offices and Colleges
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for various Offices in Administration
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the MITHI Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus/Equipment for the Science and Technology Hub Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus/Equipment for the Science and Technology Hub Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus/Equipment for the Science and Technology Hub Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus/Equipment for the Science and Technology Hub Project
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus/Equipment for the Science and Technology Hub Project
1. Proposed Science and Technology Hub
2. Construction of Power House 2
3. Upgrading of Secondary Feeder Lines for Campus B, Lot 2
4. Repair of Admin Building – College of Agriculture and Repair/Renovation of Piggery at San Ramon Campus (Clustered)
5. Fabrication and Installation of Fire Exit at College of Nursing -
1. Construction of CSM Amphi-Theater Change into Three (3) Classroom Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building
2. Proposed Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Area
3. Renovation for diet Therapy at Ground Floor and N.D. Faculty/Department Head Room at 2nd Floor
4. Renovation & Extension of Moot Court at the College of Law
5. Renovation of Conference Hall at the College of Science and Mathematics
6. Installation & Fabrication of Gravity Tank, Renovation of Faculty Lounge and Installation of Clear Glass Partition at OR & DR for the College of Nursing
7. Repair and Renovation of Dental Clinic - Supply and Delivery of Various Medical Supplies for the Medical Clinic
- Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials for PHSI
- Supply and Delivery of of Ordinary Plywood for the College of Home Economics
- Supply and Delivery of Various Coco Lumber for the PHSI
Public Bidding:
- None
Direct Contracting:
- None
Emergency Cases:
Contracts for Infrastructure:
- Fabrication & Installation of Fire Exit at the College of Nursi
- Continuation of CCJE Building & Painting
- Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3) Classroom V
- Proposed Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Area
- Construction of Power House 2
- Power Rehabilitation & Construction of Power House & Replacement
- Proposed Science & Technology Hub
- Renovation & Extension of Moot Court at the College of Law
- Renovation of Conference Hall at the College of Science & Mathe
- Continuation of CCJE Building
- Refurbishing of Ceiling Structural Painting & Electrical Rewiri
- Renovation of Comfort Rooms at the Library Building Ground Floo
Notices of Awards:
- Ref#3383031 Supply & Delivery of Various Books for Main Library
- Ref#3383031 Supply & Delivery of Various Books for Main Library
- Ref#3290434 Supply & Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Vari
- Ref#3290403 Supply & Delivery of of Various IT Equipment for MI
- Ref#3290445 Supply & Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Vario
- Ref#3290445 Supply & Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Vari
- Ref#3273101 Supply & Delivery of Various Home Economics Lab Equ
- Ref#3333176 Supply & Delivery of Aircondition Unit for Variou
- Ref#3376286 Supply & Delivery of 7 Unit Airconditioner for CHE
- REf#3381985 Supply & Delivery of Parchment Paper for Registrar
- Ref#3409482 Supply & Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Th
- Ref#3290445 Supply & Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Vario
- Ref#3273106 Supply & Delivery of Various Computer Lab Equipment
- Ref#3306162 Supply & Delivery of Various College P.E. Uniforms
- Ref#3306110 Supply & Delivery of Various High School P.E. Unif
- REf#3356397 Supply & Delivery of Junior Executive Chairs for Va
- Ref#3233316 Supply & Delivery of Various Office Equipment for 0001
- Ref#3214724 Supply & Delivery of Various Office Equipment for J
- Ref#3356289 Supply & Delivery of Various ID Printing Materials
- Fabrication & Installation of Fire Exit at the College of Nursi
- Construction of Power House 2
- Proposed Science & Technology Hub
- Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3) Classroom V
- Renovation of Conference Hall at the College of Science & Math
- Repair of Ceiling & Repainting of CET Building
- Continuation of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) Building & Pa
- Refurbishing of Ceiling-Structural Painting & Electrical Rewiring at CAIS Building
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- Fabrication & Installation of Fire Exit at the College of Nursi
- Construction of Power House 2
- Proposed Science & Technology Hub
- Renovation of Conference Hall at the College of Science & Mathe
- Construction of CSM Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3) Classro
- Refurbishing of Ceiling-Structural Painting and electrical Rewi
- Continuation of College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) Bu
- Repair of Ceiling & Repainting of CET Building
Invitations to Bid:
- Supply and Delivery of Bench Lathe Machine and Boiler and Mini Steam Turbine for the College of Engineering and Technology (CET)
- Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Tools and Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus/Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Electrical and Mechanical Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the College of Forestry and Environmental Studies (CFES)
- Supply and Delivery of Farm Machinery Tools and Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- Sale of Livestock
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Generator Set for the Physical Plant and College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Farm Tractor and Trailer for the College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Equipment &Apparatus for the College of Agriculture
- Mass Training of DepEd Teachers for Grade 9 in the K to 12 Basic Education Program
Bid Bulletins:
- Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the College of Engineering and Technology (CET)
- Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Farm Tractor and Trailer for the College of Agriculture
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Generator Sets for the Physical Plant and College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Various of Laboratory Chemicals and Apparatus for College of Science and Mathematics, Updated 6/16/2014 3:10PM
- Supply and Delivery of Sala Set - Sofa Set with Ottoman for University Library
- Supply and Delivery of OPP PE/FOIL for College of Agriculture
- Supply and Delivery of Ultrabook for the Office of the President
- Supply and Delivery of Various of Cartridges and Continuous Paper for Supply Office
- Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment for Various Offices and Colleges
- Supply and Delivery of Computer Units for College of Social Sciences
Public Bidding:
- P.R. No. 085-14: Supply and Delivery of IT Equiment for University Board Secretary
- P.R. No. 070-14 : Supply and Delivery of Various of IT Equipment for College of Nursing (REF # 2530084)
- P.R. No. 382-B-13: Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Various Admin Offices (REF # 2530084)
- P.R. No. 382-B-13: Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for Various Administration Offices (Ref # 2530084)
- P.R. No. 554-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials and Equipment (Ref # 2517253)
- P.R. No. 577-14, 583-13, 584-: REF # 2478002 P0 36
- P.R. No. 382-A-13: Supply and delivery of 24 Port Network Switch D-Link for the Office of the President (REF # 2497288)
- P.R. No. 176-13: Supply and delivery of IT equipment for the various RDE offices (REF # 2429712)
- P.R. No. 378-13: Supply and delivery of Printer Epson L210 for the Auxiliary Office (REF # 2434498)
Direct Contracting:
- P.R. No. 52-14: PO 128
- P.R. No. 215-14: PO 150
- P.R. No. 203-14: Supply and Delivery of Toner for Registrar's Office
- P.R. No. 170-14: Supply and Delivery of Cartridge Black MP C2550 for University Press
- P.R. No. 098-14: Supply and Delivery of Kyocera Toner for BAC
- P.R. No. 073-14: Supply and Delivery of Food and Accomodation for CPD
- P.R. No. 077-14: Supply and Delivery of TK-135, KM-2810 (Kyocera) Toner for ILS Elementary
- P.R. No. 075-14: Supply and Delivery of Various of Newspapers for University Library
- P.R. No. 053-14: Supply and Delivery of Kyocera Cartridge Toner for CSM
- P.R. No. 049-14: Supply and Delivery of Kyocera Toner for VP Academic Affairs
- P.R. No. 055-14: Supply and delivery of Maintenance Kit-410 for the Testing and Evaluation Center
- P.R. No. 333-13: Supply and Delivery of Criminology Books for CCJE
Emergency Cases:
- None
Contracts for Infrastructure:
- None
Notices of Awards:
- None
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
Invitations to Bid:
- Enhancement of Laboratories Facilities for the College of Agriculture and Agro-Forestry
- Laboratory Apparatus Equipment for the Enhancement of Agriculture and Agro Forestry Laboratory
- Supply and delivery of heavy duty printer for the Registrar’s Office
- Supply and Delivery of Various Meat Products for Univ. Food Service
- Supply and Delivery of Rice for Univ. Food Sevice
- Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Grocery Items for University Food Service
- Supply and Delivery of Various Grocery Items and Materials for the Food Services Center
- Supply and Delivery of Rice for the Univ. Food Serives Center
- Supply and Delivery of Various Chicken Meat Products for the Food Service Center
- Supply and Delivery of Various Beef Meat Products for the Food Services Center
- Supply and Delivery of LPG for the Food Services Center
- Supply and Delivery of Various Meat Products for University Food Service
- Supply and delivery of Accommodation for the participants of DepEdK-12 Trainings
- Supply and delivery of various supplies and materials for the DepEdK-12 Trainings
- Supply and Delivery of Rice for University Food Service
- Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Grocery Items for University Food Service
- Supply and Delivery of CCTV Camera and Computer Set for the CSM
- Renovation, Improvement, Enhancement for Biology, Physics and Chemistry Laboratories for the CSM
- Supply , Delivery and Installation of Laboratory Equipment and Facility for CSM
- Supply and delivery of various medals and medallions for the Office of the Student Affairs
- Supply and delivery of various IT Equipment for MISTO
Bid Bulletins:
Public Bidding:
- P.R. No. 556-13: Supply and Delivery of Computer System Desktop and Handheld Radio for Various Office (Ref # 2501243)
- P.R. No. 564-13: Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the CCH (REF # 2501231)
- P.R. No. 323-13, 324-13-E-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Apparatus
- P.R. No. 327-13: Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- P.R. No. 236-13, 336-C-13: Supply and Delivery of Horticulture Tools for the College of Agriculture
- P.R. No. 336-G-13: Supply and Delivery of Engineering Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- P.R. No. 226-13: Supply and delivery of Computer Monitor (LED) for the Office of the VP-Academic Affairs (REF # 2320867)
- P.R. No. 121-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Office Equipment for CSM
- P.R. No. 191-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for Academic
- P.R. No. 228-A-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for CN
- P.R. No. 450-13: Supply and Delivery of Executive Chair for College of Law
- P.R. No. 448-13: Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for RUPID
- P.R. No. 190-13: Supply and delivery of Lobo Kit and Lighted Magnifier with Arm for CCJE
- P.R. No. 430-13: Supply and delivery of Desktop Computer for Administrration Office
- P.R. No. 377-13: WMSU Certificate of Registration
- P.R. No. 345-13: Supply and delivery of Kyocera Digital Copier for OP, Physical Plant, Budget
- P.R. No. 190-A-13: Supply and Delivery of DSLRCamera
- P.R. No. 142-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for various offices in Administration
- P.R. No. 233-B-13: Supply and delivery of various materials for CSM
- P.R. No. 233-B-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for CSM
- P.R. No. 388-13: Supply and delivery of Aircondition for College of Law and Guidance Office
- P.R. No. 390-13: Supply and Delivery of Fax Machine and LCD Projector
- P.R. No. 444-B-13: Supply and delivery of athletic medals for WMSU Intramurals 2013
- P.R. No. 228-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for Research Department
- P.R. No. 307-13: Supply and delivery of various office equipment for Administration
- P.R. No. 343-C-13: Supply and delivery of P.E. Uniform for Elementary
- P.R. No. 343-A-13: Supply and delivery of P.E. Uniform for College
- P.R. No. 343-B-13: Supply and delivery of P.E. Uniform for High School
- P.R. No. 346-13: Supply and delivery of Shredder for TEC Office
- P.R. No. 348-13: Supply and delivery of Shredder for TEC Office
- P.R. No. 304-13: Supply and delivery of Monoblock Chair for the CSS
- P.R. No. 233-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Academic Offices
- P.R. No. 260-13: Supply and delivery of airconditioner unit for OP and Accounting
- P.R. No. 151-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for College of Engineering
- P.R. No. 171-13: upply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for CSM
- P.R. No. 236-13: Supply and delivery of paper shredder for the Office of the President
- P.R. No. 154-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for CHE
- P.R. No. 223-13: Supply and Delivery of Printer for the Registrar's Office
- P.R. No. 270-13: Supply and delivery of monoblock chair for CSS
- P.R. No. 022-A-13: Supply and Delivery of Alcohool and Distilled Water for College of Agriculture
- P.R. No. 157-13: Supply and Delivery of Drafting Table for the College of Architecture
- P.R. No. 225-13: Supply and delivery of Aircontioner Unit for REgistrar's Office
- P.R. No. 232-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for UPRESS
- P.R. No. 269-13: Supply and Delivery of Hand Tractor for College of Agriculture
- P.R. No. 170-13: Supply and Delivery of SUV for OP
- P.R. No. 227-A-13: Supply and delivery of digital copier machine for the Accounting Office
- P.R. No. 088-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for the College of Education
- P.R. No. 105-13: Supply and delivery of various equipment for the University Library
- P.R. No. 118-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for the University Library
- P.R. No. 197-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies Nad Materials for Various Offices
- P.R. No. 022-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for College of Agriculture-Tissue Culture
- P.R. No. 174-13: Supply and delivery of various office supplies and materials for various offices (1st quarter)
- P.R. No. 138-13: Supply and delivery of various laboratory supplies and equipment for the CHE
- P.R. No. 153-13: Supply and delivery of DSLR Camera for CCH
- P.R. No. 194-13: Supply and delivery of Computer desktop with continuous printer and computer table for CCE
- P.R. No. 022-B-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the College of Agriculture
- P.R. No. 042-13: Supply and Delivery of Various Materials and Equipment for Various Offices and Colleges
- P.R. No. 231-13: Supply and delivery of various materials for UPRESS
- P.R. No. 148-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for DYNED and JEEP Office
- P.R. No. 144-13: Supply and delivery of airconditioner for MISTO Office
- P.R. No. 102-13: Supply and delivery of various supplies and materials for UPRESS Office
- P.R. No. 069-13: Supply and delivery of various IT equipment for the MISTO Office
- P.R. No. 055-13: Supply and Delivery of Passenger Vanfor CHE
- P.R. No. 066-13: Supply and Delivery of Fine Sand for CCJE
- P.R. No. 336-12: REBID-Supply and delivery of CCTV Camera System
Direct Contracting:
- P.R. No. 550-13: Supply and delivery of Parts Switch Regulator and Toner for the Bids and Awards Committee
- P.R. No. 560-13: Supply and delivery of Toner TK-1147 Kyocera for the Budget Office
- P.R. No. 542-13: Supply and delivery of toner for VP-Academic Affair's Office
- P.R. No. 527-13: Supply and delivery of toner for CHE
- P.R. No. 485-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for ILS
- P.R. No. 471-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for Registrar's Office
- P.R. No. 007-13: Supply and Delivery of Multimedia Projector for CSM and CPADS
- P.R. No. 452-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for Supply and BAC Office
- P.R. No. 453-13: Supply and delivery of toner for Accounting Office
- P.R. No. 435-13: Supply and delivery of print cartridge for UPRESS
- P.R. No. 432-13: Supply and delivery of Riso materials for the University Press
- P.R. No. 373-13: Supply and delivery of CET Scannable Answer Sheet for TEC Office
- P.R. No. 416-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for ILS Elementary
- P.R. No. 386-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for CSM
- P.R. No. 331-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for Public Affair's Office
- P.R. No. 328-13: Supply and delivery of toner for College of Education
- P.R. No. 091-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for UPRESS
- P.R. No. 219-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for Registrar's Office
- P.R. No. 221-13: Supply and delivery of Various toner for Registrar
- P.R. No. 276-13: Supply and delivery of toner for ILS Elementary
- P.R. No. 212-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for Records and Archives Office
- P.R. No. 092-13: Supply and delivery of riso ink for UPRESS
- P.R. No. 208-13: Supply and delivery of toner for CCE
- P.R. No. 021-13: Supply and Delivery of Print Cartridge for Registrar's Office
- P.R. No. 068-13: Supply and delivery of spare parts for TEC Office
- P.R. No. 067-13: Supply and Delivery of Kyocera Spare Parts for Supply Office
- P.R. No. 024-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for Registrar's Office
- P.R. No. 112-13: Supply ande delivery of Accountable form for Cashier's Office
- P.R. No. 111-13: Supply and delivery of Accountable form for Cashier's Office
- P.R. No. 080-13: Supply and delivery of toner for ILS-Elementary School
- P.R. No. 084-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for BAC Office
- P.R. No. 041-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for College of Home Economics
- P.R. No. 048-13: Supply and delivery of toner for CSM
- P.R. No. 046-13: Supply and Delivery of Toner for College of Nursing
Emergency Cases:
- None
Contracts for Infrastructure:
- None
Notices of Awards:
- Repair and Renovation of College of Education
- Concreting of Road Network -Admin Building to Tissue Culture Building at San Ramon Campus
- Repair and Renovation of the Gymnasium
- Repair and Renovation of Law Auditorium
- Repair and Renovation of Dean's Office and Library at the College of Social Works
- Repair and Renovation of Male & Female Dormitory in the College of Agriculture
- Repair and Renovation of Comfort Rooms below Overpass
- Repair and Renovation of MISTO Office
- Suppy/Delivery and Installation of Biology and Chemistry Laboratory Furniture
- Renovation, Improvement, Enhancement of the College of Science
- Repair and Renovation of University Kiosk to House the Admissions Office, Scholarship Office and MISTO
- Construction of Septic Tank
- Repair of Roofing,Ceiling
- Repair of Parking Lot
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- Repair and Renovation of University Kiosk to House the Admissions Office, Scholarship Office and MISTO
- Renovation, Improvement, Enhancement of the College of Science Laboratories
- Repair and Renovation of Old Engineering Building
- Construction of Septic Tank and Plumbing System at High School Food Court
- Repair of Roofing, Ceiling and Repainting of Interior, Exterior Walls at the University New Library
- Repair of Parking Lot
- Repair and Renovation of Highschool Building and Concreting of Pathway
- Repair and Renovation of College of Forestry Bldg.
- Repair and Renovation of Administration Building
- Repair and Renovation of College of Nursing Annex and Expansion of Main Campus Food Court
- Construction of Two-storey CSM Lecture Room and Comfort Room (Phase 2)
- Construction of Gate I and Security Services Office and Guard House
- Repair and Renovation of ILS Elementary Department Building
- Concreting of Road Networks in CA campus (Phase 2)
Invitations to Bid:
- None
Bid Bulletins:
- None
Public Bidding:
- None
Direct Contracting:
Emergency Cases:
- None
Contracts for Infrastructure:
- Repair and Renovation of College of Nursing Annex and Expansion of Main Campus Food Court
- Construction of Two-storey CSM Lecture Room and Comfort Room (Phase II)
- Repair and Renovation of ILS Elementary Department Building
- Repair and Renovation of Old Engineering Building
- Construction of Gate I and Security Services Office and Guard House
- Repair and Renovation of Administration Building
- Repair and Renovation of College of Forestry Bldg.
- Repair and Renovation of Highschool Building and Concreting of Pathway
Notices of Awards:
- Construction of College of Social Sciences Building
- Repair and Renovation of ILS Elementary Department Building
- Repair and Renovation of Administration Building
- Repair and Renovation of College of Forestry Bldg.
- Repair and Renovation of Old Boys Dormitory to classroom
- Repair and Renovation of College of Nursing Annex and Expansion of Main Campus Food Court
- Construction of Two-storey CSM Lecture Room and Comfort Room (Phase 2)
- Construction of Gate I and Security Services Office and Guard House
- Concreting of Road Networks in CA campus (Phase 2)
- Renovation of University Records and Archives Office
- Janitorial Services
- Security Services
- Major Repair of Social Hall (CED)
- Upgrading of Transformer Substation 1 to 3 units of 167 KVA
- Construction of Two-storey CSM Lecture Room and Comfort Room for Male and Female
- Concreting of Road Networks
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- Repair and Renovation of Old Engineering Building
- Upgrading of Transformer Substation 1 to 3 units of 167 KVA
- Repair and Renovation of Old Boys Dormitory to classroom
- Power Rehabilitation of Lot 1 and Lot 2
- Construction of Two-storey CSM Lecture Room (Phase 1) and Proposed comfort Room for Male and Female (cluster)
- Concreting of Road Networks in CA campus (Phase 1)
- Construction of College of Social Sciences Building