College of Liberal Arts

First organized in 1972 as the Institute of Arts and Scienes, the College of Liberal Arts while catering to the entire university for most of the students’ General Education courses, it likewise offers Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degree programs in seven specific disciplines.



Education in the College of Liberal Arts is set to prepare the individual student in the world of work for a better wholesome quality of life. It further aims to train him as a productive citizen fully aware of his role and participation in society, globally aware of the issues and concerns which generally affect himself, his country and mankind.



- Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D.)
   Language Teaching (English)

- Master of Arts in Education (M.A.)
   Major Fields:
   English Language Studies (MAELS)

   Social Studies
   Language Teaching (English)
   Language Teaching (Filipino)


- Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
– Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies
– Bachelor of Arts in
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication – Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication – Broadcasting
– Bachelor of Science in Economics
– Bachelor of Science in Psychology